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[WIP][1.0.5]* RSS Visual Enhancements (RVE)


Realistically what would you prefer in RVE? -- choose one from each letter  

2,062 members have voted

  1. 1. Realistically what would you prefer in RVE? -- choose one from each letter

    • A) 1 main cloud layer, 1 cirrus layer (Medium/Compromise)
    • A) Low, Medium, High cloud layers (Heavy/Realistic)
    • B) Detail bias towards Land/Atmosphere visuals
    • B) Detail bias towards Orbit/Space visuals
    • C) Realism
    • C) Detail
    • C) CPU accessibility

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Ohyeahalso: EVE Overhaul disables normal maps in scaled space, so there's no shipping them and loading them into memory; they just take up memory for no purpose right now.

Ah ok thanks for the info, I'll fix the DL today. I did try to run KSP without the normal map for Earth and RSS failed to load, I'll try just using the Flat_NRM one instead.

Jrandom: so it's working now? Sorry I'll get a fix up today, that'll also reduce memory budget hopefully :)

Advice_dawgg: sorry no there isn't, and there's good reason, Planet Factory doesn't play nicely with EVE mod. It changes scaled space stuff that EVE struggles to read/understand. Most of the time I had EVE just not rendering anything on planets other than Earth, so I left PF for the much more simple and less CPU intensive option of using a modified RSS config for everything instead.. which I'll admit is still in its infancy but looks far better in the long run.

Edited by pingopete
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I've got a problem. I've installed ATM aggressive, RSS, latest EVE and then this. The result is a solid white sphere over Earth, and none of the parameters are rescaled (though the model is). In the planet info, all parameters stay stock, and none of the planets are moved. Without RVE, RSS works, though I don't get a cloud layer, just 3 hexes of volumetric clouds (cities seem to work, though).

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I've got a problem. I've installed ATM aggressive, RSS, latest EVE and then this. The result is a solid white sphere over Earth, and none of the parameters are rescaled (though the model is). In the planet info, all parameters stay stock, and none of the planets are moved. Without RVE, RSS works, though I don't get a cloud layer, just 3 hexes of volumetric clouds (cities seem to work, though).

Sorry the release was a little botched, I got it out last night when I was insanely tired and forgot a few things, I'm just about to put up a fixed version with some other tweaks and low res textures as an option.

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Jrandom: so it's working now? Sorry I'll get a fix up today, that'll also reduce memory budget hopefully :)

No, it just made Earth revert to Kerbin texture, no clouds, no nothing. :( But it didn't crash, so there's that. :)

If you get the fix up today I'll try it out when I get home from work.

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Sorry the release was a little botched, I got it out last night when I was insanely tired and forgot a few things, I'm just about to put up a fixed version with some other tweaks and low res textures as an option.

That'd be great, though I wish you'd been faster. :) I was going to show RSS off to a friend and I couldn't get it to work. Oh well, I'll show it to her another time.

Also, did you try Load On Demand mod? I'd like to know if any glitches can arise from using this+ATM basic (or even aggressive). It allows some pretty epic mod setups even on 32bit (basically, it does the texture loading the way every other game does), but is known to cause glitches on occasion.

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That'd be great, though I wish you'd been faster. :) I was going to show RSS off to a friend and I couldn't get it to work. Oh well, I'll show it to her another time.

Also, did you try Load On Demand mod? I'd like to know if any glitches can arise from using this+ATM basic (or even aggressive). It allows some pretty epic mod setups even on 32bit (basically, it does the texture loading the way every other game does), but is known to cause glitches on occasion.

I'm sorry about that, nothing to impress with until I can get this in Releases and showcase ;)

I have actually been running it with my current setup, but it's hard to tell what are glitches coming from LoD and what are just memory issues related to RVE. If you could try it out on your setup that'd be great, I'm working full time now so am finding it a little harder to fit in KSP testing time!

there isn't a download link. i would really like to use this mod.

There is now! :) Sorry I was just updating the OP and finalising 0.2.1, 0.2 had some major issues with the DL.

