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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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So why do omni antenna work inside a (procedural) fairing but directional ones do not?

Do they take note of the `is shielded` variable or something similar?

EDIT : My mistake, I thought all the `dish type` antenna could reach to Duna and the other types were Kerbin SOI only due to design and I just noticed I put 50Mm dishes on thinking they were 50Gm.

Just spent 80k+ on my first two Duna missions (second on a fast trajectory to supply signal to the other) before I noticed...

Edited by John FX
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Eventually, yes. Cilph never got around to it, and my experiments with tweaking science requirements led to a horribly unbalanced game (i.e., omnis were overpowered, giga-dishes were underpowered). I believe Pirsig was going to take a stab at it (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305?p=1458424#post1458424).

As for antenna specs, while we can change power consumption fairly easily, changing range and angle would break saves, so we won't be doing that until we really need to.

Once I have time for more than writing forum posts, I'm planning to whip up an optional config that redoes the antenna specs according to a different system. I'll post it here for people who want to be guinea pigs.

Good to hear that. I have one more suggestion. The Foldable dishes seem unbalanced compared to the folded dishes. Although the non folded dishes don't break in the atmosphere, The folded dishes are much lighter. For the smaller short dishes this is justiable, but for the bigger long range dishes it a severe handicapt. My proposal is to make them more energy efficent, both with sending science result as in recieving. Realisticly it makes sence since perminent dishes can be better fine tuned and made from better (heavier) materials. This should make non foldable Dishes more viable when power consumpion is a import design aspect, like with deep space probes without access to cheap solar power. Regarding Science power usage, It would be great if it would depend on the distance you want to send. The longer distance, the more power it should require. This also makes creating a solar relay network more usefull.

Edited by FreeThinker
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This just happend

I have One Dish Pointing at EVE form Kerbin one at EVE pointing at Kerbin (a couple of omnis 3 or four) i started noticing while in orbit around K. that the line from the omni was not respecting 500km distance and was going trough kerbin (connecting with the station around K.)

this started to happen the moment i was approaching the runaway with KSO shuttle

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.Guid,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RemoteTech.NetworkLink`1[RemoteTech.ISatellite]]].get_Item (Guid key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at RemoteTech.NetworkManager.UpdateGraph (ISatellite a) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at RemoteTech.NetworkManager.OnPhysicsUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.Action:invoke_void__this__ ()

at RemoteTech.RTCore.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Using KSP 0.25x32 RT 1.5.1 (aies antennas modified the distance and dish angle only to my liking other than that everything is as downloaded)

The game did not crash and after the vessel recovery everything went back to normal

Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h9tub95gduvvhpr/KSP_RT151.rar?dl=0

hope it helps

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Enjoy the challenge of this mod overall, but can I make a small suggestion? It would be nice if dishes could be activated without a connection, as long as there's at least one omni-directional antenna active.


- The punishment factor for forgetting to deploy an antenna is guaranteed mission failure.

- You may not know it for quite a while, though, if you just push your probes off and turn to other things while they travel. This leads to nerd rage when you figure out what you forgot to do :)

- NASA or the ESA would have a dozen people asking "did you check...?" while it was still in Earth orbit, but we have one player, and no reminders.

- Early tech tree and on a tight budget, it's easy to be struggling for battery life, which gives players good reason to hold of deploying until the probe is outside of LKO (and thus out of Kerbin's shadow). It's surprisingly easy to forget that you meant to deploy


- There have been real space probes, for example Galileo's Jupiter mission, which possessed both a high gain and low gain antenna. The low gain was there as a receiver to say "hey, open your big antenna now", and meant the big dish could stay safely rolled up until it was needed. In fact, the low-gain antenna was the hero of the mission, since the main dish failed to open!

- Ground transmitters rarely have a problem generating enough signal power to contact a probe, even if it only has a small antenna. If needs be, we can throw a megawatt signal out, where the probe might only answer with a nanowatt.

