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Would You Want a KSP Movie to be About?


What would you like a KSP movie to be about?  

  1. 1. What would you like a KSP movie to be about?

    • Birth of the space program.
    • The Kerbals go to the Mun for the first time. Could also be about going to Minmus.
    • The Kerbals try to land on Duna or Eve.
    • The Kerbals go to Jool.
    • The Kerbals go interstellar with warp drives, possibly making contact with humans.
    • Something else, please post your idea below.

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I'd make it be about something you didn't expect...like something made Jeb sad, and the others all search the universe for something to cheer him up again...but what he really wanted, was a milkshake.

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  Robotengineer said:
I think it would be cool to have a 2001: A space odyssey type thing, with mechjeb as HAL.

Heh, never mind MJ, just pre-22 ASAS. (Or whichever version came before it was tweaked.)

"What do you think you are doing, Jeb?"

(D-D-D-D-D-D-D) "Just trying to turn RIGHT!!!"

"I can't allow that, Jeb."

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I voted for "Birth of the space program" because I always wanted to know how the Kerbals got the idea to explore space with a backstory to how did they even get to the near-space age. Off course everything in the movie would be canon to what Harvester would have imagined in his head.

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  katateochi said:
I think the birth of the space program (directed by Michael Bay) would be great. Lots of half baked ideas exploding on the launch pad, but somehow the protagonist (Jeb I'd presume) always manages to survive (got to keep it light hearted!).

I just have this image of the rocket collapsing and exploding in a giant fireball. A piece of rubble moves and Jeb steps out, puts on his Aviators and dusts himself off.

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Take the plot from "2001 A Space Odyssey" and the sequel "2010", then squish them back-to-back into a quirky KSP parody movie. It would be like the live action movies but with...

* Funnies

* Screaming Kerbals

* Things frequently going wrong

* Explosions

Imagine two Kerbals dealing with Hal? Or the EVA transfers in 2010!

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I think going to just one moon/planet wouldn't be satisfying enough. I think they would need to start on Kerbin, take an experimental spacecraft to a space station around Mun and then from there launch out to Duna. I don't know what the storyline would necessarily be but geeze now I hope a KSP movie is made someday =p

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The main characters of a KSP movie would obviously be Jeb, Bill, and Bob. Because they are the first pilots, the movie would be about the beginnings of the space program, or at most the first Mun landing. I would choose the Mun landing, because it presents a clear goal.

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  Deadweasel said:

//shameless self-plug;P

  KSK said:
Another shameless plug alert

Um, another mostly shameless plug....

  Jouni said:
The main characters of a KSP movie would obviously be Jeb, Bill, and Bob. Because they are the first pilots, the movie would be about the beginnings of the space program, or at most the first Mun landing. -snip-
  Jon Tash said:
I voted for "Birth of the space program" because I always wanted to know how the Kerbals got the idea to explore space with a backstory to how did they even get to the near-space age.-snip-.

I'm kind of writing a story like that.


Illustrating too, along with a few others.

Bit of a different take to the works of KSK, or Deadweasel. It loosely fits in to the continuity of my other stories, but it's mostly based on certain real life events.

But I think you guys can work out what...

Edited by Tw1
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I voted for interstellar meeting humans. But... there is another story:

The birth of the space program's budget: Asteroid redirect to save all of Kerbal kind!

Take the plot of Deep Impact and Kerbalize it.

Edited by michaelhester07
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So "birth of the space program" could be a nice background, but the main thrust should be zany, whacky comedy and stuff exploding. Mix a little bit of HHGTTG in there somewhere, include the accidental creation of Mechjeb while trying to think up a novel new way of making mint ice cream, and maybe you're onto something.

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  technicalfool said:
So "birth of the space program" could be a nice background, but the main thrust should be zany, whacky comedy and stuff exploding. Mix a little bit of HHGTTG in there somewhere, include the accidental creation of Mechjeb while trying to think up a novel new way of making mint ice cream, and maybe you're onto something.

