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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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no win 64 no manual install. I use CKAN, and installed realism overhaul. I removed testFlight, added kerbal engineer and a bunch of editor-mods. But I will try to do as you demand and create a save file with only rt.

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Approach to solve the connection problems: There is a hint to use active vessel very carefully... e.g. you've a longe-range RelaySAT around Duna pointed at a longe-range CommSAT around Kerbin, a short-range Network around Duna and a short-range Network around Ike.

If you've set one dish of the Kerbin LR-CommSAT to target Duna and another dish to Active Vessel, there might be the possibility that your Duna LR-RelaySat can be controlled while active, but when you switch to a craft in low Duna orbit there is no connection to Kerbin because the Kerbin LR-CommSat beam doesn't cover the DunaRelaySat anylonger or if pointed direct at kerbin, it has no sight, no range or the beam doesn't cover targets at Kerbin.


Point both, Kerbin and Duna LR-dishes to each other. And/Or prove your beam to Duna(-SR-Network).

I'm building my networks mostly with dish to dish connections to avoid uncovered "hubs". Aiming for minimized black out time...

Edited by funk
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I need some assistance trying to get the legacy cleverbobcat.dll working with RT again. I can't seem to figure out how to access the correct properties in RT. The cart just says there's no crew and the cart controls are disabled.

public bool controllable;
public float mass;
public bool onRemoteControl;
public bool hasRemoteControlRoute;
public double remoteControlDelay;
public string menuHint;

public void Update(Part part)
mass = 0;
onRemoteControl = false;
hasRemoteControlRoute = false;
remoteControlDelay = 0;
controllable = false;

if (!part)

bool hasMechJeb = false,
hasCommandPod = false,
needsCrew = false,
hasCrew = false;

// Look for CommandPods, MechJebs, and RemoteTech.
// I use Reflection here 'cause I don't want to know does a
// player have those plugins installed (and I don't want to
// link with that plugin libraries either).

if (part.vessel)
foreach (Part p in part.vessel.parts)
bool mechJeb = false,
remoteTech = false;

Type t = p.GetType(), t1 = t;

// Mono doesn't know how to compare System.Type with null.
// LOL what a ..... :)))
while ((System.Object)t1 != null)
if (t1.Name == "Part") // stop searching

if (t1.Name.StartsWith("MuMechJeb"))
mechJeb = true;
else if (t1.Name == "RemoteTech")
remoteTech = true;
t1 = t1.BaseType;

if (mechJeb)
hasMechJeb = true;
if (p.protoModuleCrew.Count > 0)
hasCrew = true;
if (p.CrewCapacity > 0)
needsCrew = true;
if (p is CommandPod)
hasCommandPod = true;

if (remoteTech)
// Once again, I use Reflection to get properties' values.
// I do not have a class prototype at this point.

BindingFlags b = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
PropertyInfo inRadioContact = t.GetProperty("hasConnection", B),
localControl = t.GetProperty("vessel.hasLocalControl", B),
controlDelay = t.GetProperty("delayBetween", B);
if (((System.Object)inRadioContact != null) &&
((System.Object)localControl != null) &&
((System.Object)controlDelay != null))

onRemoteControl = !(bool)localControl.GetValue(p, null);
hasRemoteControlRoute = (bool)inRadioContact.GetValue(p, null);
remoteControlDelay = (double)controlDelay.GetValue(p, null);
catch { }

// Vessel mass...
mass += p.mass;

if (hasMechJeb)
// disable RemoteTech if the vessel has MechJeb.
onRemoteControl = false;

if (onRemoteControl)
// crew don't count there. Just disable controls if the vessel
// needs crew, but does not have one (KSP issue: it blocks control
// axes in such a case).
controllable = hasRemoteControlRoute && (hasCrew || !needsCrew);
// vessel's under local control, if there is
// - either crew on-board,
// - or no need in crew, and
// - either MechJeb,
// - or unmanned command pod.
controllable = hasCrew || ((hasMechJeb || hasCommandPod) && !needsCrew);

controllable = controllable && part.vessel && part.vessel.isActiveVessel;

if (controllable)
if (onRemoteControl)
menuHint = String.Format("RC delay {0:0.0}s", remoteControlDelay);
menuHint = "";
if (!part.vessel)
menuHint = "No vessel";
else if (!part.vessel.isActiveVessel)
menuHint = "It's not an active vessel";
else if (needsCrew && !hasCrew)
menuHint = "No crew";
else if (onRemoteControl && !hasRemoteControlRoute)
menuHint = "Out of RC";
menuHint = "No control";
public class CartVesselState