Other than that, RemoteTech does genuinely give players a mental challenge; where do you need your comms satellites, how can you stop them bunching up in orbit, how do you avoid connection eclipses, how do you keep them powered when in planetary shadow, is it even possible to get a real geostationary orbit in KSP, etc. This much I definitely like - but lol, forgetting the antenna is... well, let's just say I tend to hack the config and up the range of the standard omni high enough to deploy the proper dish and get on with the mission and my life :)

Of course an alternative is an alert that says "Hey, this probe will be out of communications range in 10 minutes, do you want to do something?" and stops time warp, but that feels like it would be harder to implement :)


In a completely separate issue, I've had probes fail permanently because I overloaded them with dishes. Once the batteries were empty, none of the antennae worked and I couldn't issue an instruction to deactivate some. Not really a bug, per se, but quite annoying. Graceful failure would be nice, e.g. a priority order, such that dishes are powered in priority order, based on the current active link to mission control when the player is focussed on the probe. If we are allowing "active vessel" targeting then this doesn't seem out of bounds. If there isn't enough power for a secondary/tertiary/quaternary dish, then shut it down for 30 seconds to give the player a chance to figure out what to do. Cycling power round the antennae like this means the probe should never actually lock up permanently, even if its communication link path changes over time.


Just some thoughts! Overall a good and interesting mod and hope it keeps being developed and improved :)

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I'm new to Remotetech2, and am working my way through it in career mode. And btw, what a great mod.

I'm confident with what I'm doing inside Kerbin's SoI, and am now starting to think about sending some unmanned ships out to explore the wider system, and obviously things get a bit more complicated. I have played around a little with the flight computer, but only have a basic grasp of how it can be used.

The first window available is Moho, so I started thinking about a probe flyby. But then I thought about the possibility of a landing component.

I know that the flight computer can set up a reentry on an atmospheric planet, with parachutes. But is there any realistic way to set up a landing on Moho, or am i wasting my time?

How about if I try a manual burn, with the delay set based on the time to impact figure from MJ? I could then adjust my attitude at the point when I should be nearing the surface. Any remote chance of success?

Edited by Oafman
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Enjoy the challenge of this mod overall, but can I make a small suggestion? It would be nice if dishes could be activated without a connection, as long as there's at least one omni-directional antenna active.

Agree with this, I've lost quite a bit of missions due to misclick, quick action button error, went out of power and wasn't able to control again. Quite a lot of stuff like.

Being able to deactivate-reactivate without connections is just a way to make the mod way more forgiving and enjoyable.

Many times I try to disable the antenna in order to preserve power, and reactivate when some scenario is done. However I can't leave the vessel or else the Flight computer loses its commands, This can lead to very undesirable and annoying waiting times.

Another way would be to save the commands with the vessel, allowing to switch to others and then back, while saving on battery and planning it all out, still keeping it realistic.

Personally I think both should be implemented, and leave the player some option if he so desire.

I know that the flight computer can set up a reentry on an atmospheric planet, with parachutes. But is there any realistic way to set up a landing on Moho, or am i wasting my time?

How about if I try a manual burn, with the delay set based on the time to impact figure from MJ? I could then adjust my attitude at the point when I should be nearing the surface. Any remote chance of success?

Yeah, making landings with this mod complicates a lot of things, Mechjeb doesn't quite work with this, so i don't recommend. Using the flight computer is quite unpredictable unless you spend a lot of time calculating and testing( will need tests).

I'm thinking of using kOS, scriptable auto-pilot. Its compatible and allows you to write a script of instructions to follow, when to burn, altitude that sort of stuff. Downside is that its a bit hard to learn, I still have to get into it.

On another note to the devs.

Is there some way to deactivate RT temporally, allowing for control where there wasn't? Reason is that KCT mod (construction time) has simulation feature which allows to test the vessel in orbit before actually launching it.

But often I'm found trying to test a probe and can't due to being able to control it already in space. The suggestion above could also solve this.

Also I would like to suggest a per save option to the mod, disabling it for sandbox and etc, a per save per user choice.

Sorry if this seemed like a mouthful, I do love the mod and appreciate your work, many thanks. Cheers

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I'm having some kind of stupid math trouble.

The range on the Communotron 16 is 2.5Mm. The distance to geosynchronous orbit (With its DTSM-1s) is 2.868 MM. 2.868 - 2.5 = 0.313Mm, or 313km. Yet despite this, as we all know, a probe with a Communotron 16 in LKO (say at 100km) has no communication trouble.