As the booster tore from the vessel, imparting its protests in the form of teeth-jarring groans and other various unwanted rending sounds through the hull to the crew within, Jeb turned to Bob with a sad look and an outstretched hand.

"I know," Bob said sympathetically, taking his hand and clasping it tightly in his own while struggling to keep the tremor from his voice, "it's scary, but we'll get through this somehow."

"No!" Jeb cried, pulling his hand back from Bob's grip in obvious annoyance, "I wanted you to hand me the Kit Kats, you sop. I'm hungry, stop hogging them all!"

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I didn't have any interest in a KSP film until seeing the 'Video Wednesday" thread today (which is Thursday, by the way). Now I've decided I'd like to see a film that showed KSP players how to survive without films.

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I'm thinking a birth of the space program quickly going to Mun and Minmus landing attempts.

Set up tension between Bob and Jeb along the lines of:

Bob: "I don't like you Jeb! You're too willing to take extravagant risks!"

Jeb: "And you're a coward Bob!"

Bill: "We're supposed to be a team!"

Then we can have a segment along these lines. Bob has been sent on an easy mission to Minmus, since he's meticulous and safe. For no apparent reason, they also send Jeb to the Mun, because he's dangerous.

Stuff goes all pear shaped for Jeb. Maybe something exciting happens like this:

For some reason there just isn't enough dv to reach orbit, maybe because Jeb was reckless. Dramatic interactions with KSC, Jeb tries to push the pod to at least a Munar orbit with his jetpack. It isn't going to work. Jeb gives one last transmission saying he's going to go with just his suit. An exciting set piece of just skimming over the top of some mountains before finally getting an orbit. Marvel at space and the loneliness of it all, knowing he's going to die, and finally passing out some time later. Probably sees Minmus in the sky and says something along the lines of: "You were right Bob."

Of course, Bob's transmitter has gone on the blink on Minmus, he can receive, but not transmit, so he knows everything that's gone wrong with Jeb's mission. KSC can see that he's still OK, but are shocked when they see he has suddenly taken off from Minmus and is going for a Mun orbit.

Bill's in the command center and he's like: "My god, he's going to try to save him!"

Bob flashes his lights in Morse code to the effect of "I have to try!"

Bill: "Bob, if you can hear me, here's what you'll need to do..."

Bill aside to Gene: "Even if Bob get's to him, they won't last..."

Gene: "Failure is not an option."

Bob takes extravagant risks to make it to the Mun and rendezvous with Jeb. Dramatic scene of Bob going EVA to grab Jeb, who looks dead, but wakes up to find Bob! The radio has completely broken down by now, so they're completely out of touch, and they share the dwindling resources of the Minmus pod until Bill shows up in the knick of time in the prototype 3 man pod. Bob learns that being safe isn't all there is to this job, and Jeb learns that being dangerous is dangerous. So now we have a lovely bromance and a solid team.

Finally, we start the journey to Duna, which is all about the bigness and adventure of going to another planet, and we can end the movie with the beginning of the aerobrake at Duna. Maybe there will be portents of impending disaster. The audience will be anxiously awaiting the sequel.

This should be all totally serious, but if someone were to make a parody, you could insert something like this in the Mission Control scene:

Bill: "Bob, if you can hear me, here's what you'll need to do..."

Bob's video screen: "Hullo! Scott Manley here..."

Edited by NoPanShabuShabu
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  • 2 weeks later...

A crazy scientist from Kerbin's equivalent to Russia wants to relive the glory days of his country's old space program. He lives alone in the woods, and he spends his time kidnapping male Kerbals who happen to go camping in that particular area. Then - through crude and improvised surgery - he joins them together by a very particular part of their bodies, connecting them to form a complex "space station" of his own design, where flies trapped underneath the external protective tissues serve as its crew.

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