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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Is it possible to get a 6.4k config for the launchers? They seem to be just off having enough oomph to get into orbit. I could probably change values myself, but I'm not sure what values to change :D

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  MrMeeb said:
Is it possible to get a 6.4k config for the launchers? They seem to be just off having enough oomph to get into orbit. I could probably change values myself, but I'm not sure what values to change :D

I had this issue with the proton. I found that copying over some of the values from the old proton worked wonders, though there was one change that would have made a stage heavier, and I didn't do that.

I could probably upload the config in a few days if you don't want to edit it yourself.

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  billbobjebkirk said:
I had this issue with the proton. I found that copying over some of the values from the old proton worked wonders, though there was one change that would have made a stage heavier, and I didn't do that.

I could probably upload the config in a few days if you don't want to edit it yourself.

Sounds awesome. I'd appreciate it! Thanks man :D

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  Stealthyboy said:

Beale has had a lot of requests for the HTV, just because he's already done Cygnus, and ATV, but I don't think it's in his plans for the future at the moment.

My bet is, that HTV could be recreated using the ATV propulsion module, the TKS cargo bay, and the TKS 1.875m MP tank. Perhaps a decent fix would be an alternate gold-foil texture for some of those parts. I know that Beale makes all of his textures available in the repository, and he already has a foil texture out that he used on the LEM base. Maybe someone could throw together a quick re-texture?

  Niemand303 said:
I think one part gets really underapreciated but can provide a lot of fun. And this part is so awesome it propulsed my first mission to Eeloo I've ever pulled in my life and my first Kerbol SOI leaving. I love the Castor engine. :)

Probe itsels had 5 km/s dV, and no MechJeb for setting nodes (it is awful at interplanetary transfers, it proposed an 8 km/s burn instead of mine 5km/s three part burn with spare dV to leave Kerbol system).


What a neat mission! Haven't seen the Castor utilized very much!

Also, thanks Beale for the "Drakon" shoutout. Yes! There is a Tantares Dragon recreation available! Feedback on it would be much appreciated. I've been away from KSP for a while due to school. I'm contemplating waiting on working on the .crafts until after (1.0) comes out. I know I'll likely have to revisit everything anyways after the aero overhaul. :P

I don't know how I feel about the 2-seat vs 3-seat Soyuz debate. On the one hand, I really like authenticity, but given that Beale's Soyuz is 1.25m, and Kerbals need a little leg-room, it just doesn't seem feasible. This seems to be a scale issue, not so much an issue of balance. Lucius hit the nail on the head. It's the Tantares, not the Soyuz, like many of us often forget.

Beale, something to think about for the future. I'm a huge fan of TweakScale. When I'm building, especially for accuracy, I really like the scales of things to work out nicely. In the future, could we get TweakScale .configs for a lot of parts? "docking probes, tanks, capsules?" It'd probably cut back on the number of part requests you get, simply because crafting vessels would get that much easier, and you greatly increase the number of parts you can work with. Procedural Parts and scaleable parts have become extremely popular, mainly due to the memory restrictions of the game, and in part due to catalog clutter. This might be an addition that should wait for (1.0) due to balance issues, but it's something to think about.

I may ask this over at the TweakScale thread, but does anyone know how to create these configs, and what's entailed in that? (Difficult, tedious, easy, annoying?)

Edited by curtquarquesso
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  curtquarquesso said:

I may ask this over at the TweakScale thread, but does anyone know how to create these configs, and what's entailed in that? (Difficult, tedious, easy, annoying?)

OOOO good someone else may touch this, fantastic i was considering going over all the tweakscale configs myself but, its tedious for certain, wasn't relishing the idea.

BASICALLY tweakscale configs are remarkably easy. There's one already packaged with Tantares to study, but basically, for fuel tanks its remarkably easy:

You input the name of the part, and the size it currently is. I think with the way his freescale is set up now, thats literally all you'll need to do.

For novelty parts like antennae, i *think* you could just call them a "surface" part and let them scale freely. Shouldnt really affect any of their other stats.

They're fairly simple but for the number of parts in Tantares (something over 100 now?) its just a bit time consuming. Might consider just putting in a night and cranking it out to your preference

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  Lucius said:
OOOO good someone else may touch this, fantastic i was considering going over all the tweakscale configs myself but, its tedious for certain, wasn't relishing the idea.

BASICALLY tweakscale configs are remarkably easy. There's one already packaged with Tantares to study, but basically, for fuel tanks its remarkably easy:

You input the name of the part, and the size it currently is. I think with the way his freescale is set up now, thats literally all you'll need to do.

For novelty parts like antennae, i *think* you could just call them a "surface" part and let them scale freely. Shouldnt really affect any of their other stats.

