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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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  On 7/13/2020 at 8:09 AM, baldamundo said:

Actually really glad that you're rescaling it. I thought the size made it really hard to actually find a use for - far. far too powerful for small payloads, but too narrow to mount most heavier payloads. Unless you just wanted to launch like a hundred soyuzes stacked end to end or something (??)


I launched a salyt-like thing using the bottom two stages

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  On 7/13/2020 at 8:09 AM, baldamundo said:

Actually really glad that you're rescaling it. I thought the size made it really hard to actually find a use for - far. far too powerful for small payloads, but too narrow to mount most heavier payloads. Unless you just wanted to launch like a hundred soyuzes stacked end to end or something (??)


It has always been a little awkward, the balancing didn't help either.
TTL scale (62.5%) should be 3.5m at the top of the Blok-V, so going up to 3.75m is a nice fit. Should allow missions to anywhere in stock KSP, and to plenty of places in rescales.


I want to give huge thanks to the wonderful @benjee10 , who has very generously provided a gorgeous Sokol suit, for the next update.
Alongside this, has been provided a clean bake of the Vintage suit AO map, which I will use to produce an SK-1 suit (And hopefully improve the Orlan a little).

A big hip-hip-hooray for Benjee :)


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A new Soyuz test flight in orbit at 150km. How did she get there? Most disgracefully, aboard a stretched Titan 3 booster. Since I'd already put up a Gemini aboard a Soyuz booster some ages ago, this would be a nice bit of balance. I'll post a recreation of the launch stack later. This was an unintentional night launch.


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Can't wait for Energia Cryo patch later this year.  In the meantime:


Hmm... Buran?  Is that you?





Edit that no one will see:

I created my own patch to use LH2/LOX for the one Energia Engine.

    @maxThrust = 800
      @name = LqdHydrogen
      @ratio = 1.5
      @ratio = 0.1
    !atmosphereCurve {}
      key = 0 425 0 0
      key = 1 355 0 0
      key = 4 275 0 0

It's based off the Restock SSME Cryo patch.  You'll need Cryo Engines and Cryo Tanks installed from Nertea's Nest of Needed Nssentials.

Edited by MashAndBangers
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  On 7/14/2020 at 10:16 PM, MashAndBangers said:

Can't wait for Energia Cryo patch later this year.  In the meantime:

Hmm... Buran?  Is that you?





Edit that no one will see:

I created my own patch to use LH2/LOX for the one Energia Engine.es and Cryo Tanks installed from Nertea's Nest of Needed Nssentials.


Nice shuttle, the best, and cool patch!





Edited by Beale
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  On 7/16/2020 at 8:40 PM, alberro+ said:

H Y P E 


That is an understatement!  I've been wanting -- for YEARS -- to have a decent looking N-1.  I've hacked up config files for a couple of old mods trying to get it them to work, and I even went so far as to re-texture a mod (that didn't end well... I'm a coder, not an artist).

The only criticism I have for these screen shots is pedantic: on the shroud for the Block B engines, I believe the boxy greebles house separation motors, so they should be at the seams between the panels, not in the middle.  The upper and lower boxes blasted one direction, the center box blasted the other, to ensure the shrouds were blown clear of the engine fixture.  That would make a cool detail during ascent.  But, on the other hand, that matters for a few seconds during launch, and only to people who spent too much time reading about the N-1 are going to notice.

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Fantastic news! I've been testbedding the LOK and LK modules in anticipation. The LOK needs more attention, but the LK performed better than expected on her first test landing.


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@Beale Out of curiosity, since you're revamping the N1, will we also see a revamp with how we stow the LK? I love launching the N1, but one thing that has always bugged me was the fact that I couldn't make a payload fairing wrap around the LK itself.
Don't know what I mean?



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  On 7/17/2020 at 12:23 AM, davidy12 said:

@Beale Out of curiosity, since you're revamping the N1, will we also see a revamp with how we stow the LK? I love launching the N1, but one thing that has always bugged me was the fact that I couldn't make a payload fairing wrap around the LK itself.
Don't know what I mean?



New Blok-D will have fairing procedurally from now, so hopefully this will be really easy in the near future :)

  On 7/17/2020 at 12:10 AM, Jack Wolfe said:

Fantastic news! I've been testbedding the LOK and LK modules in anticipation. The LOK needs more attention, but the LK performed better than expected on her first test landing.



Great LK!

Not usually a fan of the shiny configs, but looks good in the moody lighting.

  On 7/16/2020 at 10:01 PM, MOARdV said:

That is an understatement!  I've been wanting -- for YEARS -- to have a decent looking N-1.  I've hacked up config files for a couple of old mods trying to get it them to work, and I even went so far as to re-texture a mod (that didn't end well... I'm a coder, not an artist).

The only criticism I have for these screen shots is pedantic: on the shroud for the Block B engines, I believe the boxy greebles house separation motors, so they should be at the seams between the panels, not in the middle.  The upper and lower boxes blasted one direction, the center box blasted the other, to ensure the shrouds were blown clear of the engine fixture.  That would make a cool detail during ascent.  But, on the other hand, that matters for a few seconds during launch, and only to people who spent too much time reading about the N-1 are going to notice.


Many thanks,  I'll take a look at those boxes, Left them were they are now as I'm not sure we can attach motor FX to inline fairings currently (without them being separate parts). But it's worth an investigation.


Blok-A progressing well.

Doing this at 100ppm was a fantastic decision, I recommend it for any huge rockets :D
Keeps it manageable.


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  On 7/17/2020 at 5:35 AM, davidy12 said:

Link? Also is it for the pre-tapered part?

	name = ModuleProceduralFairing
	nSides = 32
	nArcs = 2
	nCollidersPerXSection = 9
	TextureURL = TantaresLV/Parts/N1/fairings_diff
	CapTextureURL = TantaresLV/Parts/N1/fairingsCap_diff
	panelGrouping = 3
	pivot = 0,0.595,0
	axis = 0,1,0
	baseRadius = 1
	maxRadius = 2
	capRadius = 0.15
	snapThreshold = 0.1
	xSectionHeightMin = 0.3
	xSectionHeightMax = 3
	edgeSlide = 0.15
	edgeWarp = 0.02
	noseTip = 0.5
	UnitAreaMass = 0.012
	UnitAreaCost = 12
	stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True
	stagingToggleEnabledFlight = False
	stagingEnableText = Fairing Not Staged
	stagingDisableText = Fairing Staged

	useClamshell = True


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