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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Does this mod work with 64bit?. I try to run and it crash. Then I relace ActiveTextureManagement x64 to x86 and try to run KSP 32bit, still crash:(

Here is crash log 64bit


output log


crash log 32bit


Looks like that you're running out of memory. How much RAM do you have in total?

Also, do not use 64-bit.

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Just so you know, I have no block d what so ever and I'm throwing away many many tons of fuel when I discard blocks v and g (stages 3 and 4)...

^^ That was last night, this morning I decided to do this:



A "Blok D" cobbled together from stock and TurboNisu parts.

However, I still don't *need* it to get to the MÂÂÂÂün...

Edited by tg626
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Looks like that you're running out of memory. How much RAM do you have in total?

Also, do not use 64-bit.

12GB in total. it crash even in 32bit. This is my mods list. I'm sure crash have something to do with this mod, because without this mod KSP run totally file, just take around 30 sec to loading into a main menu.


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12GB in total. it crash even in 32bit. This is my mods list. I'm sure crash have something to do with this mod, because without this mod KSP run totally file, just take around 30 sec to loading into a main menu.


KSO alone is a solid guarantee that you'll experience RAM shortage sooner or later.

When paired with KW, it's a total guarantee.

Also, update your mods and delete deprecated MM .dlls.

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KSO alone is a solid guarantee that you'll experience RAM shortage sooner or later.

When paired with KW, it's a total guarantee.

Also, update your mods and delete deprecated MM .dlls.

All of mods already up to date for 0.90. I deleted 2 old MM. dll. Still crash:(. Any other suggesting?

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All of mods already up to date for 0.90. I deleted 2 old MM. dll. Still crash:(. Any other suggesting?

ATM will build quite a large cache for Tantares, I've had quite a lot of crashing the first time is loaded.

But, since then no crashing.

But, I doubt this is an ATM issue.

I'm sorry, not so sure for this issue, it's unfortunate.

Just so you know, I have no block d what so ever and I'm throwing away many many tons of fuel when I discard blocks v and g (stages 3 and 4)...

^^ That was last night, this morning I decided to do this:



A "Blok D" cobbled together from stock and TurboNisu parts.

However, I still don't *need* it to get to the MÂÂÂÂün...

Very nice, looks the real deal!

Beale, as a fond Orbiter player, I know the add-on used in that video and I will give you a link to it's files. You can use the meshes there as ref material.


Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

Thanks, I've taken a look at the models, they're nice, but a bit strange shape.

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64bit on Windows is an unstable mess (so much so that Squad are giving up on it with 1.0 until Unity sort their crap out) so random crashes are expected.

The chances of getting KSO, KW, FASA and Tantares working together on 32bit are slim to none, its a simple memory issue. Also I'm vaguely sure that half the plugins KSO relies on have no official compatibility with 64bit anyway.

Additionally, if your mods were fully updated you wouldn't have a BoulderCo folder any longer as the latest ATM versions don't use it.

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All of mods already up to date for 0.90. I deleted 2 old MM. dll. Still crash:(. Any other suggesting?

1) Delete KSO, install Tantares and see if the game loads. If yes - you have a RAM shortage.

2) Launch the game in OpenGL mode. It should help (it would load, at least. It will crash eventually due to memory leaks, of course)

3) Wild guess from looking at your logs - are you using Intel "videocard" as yor GPU? Try to increase the amount of memory available to GPU (via BIOS)

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12GB in total. it crash even in 32bit. This is my mods list. I'm sure crash have something to do with this mod, because without this mod KSP run totally file, just take around 30 sec to loading into a main menu.


No wonder you're crashing. Regolith, KW, JSI, FASA, KSO??? I'm surprised you can run it at all. Tantares is small potatoes compared to any of those mods. Tantares doesn't have any dependencies and is the most texture efficient I've seen, so it's extremely lightweight. Tantares isn't the problem. If I were you, I'd eliminate JSI, and possibly KSO. They're great, but not worth the memory usage at the moment.

Also, as biohazard15 said, -forceopengl in steam and clean up and update your ModuleManager files.

Also, don't run 64bit.

