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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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have you tried it and it didn't work?

If it did I'd be very surprised since this was a BIG update and a lot of stuff was moved around. Kind of going off my last post I'd like to mention that this mod is several years old and has passed through multiple developers. The code isn't exactly neat and small changes cause big interruptions as the minor loops and errors pile up

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Not sure if this has been requested before (and it appears we may be waiting for a new updater?)... can we get one way Remote programming of satellites?

My "base" geosynchronous satellites have all "stock" parts, nothing but DTS-M1's, Communotron 88-88 and maybe a few others in Min/Munar orbit that utilize the Communotron 16's. I specifically designed them so if I ever lost my save backups, and I update and log in without getting mods, I dont' lose the basic satellites.

However, even if I realize what happened (usually with the long-assed list of <craft has been deleted>), I can't seem to "reprogram" my basic Kerbin SOI satellites without physically flying to each one and sending a Kerbal over on EVA. Even if all the satellites are still there, and still have the same orbits they had prior to forgetting to update RT and then reinstalling it.

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Not sure if this has been requested before (and it appears we may be waiting for a new updater?)... can we get one way Remote programming of satellites?

My "base" geosynchronous satellites have all "stock" parts, nothing but DTS-M1's, Communotron 88-88 and maybe a few others in Min/Munar orbit that utilize the Communotron 16's. I specifically designed them so if I ever lost my save backups, and I update and log in without getting mods, I dont' lose the basic satellites.

However, even if I realize what happened (usually with the long-assed list of <craft has been deleted>), I can't seem to "reprogram" my basic Kerbin SOI satellites without physically flying to each one and sending a Kerbal over on EVA. Even if all the satellites are still there, and still have the same orbits they had prior to forgetting to update RT and then reinstalling it.

Get RemoteTech XF it allows you to change antenna targets when not connected.

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Thanks, I'd actually gone to bed and just woke up so this is great. Also need to make a note to create even more stock-ish CommSats, and distribute them around.

Edit: Definitely agree with the XF that it's odd RT (base) doesn't allow the one-way reprogramming. I like the challenge of dealing with light-speed delays and such, but not being able to reprogram at distance can be a buzz kill.

Edited by Somtaaw
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Thanks, I'd actually gone to bed and just woke up so this is great. Also need to make a note to create even more stock-ish CommSats, and distribute them around.

Edit: Definitely agree with the XF that it's odd RT (base) doesn't allow the one-way reprogramming. I like the challenge of dealing with light-speed delays and such, but not being able to reprogram at distance can be a buzz kill.

The reason we dont allow it in RemoteTech is because such an action is impossible in the real world. We felt that enabling something that clearly violates the laws of physics would not fit with the theme of the mod.

We need to have a better safety net for when you go out of range and there are a lot of ideas on how to do this. Adding a hack that lets you contact probes with no connection is, in my opinion, just a lazy hack. Which is why i denied the pull request. All of the other options are harder to implement than a simple hand wave of the rules.

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We need to have a better safety net for when you go out of range and there are a lot of ideas on how to do this. Adding a hack that lets you contact probes with no connection is, in my opinion, just a lazy hack. Which is why i denied the pull request. All of the other options are harder to implement than a simple hand wave of the rules.

I'd think that a realistic model would have the spacecraft go into "safe mode" after a watchdog timer went off. Exactly what safe mode entails would depend on the probe, but it would involve turning off anything that burns a lot of power and periodically waking up to listen for one-way low-bitrate commands from home.

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On the other hand there is an option to disable signal delay... which I'm thankful for because I play without it

*Crawls back under the rock he emerged from*

And to disable requiring line of sight.

It's not just about magically changing the target. It's about setting up a network after installing RT on a save. Fixing targeting when when target names change, and such.