They're fairly simple but for the number of parts in Tantares (something over 100 now?) its just a bit time consuming. Might consider just putting in a night and cranking it out to your preference

Yeah! I just feel like it'd solve a lot of problems. For one, people would stop asking for the size of the Pol to be increased to 1.25m. :P It'd make scale and authenticity nuts like me really happy people. The one thing I struggle with is choosing the correct size docking port for my craft. I can never figure out what the right size is. Should the ISS CBM 1.25 or 2.5? What about the the APAS? How do I incorporate the .625m Tantares probe and drogue port to the ISS sizes? Is Tantares to small, or is stock too big? It gets really hairy sometimes. Maybe I'm just an obnoxious stickler for accuracy.

Does anyone know where to find all the diameters of all the different docking ports used in space? APAS, CBM, Russian Probe/Drogue, Hybrid?

Edited by curtquarquesso
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It's been a while since I've posted a mission here, so here is Kosmos 5, a Solar Wind sample return probe


Kosmos 5 begins its journey with a Proton launch from the Kosmodrome.


Orbital Insertion with Proton's third stage. It had to ignite one more time to place the spacecraft on a transfer orbit to it's intended altitude.


The Block D and the spacecraft on the outward cruise. The low gain anntenna, RTG booms, and RCS Booms have been extended.


Mun flyby to help get the spacecraft to the high altitude required for the mission.


20 to 30 days after launch, the Block D ignites to place the spacecraft in its final orbit, higher even than Minmus.


Separation of Block D. The probe orbits so high, that when I fired the RCS to put some distance between Kosmos 5 and the Block D, the probe reached escape velocity and I had to fire in the opposite direction to keep it in Kerbin's SOI. :D


"Collector Panels" deployed. It felt cheaty to have solar panels as the main source of power when these aren't supposed to be solar panels. I added RTGs to serve as the "main power source". The probe will orbit Kerbin for several months, collecting samples from its lofty altitude before firing its engine to come back down to Kerbin and jettison its return capsule.

I'm pretty sure NASA has done something like this before, but it was a partial failure due to the return capsule,s parachute failing to deploy.

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  taniel0401 said:

How many kerbals will the PPTS fit? just wondering :)

I think 6, or possibly 5.

It is... very spacious to say the least.

  Niemand303 said:
I think one part gets really underapreciated but can provide a lot of fun. And this part is so awesome it propulsed my first mission to Eeloo I've ever pulled in my life and my first Kerbol SOI leaving. I love the Castor engine. :)

Probe itsels had 5 km/s dV, and no MechJeb for setting nodes (it is awful at interplanetary transfers, it proposed an 8 km/s burn instead of mine 5km/s three part burn with spare dV to leave Kerbol system).


Nice nice nice!

I admire anyone who has the patience to use the Resistojet! :D

Great mission.

  MrMeeb said:
Is it possible to get a 6.4k config for the launchers? They seem to be just off having enough oomph to get into orbit. I could probably change values myself, but I'm not sure what values to change :D

You could try just give the engines a little higher ISP? :)

  curtquarquesso said:

Beale, something to think about for the future. I'm a huge fan of TweakScale. When I'm building, especially for accuracy, I really like the scales of things to work out nicely. In the future, could we get TweakScale .configs for a lot of parts? "docking probes, tanks, capsules?" It'd probably cut back on the number of part requests you get, simply because crafting vessels would get that much easier, and you greatly increase the number of parts you can work with. Procedural Parts and scaleable parts have become extremely popular, mainly due to the memory restrictions of the game, and in part due to catalog clutter. This might be an addition that should wait for (1.0) due to balance issues, but it's something to think about.

I may ask this over at the TweakScale thread, but does anyone know how to create these configs, and what's entailed in that? (Difficult, tedious, easy, annoying?)

I've got zero experience with tweakscale, but it could be nice. :)

I'll have to look into how it works.

And... MIR docking module, slow progress.


  pTrevTrevs said:
It's been a while since I've posted a mission here, so here is Kosmos 5, a Solar Wind sample return probe


Kosmos 5 begins its journey with a Proton launch from the Kosmodrome.


Orbital Insertion with Proton's third stage. It had to ignite one more time to place the spacecraft on a transfer orbit to it's intended altitude.


The Block D and the spacecraft on the outward cruise. The low gain anntenna, RTG booms, and RCS Booms have been extended.


Mun flyby to help get the spacecraft to the high altitude required for the mission.


20 to 30 days after launch, the Block D ignites to place the spacecraft in its final orbit, higher even than Minmus.


Separation of Block D. The probe orbits so high, that when I fired the RCS to put some distance between Kosmos 5 and the Block D, the probe reached escape velocity and I had to fire in the opposite direction to keep it in Kerbin's SOI. :D


"Collector Panels" deployed. It felt cheaty to have solar panels as the main source of power when these aren't supposed to be solar panels. I added RTGs to serve as the "main power source". The probe will orbit Kerbin for several months, collecting samples from its lofty altitude before firing its engine to come back down to Kerbin and jettison its return capsule.

I'm pretty sure NASA has done something like this before, but it was a partial failure due to the return capsule,s parachute failing to deploy.

I like it!

The probe itself is a beast. Is that huge amount of electricity required? :confused:

Edit: Re-read it, so they are just for role-playing purposes? I think the Solar wind experiment is also found in D-Magic.