Edited by curtquarquesso
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Yeah,a BoulderCo folder come from EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-7-4. I'm still using Astronomer's Visual Pack - Edge of Oblivion. Beside that all other mods are up to date.

So I delete KSO, KWrocketry and try run KSP 32bit. It take 15 minute to loading ,I guess ActiveTextureManagement is compressing texture. Then it crash, never make it into main menu:(.

I'm using GTX 756m. But it normal when a games recognized it like intel hd graphics card because nvidia optimus thing...

FASA is only tower clamp, and KSO is only space shuttle and station, no other stuff. I can run it all in 32bit with ActiveTextureManagement Aggressive. don't know what mod JSI come from @@.

Edited by protonv
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Yeah,a BoulderCo folder come from EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-7-4. I'm still using Astronomer's Visual Pack - Edge of Oblivion. Beside that all other mods are up to date.

So I delete KSO, KWrocketry and try run KSP 32bit. It take 15 minute to loading ,I guess ActiveTextureManagement is compressing texture. Then it crash, never make it into main menu:(.

I'm using GTX 756m. But it normal when a games recognized it like intel hd graphics card because nvidia optimus thing...

FASA is only tower clamp, and KSO is only space shuttle and station, no other stuff. I can run it all in 32bit with ActiveTextureManagement Aggressive. don't know what mod JSI come from @@.

It's a painful procedure, but a fresh install of ATM may be good. Maybe.

But will it change only the SM, or the CM and OM too?

It will change everything. This is the limiting factor of using the shared textures.

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Yeah,a BoulderCo folder come from EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-7-4. I'm still using Astronomer's Visual Pack - Edge of Oblivion. Beside that all other mods are up to date.

So I delete KSO, KWrocketry and try run KSP 32bit. It take 15 minute to loading ,I guess ActiveTextureManagement is compressing texture. Then it crash, never make it into main menu:(.

I'm using GTX 756m. But it normal when a games recognized it like intel hd graphics card because nvidia optimus thing...

FASA is only tower clamp, and KSO is only space shuttle and station, no other stuff. I can run it all in 32bit with ActiveTextureManagement Aggressive. don't know what mod JSI come from @@.

JSI comes bundled with KSO I believe. Don't worry about your specs, because they have little to do with the game's performance. It's unity's memory limitations that cause the problem. Delete KSO, KW, and possibly go without EVE, and you should get MUCH better performance. For additional help, try the add-on support forum. You could be getting much better help over there, seeing as the issue isn't Tantares related.

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JSI comes bundled with KSO I believe. Don't worry about your specs, because they have little to do with the game's performance. It's unity's memory limitations that cause the problem. Delete KSO, KW, and possibly go without EVE, and you should get MUCH better performance. For additional help, try the add-on support forum. You could be getting much better help over there, seeing as the issue isn't Tantares related.

Just install new fresh KSP and this mod and it working. But I guess I will stay with "american stuff" since this soviet stuff cause much trouble for me.it great mod, love soviet stuff. I defenitely will use this mod when find a solution for crash problem:(

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Just install new fresh KSP and this mod and it working. But I guess I will stay with "american stuff" since this soviet stuff cause much trouble for me.it great mod, love soviet stuff. I defenitely will use this mod when find a solution for crash problem:(

Sorry to hear, but I understand. We're all under the thumb of 32-bit terror. :)

I've considered switching to Linux, but since I do all development on Windows it's just not practical, so I'm stuck with 32-bit too.

Plus my Linux partition is strictly work related for my own sanity!

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Just install new fresh KSP and this mod and it working. But I guess I will stay with "american stuff" since this soviet stuff cause much trouble for me.it great mod, love soviet stuff. I defenitely will use this mod when find a solution for crash problem:(

I really think you should try a fresh install by the looks of your GameData folder. You don't have to delete everything, just copy the contents excluding SQUAD and NASA Mission to a folder named "Old Mods" or something, incase you want to revert back to that state.

