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[WIP][1.0.5]* RSS Visual Enhancements (RVE)


Realistically what would you prefer in RVE? -- choose one from each letter  

2,062 members have voted

  1. 1. Realistically what would you prefer in RVE? -- choose one from each letter

    • A) 1 main cloud layer, 1 cirrus layer (Medium/Compromise)
    • A) Low, Medium, High cloud layers (Heavy/Realistic)
    • B) Detail bias towards Land/Atmosphere visuals
    • B) Detail bias towards Orbit/Space visuals
    • C) Realism
    • C) Detail
    • C) CPU accessibility

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On 7/21/2016 at 4:51 AM, Bev7787 said:

My Earth has no water when seen from within the atmosphere, but the texture is there on orbit and in map view. Testing and will post up a log when I finish this play session

I'm having that issue too, and I think it's because Scatterer isn't working correctly, because I don't have scattering or sunflare refraction either. It's just the stock atmosphere. I got the ocean above 100 km, but nothing below that.

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On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 5:51 AM, Bev7787 said:

My Earth has no water when seen from within the atmosphere, but the texture is there on orbit and in map view. Testing and will post up a log when I finish this play session

You have to go inside the planetslist.cfg file inside of the Scatterer configs folder and change TransformName=Kerbin to Earth.

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On 7/25/2016 at 1:13 PM, fallout2077 said:

You have to go inside the planetslist.cfg file inside of the Scatterer configs folder and change TransformName=Kerbin to Earth.

Thanks! Now I've got it working!


EDIT: Still no ocean though. It is there but invisible.

Edited by cubinator
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9 hours ago, Berlin said:

you can also use SSRSS scatterer cfgs to add scatterer to more planets than just earth

I've been doing that, along with using SSRSS' Atmosphere folder to add clouds to all the planets that have them. Granted that I haven't visited any other body except Earth, but judging from the little preview that the Tracking Station gives you, it looks like its working. I haven't had any huge bugs with the setup yet, so all seems well!

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Would anyone be so nice to put a little set of instructions on this thread about how to make this work with 1.1.3, please?

I looked back 6 pages, and there are links, and things to modify in Scatterrer, and now I see SSRSS and I don't really know what it really means (googling, my only solution, didn't help). I crave clouds on RSS orbit. 

We'd all appreciate it. 

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11 minutes ago, neocrife said:

What is your skybox ? You only can see stars when you are not watching others light like earth or sunflare, like in real life. What is it please ?

I'd guess he has Distant Object Enhancement installed :)

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On 21.7.2016 at 11:51 AM, Bev7787 said:

My Earth has no water when seen from within the atmosphere, but the texture is there on orbit and in map view. Testing and will post up a log when I finish this play session


On 25.7.2016 at 5:41 PM, cubinator said:

I'm having that issue too, and I think it's because Scatterer isn't working correctly, because I don't have scattering or sunflare refraction either. It's just the stock atmosphere. I got the ocean above 100 km, but nothing below that.


I'm having the exact same issues, everything works perfectly, just the ocean renderer doesn't seem do render anything.


From within the atmosphere, it looks like the oceans have dried out^^ There is not even the stock ocean layer visible, only after reaching some altitude.

Atmosphere looks great :)

Happened a week days ago after updating scatterer on my end.

I already fixed the TransformName back to Earth, but no changes.

I even fiddled around with a few settings in the scatterer UI, but the only thing that seemed to do something visible is shifting around the 'oceanRenderQueue'. The base value 2001 changed to 2000 makes the stock ocean visible again, but one gets really funky graphics glitches while ascending.

BTW, what is that value for? It's name seems intuitive, but in the same time not^^

I even just updated my graphics drivers but again no change^^


Full RO-suite, manually kept up to date, lacking RT and manually pruned parts. KSP 1.1.3 x64 -  Win7 x64 - 16G - GTX950

Starting the game in forced oGL mode doesn't change anything and starting it with forced D3D11 just crashes on start.


