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[WIP][1.0.5]* RSS Visual Enhancements (RVE)


Realistically what would you prefer in RVE? -- choose one from each letter  

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  1. 1. Realistically what would you prefer in RVE? -- choose one from each letter

    • A) 1 main cloud layer, 1 cirrus layer (Medium/Compromise)
    • A) Low, Medium, High cloud layers (Heavy/Realistic)
    • B) Detail bias towards Land/Atmosphere visuals
    • B) Detail bias towards Orbit/Space visuals
    • C) Realism
    • C) Detail
    • C) CPU accessibility

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Hi! I am having some issues with my RVE installation and was hoping you guys had an idea.

I have installed KSP through steam and Ubuntu, Installed RSS and RO and everything works fine. I have used this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalAcademy/comments/3fdmv3/full_guide_for_installing_ksp_on_linux_for_64bit/

However when I install RVE using the guide in this forum, it refuses to start up. I get a black screen with a Kerbal mouse pointer for 2-3 minutes, then it starts loading for 2 seconds and then it cuts out.

The terminal tells me: ./KSP.sh: line 7: 14022 Aborted  (core dumped) ./ksp.sh

Any ideas?


EDIT: So I removed sharedasset 9 and ran the KSPx86_64 directly in the KSP folder, and now it works except that the sky is black, so there’s that. Any ideas on turning it blue again? Tried Alt+E and apply, with the only effect that i cant enter the VAB any more.

Edited by tomten32
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for all who try to install RVE in 1.0.4 or 1.0.5 thing it will goo bad, noo mater what version of game it use. Way becouse Rbray89 he was change way how config file are done aka actual RVE cfg file are not compatible with last Eve relase & i will give a small exemple:

Old config use by Pingo:


New Config in new Eve Release:

        name = Layer Name
        body = Planet Name

all config it NEED & MUST completly rewrite or Pingo it need to pull / set up old Eve version what was compatible with his release, about rewrite from what i see Pingo it not have access to his pc soo all it will need to wait or it will need to find a old Eve version :), about Scatter i was not dig yet to see

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37 minutes ago, Blacks said:


for all who try to install RVE in 1.0.4 or 1.0.5 thing it will goo bad, noo mater what version of game it use. Way becouse Rbray89 he was change way how config file are done aka actual RVE cfg file are not compatible with last Eve relase & i will give a small exemple:

Old config use by Pingo:


New Config in new Eve Release:

        name = Layer Name
        body = Planet Name

all config it NEED & MUST completly rewrite or Pingo it need to pull / set up old Eve version what was compatible with his release, about rewrite from what i see Pingo it not have access to his pc soo all it will need to wait or it will need to find a old Eve version :), about Scatter i was not dig yet to see

If you use this version of EVE the old config works... He changed the format of configuration files in version 1-05-4 so using an older version works.

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@Nhawks17 that's very good, then Pingo need to change on treath description


EVEOverhaul (x86-EVE-Release.zip)  to be redirect to Environmental Visual Enhancements 1-05-3 version coz Overhaul it not exist anymore & that cause atm many problem to most of ppls who try to use RVE, at list till he will make change to last new Eve version or what ever he will decide to doo :)
Using Environmental Visual Enhancements 1-05-3 version + Ksp 1.0.5  + RSS  v10.4.1 + RVE Pingo config file end bad, they are partial load by Eve what result in cloud not apear, terain get wierd texture, ocean is more a dark mater, void aka short version bad result, i was not try to test with KSP 1.0.4, soo in my opinion config file there are need to update to proper version but i know Pingo he not have access to his pc so we need to wait :)
p.s. Nhawks17 i was start dig in your config file to & till now i can say Stock Visual Enhancements v0.5.6 it can revert with proper success back to RSS needs or to make a temporary fix to RVE, but off course atm i need to deal with nonsens shananigan bugs  related to RSS planet name what it will require time to trace what cause actual nulreff, exception, when i will finish who want to get config file coz i not intend to make other release pack ... Pingo or Nhawk bouth you can use it special you already have github release ... so who want to get it yell & i will send file

Edited by Blacks
Update after more testing
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Any chance the linux-x64 release for 1.0.4 could work with the 64 bit community workaround on 1.0.5?