Where am I misplacing my decimal? I'd dearly love to know before trying to set up my Munar trojans.

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I'm having some kind of stupid math trouble.

The range on the Communotron 16 is 2.5Mm. The distance to geosynchronous orbit (With its DTSM-1s) is 2.868 MM. 2.868 - 2.5 = 0.313Mm, or 313km. Yet despite this, as we all know, a probe with a Communotron 16 in LKO (say at 100km) has no communication trouble.

Where am I misplacing my decimal? I'd dearly love to know before trying to set up my Munar trojans.

I'm not sure I'm understanding you. A probe 100km above the surface is less than 2.5Mm above the surface. Are you saying they can talk to your ship in Keosynchronous orbit, when they are also not in communication with KSC?

I'd like a picture of the map to see what you're saying.

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Your standard kerbosynchronous satellite ring is 2.868Mm above ASL for Kerbin, right? And it has cone antennae that talk to mission control, coned at Kerbin, and on active vessel, of course. Your kerbosynchronous ring has no communication trouble.

That's not my question.

Put a probe with a Commmunotron 16 in 100x100km orbit of Kerbin. Wait until it's out of range of mission control. Now the Communotron 16 has a range of 2.5Mm. The only way for it to get a connection is via your kerbosynchronous ring. 2.868 - 2.5 = .318Mm = 318km at shortest distance. Yet your satellite is in a 100x100km orbit, which makes a 218km lack, so you should have no connection.

However, we all know from experience that this is not the case. Your kerbosynchronous ring has no trouble keeping constant contact with anything in LKO with a Communotron 16. So where am I going wrong?

If a picture is truly necessary, I can boot up KSP and take a screenshot.

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hi all im having trouble with flying my drone around the dark side, this is strange because i have a 8 sat gps array on two axis that works as a coms link. i dont know why my drone is losing signal in LKO. also ive noticed some of my sat are not connecting to each other even though they are linked to other sat further off.

any idea whats causing this issue?

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Put a probe with a Commmunotron 16 in 100x100km orbit of Kerbin. Wait until it's out of range of mission control. Now the Communotron 16 has a range of 2.5Mm. The only way for it to get a connection is via your kerbosynchronous ring. 2.868 - 2.5 = .318Mm = 318km at shortest distance. Yet your satellite is in a 100x100km orbit, which makes a 218km lack, so you should have no connection.

However, we all know from experience that this is not the case. Your kerbosynchronous ring has no trouble keeping constant contact with anything in LKO with a Communotron 16. So where am I going wrong?

Have you changed anything in RemoteTech's settings? Could be the result of additive mode or a > 1 range multiplier.

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is there a way to have more than 1 mission control (the red dot) on kerbin?

Yes you can edit your RT.settings cfg look at 1 for RSS.