Edited by Beale
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  Beale said:

And... MIR docking module, slow progress.


Could you make the Docking module compatible with the Component Space Shuttle? Since it already has an APAS there, and use it instead of having to make your own that wouldn't be compatible with it. Or is CSS at a different scale than Tantares? Cause that would be a shame if it was.

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  hieywiey said:
Could you make the Docking module compatible with the Component Space Shuttle? Since it already has an APAS there, and use it instead of having to make your own that wouldn't be compatible with it. Or is CSS at a different scale than Tantares? Cause that would be a shame if it was.

I've never used CSS, so can't say for sure.

At a glance ~ looks roughly to scale (Sorry that's kind of a fluffy answer).

  curtquarquesso said:
Ooh!! Love the model for that! What color scheme ya thinking for it?

Thanks :)

Probably orange....? Or maybe just grey.

It is using the Progress texture.

Also, fixing a long standing accident, added AB launchers to signature.

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Oh, and also it would be AWESOME if you could make some of the more obscure Soviet/Russian things like the gun on Salyut 3, Polyus, the special instruments in place of docking ports on Soyuz 13 & 22 (which could help with science. And Orion 2 on 13 would use VDS Hullcam for telescope functionality and have science-gathering features like CactEye) and Mir-2 (Mainly just that big cool antenna thing), as I have yet to see a mod for them. Salyut 3 & Polyus would be bundled together since they have weapons, as an optional add-on that requires BDarmory (so you won't have to get it in case you don't want BDarmory).

UPDATE: Ok, about Polyus I meant more of doing the modeling but not the weapon part. As I could do that myself (as not to take away from your time developing this mod), if you're ok with me doing that; but I understand if you don't want to do it, and I'm fine with that. :)

Edited by hieywiey
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Perfect, just perfect.... i just made the new KIS configs for your parts and i just heard that KIS 1.0.1 has been released with lots of bugfixes but with a catch:

This was the first thing on the list that was changed:

  • Change volume unit from M3 to L (i think he meant m³ to l)

This means all volume values have to be multiplied by 1000.

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  kenbob5588 said:
Thoughts on that 3seater soyuz


(in case my drawing is unbearable to look at)

Essentially put the 3 seats facing inward on the heatshield/floor thing. With a pole in the middle with the navball, altitude, and speed things

OR just do RPM

Nice idea!

But, unfortunately, doesn't fit :(

  hieywiey said:
Oh, and also it would be AWESOME if you could make some of the more obscure Soviet/Russian things like the gun on Salyut 3, Polyus, the special instruments in place of docking ports on Soyuz 13 & 22 (which could help with science. And Orion 2 on 13 would use VDS Hullcam for telescope functionality and have science-gathering features like CactEye) and Mir-2 (Mainly just that big cool antenna thing), as I have yet to see a mod for them. Salyut 3 & Polyus would be bundled together since they have weapons, as an optional add-on that requires BDarmory (so you won't have to get it in case you don't want BDarmory).

Weapons are probably a no-no.

But, Mir-2, that is pretty interesting. Yeah I like that.

Misc. Science parts, those are the kind of leftover texture space parts, but maybe :)

  MK3424 said:
Perfect, just perfect.... i just made the new KIS configs for your parts and i just heard that KIS 1.0.1 has been released with lots of bugfixes but with a catch:

This was the first thing on the list that was changed:

  • Change volume unit from M3 to L (i think he meant m³ to l)

This means all volume values have to be multiplied by 1000.


No, that is an unfortunate little change.

I'll make the change to the configs you provided!


Yes. Orange thing.


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  Beale said:


Yes. Orange thing.


IT'S AWESOME!!!! You could also use this model as a base for Rassvet, since it's based on Mir's Docking Module. But is this going to be a fuel/monoprop./electriccharge container, or is it gonna be able to hold Kerbals?

- - - Updated - - -

Edited by hieywiey
Forum glitch thing
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  Beale said:

I like it!

The probe itself is a beast. Is that huge amount of electricity required? :confused:

Edit: Re-read it, so they are just for role-playing purposes? I think the Solar wind experiment is also found in D-Magic.

Yup, the solar panels are just for role play. I don't know how solar wind is collected in real life, but I decided that big collector arrays seemed realistic enough for me. I will post more pictures when the collection period has ended and the probe has returned.

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  MK3424 said:
Love the MIR docking module, it could aswell be used as a PIRS,POISK and RASSVET module on the ISS.
  hieywiey said:
IT'S AWESOME!!!! You could also use this model as a base for Rassvet, since it's based on Mir's Docking Module. But is this going to be a fuel/monoprop./electriccharge container, or is it gonna be able to hold Kerbals?

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks! :)

Yes, I guess it can be used as RASSVET also.

Maybe though, I will do separate PIRS/POISK along with PPTS.

It holds just one Kerbal, didn't show the door in the last picture.



Texture is very efficient, still!


  RobotsAndSpaceships said:
I really, really like the orange, it should definitely stay.

It will! :)

I like it.

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