After attempting an install and following the instructions and using EVE 1-05-3, everything above the horizon appears pitch black.

And is using version 1.0.4 a better route to take?

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Airsquid well how i was try to explain in previos post atm real problem is Pingo pack RVE was desing to be use with a old Ovearhaul version of Eve what is not avaible anymore & all his config they are made for that, for actual Eve version or 1.05.3 thing not fith to well, going very bad see that problem with pitch black you have, it will not mater if it will be 1.0.4 or 1.0.5 KSP original or workaround ... i will say agen config file are not compatible with actual Eve, a easy quick fix it will be to revers Nhawks17 version to RSS need but 1. planet name need to be convert to RSS sistem 2. dimension / scale value need to be ajust to RSS, First part with change name it can be done realtive easy (i say agen relative) but second part for me is out of my knolege to do it proper
Bad part is our dear Pingo it can work to fix this if i am undestend correct soo all need to be a litle patience :)

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14 hours ago, Blacks said:

Airsquid well how i was try to explain in previos post atm real problem is Pingo pack RVE was desing to be use with a old Ovearhaul version of Eve what is not avaible anymore & all his config they are made for that, for actual Eve version or 1.05.3 thing not fith to well, going very bad see that problem with pitch black you have, it will not mater if it will be 1.0.4 or 1.0.5 KSP original or workaround ... i will say agen config file are not compatible with actual Eve, a easy quick fix it will be to revers Nhawks17 version to RSS need but 1. planet name need to be convert to RSS sistem 2. dimension / scale value need to be ajust to RSS, First part with change name it can be done realtive easy (i say agen relative) but second part for me is out of my knolege to do it proper
Bad part is our dear Pingo it can work to fix this if i am undestend correct soo all need to be a litle patience :)

Indeed, just one more week guys I do apologise 

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The only thing with SVE is that the colors are designed for the stock bodies, not our solar system so things would be off and wouldn't work 100% with RSS... That's the reason I ported RVE over to stock as not everything corresponds exactly between our solar system and the Kerbol solar system. 

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So first off. I love your mod. Is there a way to remove the ocean that it changed to? The original ocean on rss is clear and looks real. Everything else gets better looking but the water turns to a light blue that isnt very pleasing to the eye. Is there any way to fix this?

Fixed by deleting the ocean settings in the terrain config in the rve folder. 

Edited by Kotagi
Fixed it
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So guys I've been working on a release for 1.0.5 but thought you should know I'm having some issues with the latest EVE; it literally just not even running all of a sudden with no changes to gamedata at all, so just tryna get that figured out

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So I've made numerous attempts at installing it, and for the most part it works great with a few exceptions.  I seems that the ocean height is a little too high, and also while in atmospheric flight the ocean has odd reflections and it has this weird oscillation to it.  I believe it to be an issue with scatterer.  If I am wrong please point me in the correct direction, and if it is scatterer or something else, has anyone else seen this and possibly have a fix for it?  Thank you



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1 hour ago, DslMech76 said:

So I've made numerous attempts at installing it, and for the most part it works great with a few exceptions.  I seems that the ocean height is a little too high, and also while in atmospheric flight the ocean has odd reflections and it has this weird oscillation to it.  I believe it to be an issue with scatterer.  If I am wrong please point me in the correct direction, and if it is scatterer or something else, has anyone else seen this and possibly have a fix for it?  Thank you



Hi DslMech76! as far as I understood from the discussion that went on in this thread for the past month, rbray's EVE has been updated after the latest release of pingopete's RVE hence the bugs and errors you might encounter. It seems pingopete is working to update RVE to 1.0.5 and EVE's latest version, so all we need to do is be patient :D

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Ok what would you guys prefer; 

Clouds without shadows, but proper fading on the horizon (also makes clouds not visible from below!)(can't be used with shadows as they persist):



How it is without the Falloff effects and consequential bugs:



I'd imagine probably keep it how it was, but I figured I'd ask as it's an option.

Also I can't get terrain textures working with the latest EVE overhaul, and cities burn through clouds, atmosphere and aren't visible on the dark side :/

Additionally it was really difficult to get both scatterer and EVE running together so may have to see if I can distribute the there respective mod files(scatterer). And may need some people to test to see if it'll actually work in there games.