Edit- Here is one for RSS

ConsumptionMultiplier = 1.0
RangeMultiplier = 1
ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2
SpeedOfLight = 3E+08
MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path
EnableSignalDelay = False
RangeModelType = Additive
MultipleAntennaMultiplier = 1
ThrottleTimeWarp = True
DishConnectionColor = 0.9960784,0.7019608,0.03137255,1
OmniConnectionColor = 0.5529412,0.5176471,0.4078431,1
ActiveConnectionColor = 0.6588235,1,0.01568628,1
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc482
Name = AU - Woomera
Latitude = -30.95875
Longitude = 136.50366
Height = 417
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc483
Name = CN - Jiuquan
Latitude = 41.11803
Longitude = 100.4633
Height = 1350
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc484
Name = CN - Taiyuan
Latitude = 39.14321
Longitude = 111.96741
Height = 1750
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc485
Name = CN - Xichang
Latitude = 28.24646
Longitude = 102.02814
Height = 2150
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc486
Name = DZ - Hammaguir
Latitude = 30.77824
Longitude = -3.05377
Height = 994
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc487
Name = FR - Kourou
Latitude = 5.239380
Longitude = -52.768487
Height = 251
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488
Name = IL - Palmachim
Latitude = 31.88484
Longitude = 34.6802
Height = 260
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc489
Name = IN - Satish Dhawan
Latitude = 13.72
Longitude = 80.230278
Height = 261
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc48a
Name = IR - Semnan
Latitude = 35.234631
Longitude = 53.920941
Height = 1200
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc48b
Name = JP - Tanegashima
Latitude = 30.39096
Longitude = 130.96813
Height = 275
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc48c
Name = JP - Uchinoura
Latitude = 31.25186
Longitude = 131.07914
Height = 455
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc48d
Name = KZ - Baikonur
Latitude = 45.920278
Longitude = 63.342222
Height = 340
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc48e
Name = MH - Omelek
Latitude = 9.048167
Longitude = 167.743083
Height = 252
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc48f
Name = RU - Kapustin Yar
Latitude = 48.5400
Longitude = 46.2500
Height = 280
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc490
Name = RU - Plesetsk
Latitude = 62.957222
Longitude = 40.695833
Height = 380
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc491
Name = RU - Svobodny
Latitude = 51.83441
Longitude = 128.2757
Height = 500
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc492
Name = RU - Yasny
Latitude = 51.20706
Longitude = 59.85003
Height = 515
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc493
Name = US - Brownsville
Latitude = 25.996613
Longitude = -97.154206
Height = 260
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc494
Name = US - Cape Canaveral
Latitude = 28.608389
Longitude = -80.604333
Height = 260
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc495
Name = US - Kodiak
Latitude = 57.435276
Longitude = -152.339354
Height = 281
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc496
Name = US - Vandenberg
Latitude = 34.5813
Longitude = -120.6266
Height = 362
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc497
Name = US - Wallops
Latitude = 37.833755
Longitude = -75.458177
Height = 260
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07

This might be a old one got to many files :(

Edited by Mecripp2
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Did I have to have a specific Guid ? I tried one out and it didnt work. I mean all I did was copy the KSC one and changed the coordinates to some random locale and changed the last number of the guid. What did u mean by "RSS" ?

thanks for posting response :D

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Did I have to have a specific Guid ? I tried one out and it didnt work. I mean all I did was copy the KSC one and changed the coordinates to some random locale and changed the last number of the guid. What did u mean by "RSS" ?

thanks for posting response :D

By RSS he means Real Solar System mod, which is the game modeled for Earth and real space and everything else, so those numbers put tracking stations at their real life analogues (Kennedy space center, Vandenburg, Baikonur, etc.) on earth in the RSS mod

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Did I have to have a specific Guid ? I tried one out and it didnt work. I mean all I did was copy the KSC one and changed the coordinates to some random locale and changed the last number of the guid. What did u mean by "RSS" ?

thanks for posting response :D

How did you put it in can you post or just copy what, I put and see.

EDIT- Glad you got it.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Hi guys,

Sorry for my extended absence. Busy moving, and I have no idea where the other RT devs went.

I am running a pretty modded environment. Performance is great and I have no error messages popping up in the log. However, once I start placing satellites in various orbits to cater to my communications need, I am having a lot of stutter issues. The game will run for 3-10 seconds, then freeze 1 second. If I take out the RemoteTech.dll file, the game runs 100% fine again. Any suggestions what could cause this?

Edit: I should mention that this stutter is only when I am in flight. When viewing my sats in the tracking station, I have no issues.

Haven't heard of that one. Do you have other mods installed? It could be a compatibility issue.

I just researched the EXP-VR-2T and I set up an orbital network around Kerbin in addition to the 32's network I had up before. Now I've been noticing all of a sudden that when I try going to the tracking station the game simply freezes with no messages while loading the tracking station. I get the little circle in the bottom right corner, the rest of the screen is black.

I noticed that a few weeks ago someone else reported a similar problem on this thread, and uploaded some logs. But I couldn't see any solution listed. Can anyone help?

EDIT: I'm pretty confident now that it's the EXP-VR-2T antenna that's causing the problem. I removed its part file and folder which forced my game to wipe all the craft with it. And now I can use the tracking station just fine.

Sorry, no idea. Can you point me to the earlier post? I can't seem to find it via either forum search or Google. :(

Anyway, I noticed in the "Interplanetary Networks" tutorial (https://remotetechnologiesgroup.github.io/RemoteTech/tutorials/long_range/) that you link to a Google Spreadsheet for calculating eclipse duration. Unfortunately, somewhere in the Google-to-LibreOffice transition, the system for splitting the dropdown strings into their separate components broke, so I fixed up the spreadsheet to work in LibreOffice. Feel free to link to it, and if the bandwidth drain on my account gets excessive -- unlikely, but I'll let you know -- I'll let you re-host it: http://www./view/63tyil19qwo417r/KSP_Battery_Calculator_LibreOffice_fix.ods

Thanks for the link. I'll add it.