I manually veryfied each and every value from Pingopete's GH-repository (Linux64Branch) and did some checks on other config files flying around on the webs, even SSRSS, but nothing helped :-/



Would anyone with a working set of configuration files like to share them?


If logs are necessary, I'll extract and upload them on demand.


I's actually not a that great deal, I can live with graphical glitches, but the things that happen during ascend, this ocean/land/citylights/clouds/smokeparticles z-fighting clustercopulation or whatever it is (I don't even have a name for it) freaks me out^^

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18 minutes ago, h0yer said:



I'm having the exact same issues, everything works perfectly, just the ocean renderer doesn't seem do render anything.


From within the atmosphere, it looks like the oceans have dried out^^ There is not even the stock ocean layer visible, only after reaching some altitude.

Atmosphere looks great :)

Happened a week days ago after updating scatterer on my end.

I already fixed the TransformName back to Earth, but no changes.

I even fiddled around with a few settings in the scatterer UI, but the only thing that seemed to do something visible is shifting around the 'oceanRenderQueue'. The base value 2001 changed to 2000 makes the stock ocean visible again, but one gets really funky graphics glitches while ascending.

BTW, what is that value for? It's name seems intuitive, but in the same time not^^

I even just updated my graphics drivers but again no change^^


Full RO-suite, manually kept up to date, lacking RT and manually pruned parts. KSP 1.1.3 x64 -  Win7 x64 - 16G - GTX950

Starting the game in forced oGL mode doesn't change anything and starting it with forced D3D11 just crashes on start.


I manually veryfied each and every value from Pingopete's GH-repository (Linux64Branch) and did some checks on other config files flying around on the webs, even SSRSS, but nothing helped :-/



Would anyone with a working set of configuration files like to share them?


If logs are necessary, I'll extract and upload them on demand.


I's actually not a that great deal, I can live with graphical glitches, but the things that happen during ascend, this ocean/land/citylights/clouds/smokeparticles z-fighting clustercopulation or whatever it is (I don't even have a name for it) freaks me out^^

Don't copy the GitHub scatterer settings over, they're outdated.


Just drop a manual scatterer install into GameData, change folder 'Kerbin' to 'Earth' and change the names in the planetslist.cfg both to Earth. Ingame open the scatterer GUI and set the 'ExperimentalAtmoScale' to 0.8 or less to have a somewhat reasonable atmosphere height. It should work out of the box.

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40 minutes ago, Theysen said:

Don't copy the GitHub scatterer settings over, they're outdated.


Just drop a manual scatterer install into GameData, change folder 'Kerbin' to 'Earth' and change the names in the planetslist.cfg both to Earth. Ingame open the scatterer GUI and set the 'ExperimentalAtmoScale' to 0.8 or less to have a somewhat reasonable atmosphere height. It should work out of the box.

Do you think ExperimentalAtmoScale setting can fix this ugly border between atmo and space ?  (I can't test at the moment, screen on spoiler)




Edited by neocrife
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32 minutes ago, Theysen said:

Don't copy the GitHub scatterer settings over, they're outdated.


Just drop a manual scatterer install into GameData, change folder 'Kerbin' to 'Earth' and change the names in the planetslist.cfg both to Earth. Ingame open the scatterer GUI and set the 'ExperimentalAtmoScale' to 0.8 or less to have a somewhat reasonable atmosphere height. It should work out of the box.

Thanks for the reply :)

A'ight, will redo the scatterer install from scratch and change values accordingly.

I will inform about the outcome...

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1 hour ago, Theysen said:

Don't copy the GitHub scatterer settings over, they're outdated.


Just drop a manual scatterer install into GameData, change folder 'Kerbin' to 'Earth' and change the names in the planetslist.cfg both to Earth. Ingame open the scatterer GUI and set the 'ExperimentalAtmoScale' to 0.8 or less to have a somewhat reasonable atmosphere height. It should work out of the box.

Eureka! It worked, thanks mate :D


Although, I didn't FULLY follow the instructions, I just deleted the old Earth/Mars folders in the scatterer config folder and replaced them with the Kerbin/Duna folders from a freshly loaded scatterer package and manualy changed the XAS to 0.8 in the file without using the scatterer UI.