Using the latest Scatterer gives controls over the atmosphere's visible height from orbit and the new ocean shader so kinda reluctant to roll back :rolleyes:

@rbray89 @blackrack

Edited by pingopete
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3 minutes ago, pingopete said:

Ok what would you guys prefer; 

Clouds without shadows, but proper fading on the horizon (also makes clouds not visible from below!)(can't be used with shadows as they persist):


How it is without the Falloff effects and consequential bugs:


I'm prone to saying clouds without shadows but proper fading on the horizon! but that's just me!

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6 minutes ago, pingopete said:

Ok what would you guys prefer; 

Clouds without shadows, but proper fading on the horizon (also makes clouds not visible from below!)(can't be used with shadows as they persist):


How it is without the Falloff effects and consequential bugs:

I'd imagine probably keep it how it was, but I figured I'd ask as it's an option.

Also I can't get terrain textures working with the latest EVE overhaul, and cities burn through clouds, atmosphere and aren't visible on the dark side :/

Additionally it was really difficult to get both scatterer and EVE running together so may have to see if I can distribute the there respective mod files(scatterer). And may need some people to test to see if it'll actually work in there games.

Using the latest Scatterer gives controls over the atmosphere's visible height from orbit and the new ocean shader so kinda reluctant to roll back :rolleyes:

@rbray89 @blackrack

I like the first one a lot more, it feels so natural I wasn't sure it was KSP at first. Not sure about the issues you're getting though, I tested with EVE and everything seemed fine, perhaps something to do with RSS, I will check again.

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15 minutes ago, blackrack said:

I like the first one a lot more, it feels so natural I wasn't sure it was KSP at first. Not sure about the issues you're getting though, I tested with EVE and everything seemed fine, perhaps something to do with RSS, I will check again.

OK cool thanks, btw I also found a slight issue with the ExtintionRimFade function (I think), it looks almost inverted to what I'd imagined it would do, that being increasing extinction towards the horizon so that the terrain is becomes effectively invisible and only haze remains at the horizon. Maybe a fade distance/scale variable might work in addition so that the fade effect can be made to fade more gradually? Just an idea



Edited by pingopete
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41 minutes ago, pingopete said:

Also I can't get terrain textures working with the latest EVE overhaul, and cities burn through clouds, atmosphere and aren't visible on the dark side :/

Additionally it was really difficult to get both scatterer and EVE running together so may have to see if I can distribute the there respective mod files(scatterer). And may need some people to test to see if it'll actually work in there games.

Using the latest Scatterer gives controls over the atmosphere's visible height from orbit and the new ocean shader so kinda reluctant to roll back :rolleyes:

@rbray89 @blackrack

I'll look into these... trying to get 6 face cube-maps to work with compression though to save memory.

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52 minutes ago, pingopete said:

OK cool thanks, btw I also found a slight issue with the ExtintionRimFade function (I think), it looks almost inverted to what I'd imagined it would do, that being increasing extinction towards the horizon so that the terrain is becomes effectively invisible and only haze remains at the horizon. Maybe a fade distance/scale variable might work in addition so that the fade effect can be made to fade more gradually? Just an idea

I see which feature you're talking about and its already on my list ;) The current rim settings are just to have different exposure on the edge of the atmosphere than on terrain (previously the rim used to be too dark compared to the rest of the planet) and also kill the extinction on the edge because it was causing a "halo" effect on the starfield/planets behind it. So these are different things but you're right the naming might be confusing.

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1 hour ago, blackrack said:

I see which feature you're talking about and its already on my list ;) The current rim settings are just to have different exposure on the edge of the atmosphere than on terrain (previously the rim used to be too dark compared to the rest of the planet) and also kill the extinction on the edge because it was causing a "halo" effect on the starfield/planets behind it. So these are different things but you're right the naming might be confusing.

Ah ok, I think I see what you mean, thanks!

1 hour ago, rbray89 said:

I'll look into these... trying to get 6 face cube-maps to work with compression though to save memory.

Cheers!! Yeah I actually got it all tiled right, but knowing me immediately tried 6x8x8k lol, which didn't work :P

Edited by pingopete
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