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I've downloaded and installed the mod's. Then I've started the game.


I don't know what to say. I can't find the right words. This mod is so impressing.

Thank you very much for your work and hopefully, one day, the ground level will be impressing the same.

By the way, Jupiter seams to glimmer green. Do you want it so or is it just WIP? The loading time is increased drastically, but this isn't a problem for me. It's worth it for me. And in the mainmenu, there are no clouds. Oh, i use the 64 bit mod.

Thanks again and keep up the good work!

Edited by ArthurCVI
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I've downloaded and installed the mod's. Then I've started the game.


I don't know what to say. I can't find the right words. This mod is so impressing.

Thank you very much for your work and hopefully, one day, the ground level will be impressing the same.

By the way, Jupiter seams to glimmer green. Do you want it so or is it just WIP? The loading time is increased drastically, but this isn't a problem for me. It's worth it for me. And in the mainmenu, there are no clouds. Oh, i use the 64 bit mod.

Thanks again and keep up the good work!

Thanks! Great to hear it actually worked first time for a change! The green is something I definitely have plans to change, and not just for jupiter but all planets, but isn't working atm, there are settings for the planets atmospheric wavelengths in the RSS configs but they only work on Earth for some reason.

EVE mod loads once in game hence why there are no clouds at main menu, the only reason you get an earth at main menu and not kerbin is because RSS loads from game start (I think).

Cant download, the captcha thing wont show up for me, mirror? :)

Errrrm, I have Dropbox but I don't know how to publicly share files without paying?? .. And I am broke as an old man.

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2.1 breaks things for me (can't select Resume Saved, starting a new game doesn't work, etc...), but it also puts me really close to the RAM limit. The last time I tried to make my own ATM configs for EVE and RSS it broke things even worse -- does anyone have any functional ATM configs for RSS/EVE that work that I could try?

Edit: I manually resized all 8k textures to 4k and I got the Earth texture showing up in the menu screen (yay!) but selecting Resume Saved does nothing, and starting a new game lets me type in a name, etc..., but then upon clicking 'start' it just goes back to the menu and does nothing. RAM usage is hovering around 2.9 GB.

Edit #2: OMG it works!! Turns out the offending mod was Final Frontier, of all things. Odd. Anyhow, there is a conflict with FF. If you have it, remove it. If you have it and it works... then I am jealous.

Edited by jrandom
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Amazing work man! Now that I've given it a couple hours of play, I think I can make a fair comment on it.

I made a new modpack when 0.1 was released, and I've been running that for a while, at over 110 mods and 5500+ MM patches, it was about as much as I could get away with, with the planet factory pack. All I did when installing this pack was pull out the old stuff, delete planet factory and drop this in... and it worked beautifully.. even knocked out a few bugs from 0.1 (the sun used to burn out, placing everything in darkness after a few launches, which was kinda fun)

At first I was running the lo-res pack, but I've since reverted back to your full res textures with no hit on performance so far.

Anyway, just wanted to throw out my thanks for your hard work, and to let you know its working great (at least on my install).

And this is running at over a hundred mods plus this, on 32 bit, with 2 gigs of RAM and a core2duo from 2006.... still pulling a solid 22-28 fps. (I'm probably your worst case scenario for testing)

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2.1 breaks things for me (can't select Resume Saved, starting a new game doesn't work, etc...), but it also puts me really close to the RAM limit. The last time I tried to make my own ATM configs for EVE and RSS it broke things even worse -- does anyone have any functional ATM configs for RSS/EVE that work that I could try?

Edit: I manually resized all 8k textures to 4k and I got the Earth texture showing up in the menu screen (yay!) but selecting Resume Saved does nothing, and starting a new game lets me type in a name, etc..., but then upon clicking 'start' it just goes back to the menu and does nothing. RAM usage is hovering around 2.9 GB.

Edit #2: OMG it works!! Turns out the offending mod was Final Frontier, of all things. Odd. Anyhow, there is a conflict with FF. If you have it, remove it. If you have it and it works... then I am jealous.

Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to make a note of this.

Amazing work man! Now that I've given it a couple hours of play, I think I can make a fair comment on it.

I made a new modpack when 0.1 was released, and I've been running that for a while, at over 110 mods and 5500+ MM patches, it was about as much as I could get away with, with the planet factory pack. All I did when installing this pack was pull out the old stuff, delete planet factory and drop this in... and it worked beautifully.. even knocked out a few bugs from 0.1 (the sun used to burn out, placing everything in darkness after a few launches, which was kinda fun)

At first I was running the lo-res pack, but I've since reverted back to your full res textures with no hit on performance so far.

Anyway, just wanted to throw out my thanks for your hard work, and to let you know its working great (at least on my install).

And this is running at over a hundred mods plus this, on 32 bit, with 2 gigs of RAM and a core2duo from 2006.... still pulling a solid 22-28 fps. (I'm probably your worst case scenario for testing)

Not quite sure how this is physically possible but can't tell you how good it is to hear its working, and with multiple mods running at this early stage, I've been so engrossed with this mod, getting the bugs sorted I haven't had a change to test it on my career KSP, great news! :)

This looks really great. One question, is it possible to give Saturn/Dres rings? I tried with Kittopia Planet tools but it doesn't seem to work.

It's on the OP and next on my list, in fact I already has a set up for saturn, but kittopia started crashing on game launch (something to do with loading my previous data from it on game start. I'll try and sort this and a bunch of other things for release hopefully soon when EVE overhaul 9.3 arrives.. with many many awesome fixes

Edited by pingopete
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Not quite sure how this is physically possible[...]

That makes two of us, haha. I swear this computer runs on witchcraft, or someone snuck in some better parts after I built the thing.

Here's what I've managed to pile on top of your pack. I am running ATM of course, and a lot of the part packs are cherry-picked for only the parts I want, even the stock stuff. (my fuel tanks, and wings are all procedural) But it shows what is possible with 32 bit on top of this.

ATM does take a toll on the clouds and some of the detail, but RSS now looks as good, if not better than Orbiter :cool:

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That makes two of us, haha. I swear this computer runs on witchcraft, or someone snuck in some better parts after I built the thing.

Here's what I've managed to pile on top of your pack. I am running ATM of course, and a lot of the part packs are cherry-picked for only the parts I want, even the stock stuff. (my fuel tanks, and wings are all procedural) But it shows what is possible with 32 bit on top of this.

ATM does take a toll on the clouds and some of the detail, but RSS now looks as good, if not better than Orbiter :cool:


Ah well there you go, good part mod discipline! Remember you can also 'cherry pick' which ATM configs you want, so you could remove the one for EVE and use the low res textures (might work I dunno). Nice winged gemini btw, I never got around to trying that one!

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You don't want to remove the one for EVE. That will enable default compression on EVE. Also, out of the box, ATM doesn't support EVE Overhaul correctly. *This* is what you want your BoulderCo.cfg to look like:

folder = BoulderCo
enabled = true
compress = true
mipmaps = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false
compress = true
mipmaps = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = true

Change scale as necessary if that's too much texture.

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Is it normal that no matter where the clouds are I always have white volumetric clouds above the ground.

No, that's a bug in texture replacer. Go to the file @default.cfg and find the line:

  // Prevent unloading for textures whose paths are matching the following  // regular expressions. Some mods access and modify textures so they shouldn't
// be unloaded.
// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.
keepLoaded = /FX/ MFD ^BoulderCo/Clouds/ ^Romfarer/textures/ ^WarpPlugin/

and change it to:

  // Prevent unloading for textures whose paths are matching the following
// regular expressions. Some mods access and modify textures so they shouldn't
// be unloaded.
// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.
keepLoaded = /FX/ MFD [B]^BoulderCo/Atmosphere/[/B] ^Romfarer/textures/ ^WarpPlugin/

that'll fix it.

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