Again, thanks for your priceless help, I would just wait and bleed from my eyes until either KSP goes 1.2 or RVE goes 1.1.3 :D

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Do you guys and gals know about PhineasFreak's take on RVE, called RSSVE? You can find it here. After months of struggle with RVE and scatterer's settings, RSSVE is like a miracle for me. It contains reworked version of RVE as well as settings for scatterer including all planets in Real Solar System. For the first time everything is working as it should. The only things I had to tweak were the apparent size of the sun (I lowered %sunAU to 1 in RSSVE_Global_Config.cfg so that it didn't get in the way of the marvelous Astroniki sunflare that I use) and ocean settings (I swapped Earth's OceanSettings.cfg for the original OceanSettings.cfg for Kerbin, as PhineasFreak's version was too burdensome for my computer).

Edited by Sol Invictus
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On ‎7‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 1:01 PM, Sol Invictus said:

Do you guys and gals know about PhineasFreak's take on RVE, called RSSVE? You can find it here. After months of struggle with RVE and scatterer's settings, RSSVE is like a miracle for me. It contains reworked version of RVE as well as settings for scatterer including all planets in Real Solar System. For the first time everything is working as it should. The only things I had to tweak were the apparent size of the sun (I lowered %sunAU to 1 in RSSVE_Global_Config.cfg so that it didn't get in the way of the marvelous Astroniki sunflare that I use) and ocean settings (I swapped Earth's OceanSettings.cfg for the original OceanSettings.cfg for Kerbin, as PhineasFreak's version was too burdensome for my computer).

Thanks for sharing, I did not know about @Phineas Freakversion. I installed it and it does looks pretty good! Just wondering how you got the Astroniki sunflare to work? I changed the config %sunAU to 1 like you said, installed the sunflare to the sunflare folder of scatterer, but the sunflare doesn't appear in game.

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On 30.7.2016 at 10:01 PM, Sol Invictus said:


Hmm, never noticed^^

Will give Phineas' version a try as well, after work... My current config combo does work neatly (atfer the above mentioned fixes), but it can never hurt to see the same stuff from a slightly different perspective ;)


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I wish i had more time before letting the cat out of the bag but...anyway, some things that i would really like to note:

  • This is not a replacement for RVE.
  • It is done in my spare time so not everything is finished and/or polished.
  • It has not been tested extensively so it could have all sorts of performance issues.

BTW the sun flare problem has been fixed in the latest PR.

Edited by Phineas Freak
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@EliasDanger Well, it's working for me. All I did was replacing RSSVE's sunflare.cfg with the sunflare.cfg from Astroniki, then editing it's flareSettings to 0.45,1,0.085 and spikesSettings to 0.6,1,0.1. Do you use the latest version of scatterer? Previous one had non-working sunflares in KSP 1.1.3.

@Phineas Freak I guess I should have asked you for permission first before blabbing about it here. It was such an improvement for me that I just couldn't resist sharing the news with others. Anyway, thank you immensely. :)

Also, what do you mean by saying that it is not a replacement for RVE? I deleted RVE and put RSSVE in it's place. Should I have both RVE and RSSVE in my GameData folder?

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@Sol Invictus i do not have a problem with the redistribution per se but i am worried about impatient users asking for support for an "alpha version" of a mod. But I am happy that you guys and gals like it!

What i meant about RSSVE not being an RVE replacement is that the quality of my work cannot even reach the early versions of RVE. @pingopete has done an exceptional work with RVE and i applaud him for that.

Also, i should warn you that other sun flares are not really compatible if you do not make the changes that you mentioned previously. I hope that future versions of Scatterer will allow Module Manager - style patching so to simplify installation procedures.

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Hmm, just a thought:

Merge your two versions? I bet one of either has the stuff the other one misses :D

Pingopete did A LOT of awesome work (most of it?) especially gathering all the neat textures and basic data.

And you might just have the missing 'up-to-date-' configs... Not sure...



Just a thought.

BTW, looks friggin awesome on 4k :wink:

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