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What do you usually write on flags?


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Huh. I just realized I have no idea how to actually view the plaques. How do I do that? Looking through my persistence file…

Name: First Landing

"Here Kerbalkind first set foot upon the Mun... and it was sort of soft and squishy. But dry."

Name: Conyon Scientific Station (OK, so Bill can't spell, but he can land!)

"2nd landing, first deployed AMSEP (Alice Munar Surface Experiment Package). Magnificent Desolation."

Name: Desolation Point

"Site of Jeb's crash-landing of Alicia 4. If I'm lucky, it will also be the site of a rescue."

Name: Midland Crater AMSEP

"A rather more elaborate AMSEP"

Name: Duna Landing

"Here Kerbalkind first set foot upon the... hey, that's a pretty rock over there... I wonder what's over that hill…"

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I usually write some funny variation on famous spacey quotes.

(First Mun landing) "One small Step for a Kerbal. A really small step, their legs are tiny."

(Second Mun Landing) "One Small Step for a Kerbal, not much of a leap for kerbal-kind seeing as someone totally did this already."

"We choose to got to the Mun, not because it is is easy, but because everything else is harder"

"They came in peace for all Kerbal Kind, except for Bill who wanted to kick an alien in the balls"


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  Fingal said:
On Mun & Minimus I always write the biome on it so I can double check if I've been there or not, it's very helpful in the early stages of a career game.

I do this for the title too, it might be a bit boring but it's really useful. Sometimes I add some random remark for the plaque text. If the landing was note worthy I put which craft it was in. Whenever I try to think up of something deep and meaningful I get nothing, I spent so long trying to think of something to write on the last flag planted for my aircraft only career, eventually I just kerbalized some Linkin Park lyrics.

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Trivia: One of the very first things I did on the first day of my current Career save was stick a flag in the middle of the space center labeled "KSC: This flag marks the location of the Kerbal Space Center".

Why? So that I could see where KSC was even on the dark side of the planet. After planting it I also used the Tracking Station to reclass it as a base for easy identification (KSC is kind of a base, isn't it?).

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I use them to mark craters on Mun I already visited, as a form of ILS to find the KSC airstrip more easily and for the screenshot of any "meaningful" landing (be it for my KSP career or the Kerbals in my current save :wink: ) - I tend to only fill in a headline describing the occasion and nothing else, and they usually get deleted after some time ...

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  parameciumkid said:
Trivia: One of the very first things I did on the first day of my current Career save was stick a flag in the middle of the space center labeled "KSC: This flag marks the location of the Kerbal Space Center".

Why? So that I could see where KSC was even on the dark side of the planet. After planting it I also used the Tracking Station to reclass it as a base for easy identification (KSC is kind of a base, isn't it?).

Smart ! I'm totally stealing that idea.

My flags are titled with useful stuff that will make sense in the Tracking station, like "Mun Rover Expedition Landing / Site / departure #", but the text is usually something like "We had picnic here" or "Lovely view from here !".

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I usually write ranting praises, taking inspiration in plaques and marble slabs I find around... my first Muning sounds like:

Propulsi dalla Forza della Scienza

e forti di incrollabile stupidità

in questo luogo

i kerbiani mossero i primi passi

vero l'infinito spazio

coi vitreo sguardo rivolto al futuro

("Propelled by the Force of Science

and made strong by their utter stupidity

in this very place

kerbals moved their first steps

towards the infinity of space

gazing at the future with an empty-looking stare", more or less, but sounds very classical and pompous)

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1st munar landing reads just that: 1st munar landing. I think I wrote something else that sorta sounded deep and memorable but I forgot what (oh the irony!).

1st minmus landing: keep on going.

1st Duna landing: On the shoulders of giants, we reach for the stars.

1st Ike landing: On the ... collarbone of giants? I don't know, what else is close to the shoulders?

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I either use flags to mark biomes (where it is possible) or I just write stupid puns ("The Ike Hiker landed here","Landing on Gilly is silly", "There's now a flag on Dres",...)

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"My rocket has fallen over. Please help.

Also, we came in peace for all Kerb-kind, and stuff."

-Dunbas Kerman on Duna.

"Apparently, these rockets aren't being made right.

I'm stuck here too now. Help."

-Neldred Kerman, 1500 meters from Dunbas

"I need a sweater. The KSC said that they would pack everything.

They didn't pack a sweater.

Please, guys! I'm really freezing up here!"

-Lansel Kerman, returning to Kerbin near the North Pole after a Mun landing.

"I claim this ground in the name of England!

(takes soil sample)"

-Bob Kerman, somewhere in the badlands


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I document which mission (and sometimes the crew of the mission), what science, and mistakes. e.g.:

Phoebus 3 landing site: Collected sample, goo, materials, EVA, and crew report from Northwest Crater. Note to self: Next time don't mount rover under engine. Had to leave it in orbit as a result.

Or, if a Kerbal dies:

Joeke Kerman: Here lies Joeke Kerman. He died in an EVA jet pack malfunction during Phoebus 2. He is missed by his crew: Bob and Chuck Kerman.

Edited by Russoft
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  Sirrobert said:
I don't place flags, because I think it's very annoying that they always sit there in my list of active flights.

I'll probably start using flags when we can modify that permanently

Click the flags button in the map view or tracking station to filter them out?

Also I tend to name the flags after the biomes they land in or the anomaly I'm flagging. With the DarkMultiPlayer mod, I'll usually add a description of "Technicalfool wuz 'ere".

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  • 1 year later...

I normally put the following code in there:

Planet, Biome,  ...th landing (on body), ...th mission, ...th craft built in ... test runs polished for [Kerbal] to plant this flag on [IRL Y-D-M date]


Minmus, Greater Flats, 1st landing, 5th mission, 7th craft built in 5 test runs polished for Jebediah "Jeb" Kerman to plant this flag on 2016-04-22

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On Kerbin, I always place a flag at the end of the runway, saying "End of Runway". It can be used for targeting my landing from half a planet away. When I'm screaming down from orbit, it's handy to check the distance to that flag.

Elsewhere on Kerbin, I place flags at biome intersections where I may want to return. Those flags give a heading and altitude for landing a jet.

Elsewhere, the flags that I post for useful purposes have the biome, altitude, and the flatness of the surrounding terrain.

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Rama 4 Landing Site


Here Jebediah, Bill and Bob Kerman first set foot upon the Mun.  They came in peace, and curiousity, and reckless enthusiasm.


Mun Base 1


"We're going back to the Mun - not just to visit, but to stay.  To build, to learn, and to prepare for the next great leap outward." -- Jebediah Kerman


Armstrong Memorial


In the shadow of the monument left by his people, we raise our own to honor one who came before.


Site K  [Bop Anomaly]




and two planted near the Face on Duna:
The Long Way Around


Tre Kerman, Henway Kerman and Lanbert Kerman drove here (via the South Pole) to see what all the face, er, fuss was about.


Famous Face


Lenrick, Wilrey, Donfel and Joecott Kerman of the Second Duna Expedition brought special equipment to examine the Face - one of the most studied and talked about in the whole system (more than some celebrities).


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