If anyone has an idea please let me know. Thanks! :)

Edited by Spaceghöst
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I quick question. I remember hearing that the "active vessel" option was to be removed because of problems with it. Did you guys find a workaround to keep it, as its still in the game, or do you still recommend not using it?

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Why would you use active vessel that being put in was just a big boo boo.

Why wouldn't you? I have never heard of issues with it and use it frequently in game. I usually have at least 1 dish set to that for interplanetary relays and for my moon relay sat. So what is the issue with that setting?

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Why wouldn't you? I have never heard of issues with it and use it frequently in game. I usually have at least 1 dish set to that for interplanetary relays and for my moon relay sat. So what is the issue with that setting?

Last time, I used it when you left once you past minus active vessel didn't work or kick out not to say you can't change vessels in flight or you last that probe because you couldn't get comm back.

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Active Vessel works just fine to me. The only time it doesn't work for me is when I'm within Omni range but I try to use the biggest dish for Active Vessel - and it probably has to do with the dish range. As long as I set connection properly, it never fails me even once.

I don't understand why there's even rumor about removing it.

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Last time, I used it when you left once you past minus active vessel didn't work or kick out not to say you can't change vessels in flight or you last that probe because you couldn't get comm back.

I don't understand that word soup, but the main gotcha with "Active Vessel" is when a mothership drops a probe with short-ranged comms and you try to fly the probe. All the distant dishes set to Active Vessel point at the probe, but it has no long-range dish to reply; the mothership has the long-range dishes but the distant dishes aren't pointed at it.

This is not as serious as many RT problems because you still have command of the distant dishes and can point them back at the mothership.

(As a side note, "Active Vessel SOI" would sometimes be useful, pointing at whatever celestial body the active vessel was in the SOI of).

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Do you think some could add smaller high gain antennas, like those used on mars landers? My unmanned landers look wonky with an antenna larger than their bodies.

I support this idea. This would come in handy

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Which antennas are the best to use on a communication satellite in order to create a relay network around kerbin to cover kerbin, Mun, Minmus and Duna? I've heard you need 4, but I don't know which ones and to where does each one point :(

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Do you think some could add smaller high gain antennas, like those used on mars landers? My unmanned landers look wonky with an antenna larger than their bodies.

Switch to another range model?

Edited by J.Random
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Do you think some could add smaller high gain antennas, like those used on mars landers? My unmanned landers look wonky with an antenna larger than their bodies.

or but a satellite with a dish antenna into orbit and connect from the lander/rover/probe via omni to it.

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Do you think some could add smaller high gain antennas, like those used on mars landers? My unmanned landers look wonky with an antenna larger than their bodies.

I've been using all of the antennas from these three mods, and they all seem to work fine...

How about these? Only 4 parts.


Also, Blackleg Industries has several antennas:


Also, Sigma88 has the RT Expansion mod, which re-uses the DTS dishes, but with varying ranges to fill some gaps, as well as some larger Gigadishes:


OR, you could maybe grab the Telemachus antennas, and tweak the .cfgs...I like the 4-small dish Telemachus antenna...It also folds flat and is animated:


Edited by Stone Blue
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^ I also recomend AIES Aerospace as well as Bluedog Industries. Both have some awesome awesome antennas to cover the gaps in sizes.

Anywhoo, not sure if its ever been reported but I did find a rather painful incompatibility between this and Persistent Rotation (and it seems that the issue may result from issues in how both mods work). Essentially when you set the flight computer to control your crafts orientation when combined with the effects of PR it causes the craft to lose control. And from what I can tell this is because the method the flight computer uses to hold orientation doesn't use SAS (and instead seems to be constant control input) and when combined with PR and time warp this results in the craft spinning rapidly out of control. And thats because of how PR works, essentially causing the last movement the flight computer does to carry through time warp.