Edited by futrtrubl
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Yea, got to agree with the prior posts here. Refusing to allow antennas and dishes to be turned on or targeted without a connection being unrealistic (arguably incorrect) and lazy safety yet providing an option to disable line of sight and signal delay, even change the "speed of light" which are clearly unrealistic is quite hypocritical. Keeping in line with what has already been established would be to allow this same thing to be an option in the config.

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Yea, got to agree with the prior posts here. Refusing to allow antennas and dishes to be turned on or targeted without a connection being unrealistic (arguably incorrect) and lazy safety yet providing an option to disable line of sight and signal delay, even change the "speed of light" which are clearly unrealistic is quite hypocritical. Keeping in line with what has already been established would be to allow this same thing to be an option in the config.

I'd presume some sort of omnidirectional low-gain antenna and receiver would be present in any sensible design. In game terms you could either assume it's part of every probe core, or require an omni antenna to be present to let you command a satellite in safe mode.

When you lose the high bit rate connection, you'd aim a big dish at the probe and blast out commands at a low bit rate such that the signal would be strong enough to decode when it reaches the probe, and hope the spacecraft's healthy enough to receive, decode, and execute the commands you sent.

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Coming at this from the other side, the ability to change the speed of light and LOS requirements in the config file are clearly cheats and are off by default.

The ability being asked for to activate/target dishes when you don't have a connection I feel also qualifies as a cheat. Now, I can see the point of allowing it in order to reduce player frustration/increase the player's fun, but I'm leery of trying to justify adding a cheat that is on by default by pointing to existing cheats that are off by default.

Ultimately, the issue is a KSP limitation that you can always see all craft in real time. This means that RemoteTech can only affect commands being sent to the vessel, therefore if a vessel is in a no-connection state, that means no-connection at all.

Having said that, there does need to be some sort of safety net to avoid a single wrong command scuttling a major interplanetary mission, but I'd rather see a real gameplay solution then a cheat/hack to ignore Remotetech.


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Alright, I fiddled with the source code a little, fixed some minor compile errors and RemoteTech now loads for me under KSP 1.0. I don't have much experience with modding...

Anyway, here is a link to the "fixed" version, I haven't tested much, be gentle. There is a fork on github it's under cybercritic.


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Now, I can see the point of allowing it in order to reduce player frustration/increase the player's fun, but I'm leery of trying to justify adding a cheat that is on by default by pointing to existing cheats that are off by default.

Doesn't have to be on by default. Not that I have a qualified opinion on the matter whether it's doable or not.

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Real world satellites will automatically attempt to require signal if they loose connection for any reason short of irreparable damage so having a system to automatically attempt (but perhaps not always be successful at) reconnecting is the more realistic option

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Yea, got to agree with the prior posts here. Refusing to allow antennas and dishes to be turned on or targeted without a connection being unrealistic (arguably incorrect) and lazy safety yet providing an option to disable line of sight and signal delay, even change the "speed of light" which are clearly unrealistic is quite hypocritical. Keeping in line with what has already been established would be to allow this same thing to be an option in the config.

To be honest, i don't like these either, especially the line of sight cheat. With enough work I think it will be possible to remove them. That would only be after the team is satisfied that there are reasonable alternatives available.

- - - Updated - - -

Real world satellites will automatically attempt to require signal if they loose connection for any reason short of irreparable damage so having a system to automatically attempt (but perhaps not always be successful at) reconnecting is the more realistic option

I agree that there needs to be some kind of fail-safe in place to avoid loosing satellites. The argument comes from the difference between configuring ahead of time when you have a connection or fixing after the fact by using a cheat. I believe the former is possible.

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Alright, I fiddled with the source code a little, fixed some minor compile errors and RemoteTech now loads for me under KSP 1.0. I don't have much experience with modding...

Anyway, here is a link to the "fixed" version, I haven't tested much, be gentle. There is a fork on github it's under cybercritic.


What exactly did you change because sharing that information with the mod author is a good idea

- - - Updated - - -

I find it funny that we are arguing about a feature that is the core tenant of remote tech XF which adds exactly what we are debating

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