Only install:

  • ActiveTextureManagement (Agressive)
  • Tantares
  • TantaresLV

This will give you a chance to demo Tantares, and decide whether or not you'll give these parts a lot of use. Then, slowly re-download all your mods, fresh from their sources. Be careful with Firespitter and ModuleManager, not all mods are packaged with the latest versions. Start out with simples, safe ones, like MechJeb, Procedural Fairings, and any low-RAM plugins. Then, once the game runs in a stable state, only add back large mods when you actually say "Hey, I need x-part from x-mod-pack, and I can't live without it..." That will help you cut out the clutter, and run the game better. I would avoid KSO, period. It's a fantastic mod, but it's RAM hungry as all get-out, and needs JSI, which is also RAM hungry. .90 is probably the most fragile build Squad has released. You're not alone in your frustration.

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It's a painful procedure, but a fresh install of ATM may be good. Maybe.

It will change everything. This is the limiting factor of using the shared textures.

Ok I understand.

BUT! now I have a new Problem:

When I install the alternative Textures, the game chrases upon entering the VAB and the output_log says:

"Failed to read file 'D:/Programme/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/sharedassets10.assets' because it is corrupted."


Has anyone got this error too?

Or has anyone this file for me in a non-corrupted state? :sticktongue:

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Sorry to hear, but I understand. We're all under the thumb of 32-bit terror. :)

I've considered switching to Linux, but since I do all development on Windows it's just not practical, so I'm stuck with 32-bit too.

Plus my Linux partition is strictly work related for my own sanity!

Not all of us, those who have zhe shtereotypical Gherman shpirit in them delete every_single_part they do not like :cool:

I think that 80% of the SQUAD folder doesn't survive longer than 5 minutes after installation on my PC :P

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Not all of us, those who have zhe shtereotypical Gherman shpirit in them delete every_single_part they do not like :cool:

I think that 80% of the SQUAD folder doesn't survive longer than 5 minutes after installation on my PC :P

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who does that! :)

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"Failed to read file 'D:/Programme/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/sharedassets10.assets' because it is corrupted."


Has anyone got this error too?

Or has anyone this file for me in a non-corrupted state? :sticktongue:

Did you ever try to alter the sunflare?

Also, are the alt textures included in the newest download?

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Beale, I believe you challenged someone to do this.


It's beautiful!


*Cackles* Forget those floodlight experiments I did a while back, this is the stuff!


Words cannot express how surprised I was at the lack of explosions up to this point.


Eat your heart out, Beale!! :cool:


Here's the Block A's final orbit.


Is there anything that the Loaf hasn't been photoshopped on?

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Hallo, for those who want KSOS to work with Tantares in 32bit. Please do this.

1. Install ATM

2. Install KSOS

3. Install Tantares & TantaresLV

4. Open KSP

5. Go to settings

6. Set texture quality to Half Res

7. Change Render settings from "Fantastic" to "Beautiful"

8. Install TextureReplacer without any modifications.

9. Do a docking between a KSOS and a Tantares.

Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

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Not all of us, those who have zhe shtereotypical Gherman shpirit in them delete every_single_part they do not like :cool:

I think that 80% of the SQUAD folder doesn't survive longer than 5 minutes after installation on my PC :P

That... Works?

Did you ever try to alter the sunflare?

Also, are the alt textures included in the newest download?

Yep, they are inc. :)

Beale, I believe you challenged someone to do this.


It's beautiful!


*Cackles* Forget those floodlight experiments I did a while back, this is the stuff!


Words cannot express how surprised I was at the lack of explosions up to this point.


Eat your heart out, Beale!! :cool:


Here's the Block A's final orbit.


Is there anything that the Loaf hasn't been photoshopped on?


I'll have to work your name into a description or texture somewhere...

An impressive mission absolutely!

The launcher is pretty much all stock from the looks of it too, that's real cool.

Edited by Beale
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I'll have to work your name into a description or texture somewhere...

An impressive mission absolutely!

The launcher is pretty much all stock from the looks of it too, that's real cool.

Thanks! The launcher is stock. I set myself limits of only using Tantares and Stock. MechJeb was there, but I only used it for info during the launch. I flew the stack to orbit manually.

Now that I have completed this challenge, I challenge someone to fly an entire N1 to orbit in a single launch. Block A, B, and V are all I'm talking about, Block G, D, and LOK/LK are optional.

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