So if the flight computer corrects your craft in an upward motion and you go into timewarp after this, your craft keeps going upward because the flight computer doesn't do any input once you go into warp, and because PR will only keep an SAS enabled craft pointed in any direction during warp you end up with a craft that ends up spinning out of control. (Sorry if this may have gotten muddled, I had some trouble trying to find the phrasing to describe this)

A fix for this on the RemoteTech side (that I think would ultimately play better than trying to implement a fix on the PR side) would be to switch the method for orientation over to the one pilots/SAS use in stock. I noticed that as long as I only let the flight computer control my burns I don't end up with this issue, as the stock maneuver hold is more than accurate enough to get good burns out of the flight computer.

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Interesting..Thanx G'th...I just started using PR not long ago (have been using RT forever)...I havent noticed what you've described, but I also havent used PR too awful much yet...I'll keep an eye out for abherrant behaviour from PR from now on...

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^ Yeah its pretty easy to recreate. Presuming you have PR enabled, you can simply create any old maneuver node, have the flight comp lock to it and then go into timewarp. Your ship should tumble out of control.

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Ahhh...OK...The NODE function on the MJ computer is about the only one I DO NOT use...Lately I've been "cheating" and using the Maneuver Planner...lol...I have noticed alot of times that when i switch to a vessel/sat that I left PR on, AND/OR the MJ SURF function, that sometimes as sson as the vessel loads, it will be out of proper orientation, and will "snap" back to what i had it set for...Havent noticed any issues going into warp with it set that way though...I'll have to take a closer look and mess around with it a bit more...Hopefully its JUST the NODE function that messes with PR?

Edited by Stone Blue
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I've been using all of the antennas from these three mods, and they all seem to work fine...

How about these? Only 4 parts.


Also, Blackleg Industries has several antennas:


Also, Sigma88 has the RT Expansion mod, which re-uses the DTS dishes, but with varying ranges to fill some gaps, as well as some larger Gigadishes:


OR, you could maybe grab the Telemachus antennas, and tweak the .cfgs...I like the 4-small dish Telemachus antenna...It also folds flat and is animated:


These all look like great mods, but aren't really what I'm looking for. None of these have the range for an unmanned interplanetary rover. I was thinking about something like the antennas used on Pathfinder or Curiosity.

Edited by Panel
Accidently doubled up.
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I love to add a few unmanned probes onto long-haul ships. One more lifter with a bunch of probes is a quick mission, but ideally a core be a dual-use, acting like control for a refueling tank launch, then decoupling and joining the outward ship to act like a satellite.

The major issue with this is that once the probe undocks far off away from Kerbin, lag kicks in and suddenly I can't do anything with that probe in the window between undocking and the light speed delay back to KSC.

Additionally, with any of the life support mods added, getting a remote command center anywhere is even further of an endgame goal than it is without any kerbal support requirements.

I'd love to see a compromise between stock unmanned ships being creepy AI driven things, and RT's KSC monopoly on probe control.

My favored idea would be an option to allow pilot-class kerbals to be severely nerfed remote command stations, able to directly control a probe, but not use the flight computer commands or daisy chain a connection through multiple satellites, and requiring a dish pointed at the target probe. Just enough to let the player drop a probe from flyby to orbit without needing to slow down the mothership or undock the probe much earlier than normal, or use the cheaper deltaV in the probe to perform an intercept docking.

A probe dying because the command to open the solar panels taking too long to arrive is just embarrassing.;.; (Yes I should've opened them before undocking, duh.)

Plus, this would give a reason to actually bring pilots along, they barely get any attention once one can SAS with a part instead.

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Hmmm...Isnt that what THIS probe core is for...????...:

"the RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit can serve as a command station, provided a crew of 6 or more kerbals is available to split the jobs of running the ship and monitoring nearby probes. The crew can be anywhere on the ship; it does not have to be in a particular part. The RC-L01 still acts as a probe core and a signal processor, whether or not a crew is on board."

I believe having a ship with 6 kerbals (min), RC-L01, and appropriate comms, and you have yourself a mobile, on-orbit KSC that can be sent and placed in any planet's/moon's SOI...

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