Also, does the 75000 km omni-antenna at KSC participate in the "root range model" like every other antenna? I ask because it's not in the table given in the appendix of the "settings" documentation page.

Yes, it participates, and it's given in the table as "Mission Control". I've only left out the entry for links from Mission Control to Mission Control because, really, how the heck is that supposed to work?

This just happend

I have One Dish Pointing at EVE form Kerbin one at EVE pointing at Kerbin (a couple of omnis 3 or four) i started noticing while in orbit around K. that the line from the omni was not respecting 500km distance and was going trough kerbin (connecting with the station around K.)

this started to happen the moment i was approaching the runaway with KSO shuttle

Using KSP 0.25x32 RT 1.5.1 (aies antennas modified the distance and dish angle only to my liking other than that everything is as downloaded)

The game did not crash and after the vessel recovery everything went back to normal

Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h9tub95gduvvhpr/KSP_RT151.rar?dl=0

hope it helps

Thanks for the logs. It may be a while before I can take a look (and apologies also to everybody else waiting on bugfixes), but I will take a look.

Enjoy the challenge of this mod overall, but can I make a small suggestion? It would be nice if dishes could be activated without a connection, as long as there's at least one omni-directional antenna active.


In a completely separate issue, I've had probes fail permanently because I overloaded them with dishes. Once the batteries were empty, none of the antennae worked and I couldn't issue an instruction to deactivate some. Not really a bug, per se, but quite annoying. Graceful failure would be nice, e.g. a priority order, such that dishes are powered in priority order, based on the current active link to mission control when the player is focussed on the probe. If we are allowing "active vessel" targeting then this doesn't seem out of bounds. If there isn't enough power for a secondary/tertiary/quaternary dish, then shut it down for 30 seconds to give the player a chance to figure out what to do. Cycling power round the antennae like this means the probe should never actually lock up permanently, even if its communication link path changes over time.

This shouldn't be happening, because KSP doesn't simulate power drain for satellites that aren't loaded. Can you give some more details?

The first window available is Moho, so I started thinking about a probe flyby. But then I thought about the possibility of a landing component.

I know that the flight computer can set up a reentry on an atmospheric planet, with parachutes. But is there any realistic way to set up a landing on Moho, or am i wasting my time?

How about if I try a manual burn, with the delay set based on the time to impact figure from MJ? I could then adjust my attitude at the point when I should be nearing the surface. Any remote chance of success?

Aside from using surface retrograde facing, I don't have any suggestions for how to land on thrust. Theoretically you could try to do it by manually programming a suicide burn, but I'd hope your probe is very sturdy. (If you have an airbag mod, though, it might be doable).

With RemoteTech, Moho is very hard to even get an orbit around because you need to shed a lot of excess speed very quickly, and because slight errors in the burn execution will lead to huge errors in the trajectory. If you need to make a long orbit insertion burn (say, 10 minutes or more), I'd suggest you pick a high periapsis (say, 100-200 km) for your insertion burn, then adjust the orbit later. That will give you much more margin for error at the cost of only a little more fuel.

There's a mod for that, if RemoteTech will implement support for it.

Sorry, I had no idea there was such a mod. I've added a feature request.

Edited by Starstrider42
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I know that the flight computer can set up a reentry on an atmospheric planet, with parachutes. But is there any realistic way to set up a landing on Moho, or am i wasting my time?

Starstrider42 mentioned airbags (the USI Survivability Pack comes with some), and others have mentioned the XT Landertron mod -- set up the de-orbit burn, point retrograde, arm the thrusters, and then sit back and relax for seven minutes (or however many) of terror. I've never done this myself, but it works on paper, so I'm sure it will function perfectly on the first try. :rolleyes:

Yes, it participates, and it's given in the table as "Mission Control".

So it is. Thanks for pointing it out -- I must have been looking for "KSC" or something.

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