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[1.2] USI Survivability Pack (Formerly DERP) [v0.6.0]


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Sorry, all of these will be optimized for stock aero. I'll take pull requests if someone wants to make a FAR config, but given I no longer use it, I just don't have the time to devote in making sure these parts work in both.

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Just registered on the forums because I like this mod very much :)

About the survivability of the new DERP lifeboat design with wings: I've spent the last few hour test piloting it with stock aerodynamics in 1.04. The craft can survive no problem by landing in water or on ground. On ground, you need the "Kickstand" stick pointed at the ground. Wings can slow you down to 50-70 m/s and the craft will only explode with impacts over 80 m/s. It's a bit tricky, but with practice it's no harder then doing a gravity turn. I don't know how it compares to the parachute design, this is the first time I try the mod. Also, you dont need mobile wings for control surfaces, reaction wheels do the job.

About balance of the DERP lifeboat:

-What is 200kg of ablator for on a 450kg craft? With current temperature tolerances, the craft doesn't need any. Even when you enter atmosphere facing retrograde (to properly use the ablator) it still only uses a very small fraction of it. I think 450 kg is a good weight for this module, about half as heavy as Mk1+Chute, but harder to use and cannot be the principal astronaut module, however 250 kg sounds very light. I guess right now it allows users to customize the weight without going it config files, but it's open to abuse, especially when the craft is that good at entering the atmosphere are any speed. Temperature resistance at 3400 might be lowered to 2400-2800, similar to other parts.

-The Propulsion Module seems a bit useless. I guess it's good at getting away from a crashing craft, but that's rarely needed. With only 50 m/s of delta v it can't help you from anywhere but very low Kerbin orbit. I prefer to use stock very small tanks and engine to get about 1000 m/s of delta v, which can save you from a lunar orbit or something like that. Also, it seems the engine isn't made to use in atmosphere (too heavy to stabilize) and that you should detach it before then, that got me confused a bit.

-Floating devices all weight 150 kg for all sizes, which is odd and heavy. 150, 100 and 50 would make more sense.

-Airbags are really nice on Kerbin, but don't work very well on Mun, I'm not sure why. Are they intended to replace parachutes? Also, I heard it was intended at some point that resetting them needed Engi and some Mono-Prop, has that been scrapped?

Also, saves in DERP are bugged (freeze on load) and it seems I cannot detach airbags without control groups. That might be due to 1.04

Edited by jonhwoods
corrected delta v and added float and airbag comment
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Hello. I had been messing with this mod in 1.02, and I had a couple of questions. First, the description says that the propulsion pod should be surface / radial attachement possible? I managed to build one test ship where it allowed me to stick the combined DERP / propulsion pod to the side of an inline cockpit, but when I tried to add DERP units to a space station in the VAB later, I couldn't get the propulsion pods to surface attach. At all. I think I had possibly updated one of the other USI mods (maybe UKS with the version before the one that broke save games, I'm not certain.) Is it possible I broke / overwrote something, or is this a bug with KSP? Is there a config / version file I could check to make sure the propulsion pod is working properly?

Second: Is it working as intended that tourists can't use the DERP to evacuate? They can enter it and be launched, but they don't count as crew for the purpose of actually landing it. And with the current winged version, an uncontrolled landing on Kerbin is more or less the same result as pushing them out the airlock. (Well, the same end result, an ex-tourist. The DERP does result in a fiery crater, where the airlock would be more burning and less splat.)

I was also curious about the floatation devices - they seem to have the same buoyancy regardless of whether or not they are deployed? I tried to use the floatation ring on a Mk 1 capsule with a probe core on top (for juggling tourists who only wanted a sub orbital flight) and the resulting pod would almost always flip more or less upside down, regardless of whether the float was deployed. In fact, inflating it seemed to push the cockpit farther underwater, presumably because the edges of the float were farther from the center of mass and had more leverage. Is this just a result of how KSP handles the buoyancy of parts in general? I'm mostly just curious how the parts work, since I'd really only added the float for looks anyway. Rocket parts in KSP seem to be made of styrofoam anyway, so it's not like I needed to worry about drowning my tourist if the pod didn't self destruct as soon as it hit the water.

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Additional info: After building the test ship, I added a handful of other mods, including the Stock Bugfix mod and Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. It's possible one of those changed something that affected the propulsion unit. I just tested it in my current game however, and it's not possible to attach the DERP engine pod in any configuration except inline with an actual connection node. I will provide a list of all the mods I currently have installed if that might be relevant.

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I love this mod but I am having trouble deploying the parachute. When I right-click either the propulsion or lifeboat parts there is no option to deploy the parachute. There is also no parachute in the staging. When I check the action groups the two parts don't have any parachute options. I'm on a reasonably fresh career mode game and I haven't yet unlocked the Mk16-XL, I don't know if that is a problem.

I am using RealChutes, but I'm having the same issue if I remove it.

I have also a few other mods installed, see below:

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ 000_Toolbar
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ 000_USITools
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Agency
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ AnimatedDecouplers
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ BahaSP
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ CommunityResourcePack
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ResourceConfigs
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ CommunityTechTree
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Tree
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ConnectedLivingSpace
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ assets
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ContractConfigurator
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ icons
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ science
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ContractPacks
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ CC-CP-SCANSat
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RemoteTech
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ContractsWindow
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ DMagicOrbitalScience
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Icons
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Waypoints
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ProbeScience
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ASERT
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ GoreSat
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ImagingPlatform
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MagBoom
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RPWS
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Scope
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SoilMoisture
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SolarParticleCollector
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RoverScience
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ AnomSensor
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ BioDrill
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ DAN
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Laser
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RoverGoo
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RoverMat
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ XRay
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ UniversalStorage
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ USASERT
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ USGooMat
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ USGoreSat
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ USImagingPlatform
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ USProbeSci
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ USScope
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ USSoilMoisture
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ USSolarParticles
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ USStock
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ EnhancedNavBall
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ EnhancedNavBall
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Firespitter
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FogOfTech
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Fusebox
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MFD
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Fusebox
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TB_icons
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ HullCameraVDS
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ aerocam
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ hc_booster
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ hc_launchcam
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ hc_navcam
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ hc_scicam
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ hc_wideangle
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ hullcam_hubbazoot
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MSIKerbPro
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Telescope
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TelescopeLarge
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ JSI
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Agencies
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RasterPropMonitor
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Library
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Components
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ HUD
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MFD40x20v2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ NavBall
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Fonts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ExternalCameraPart
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Props
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ CockpitHandle
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ IndicatorPanelReplacement
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ InternalAirlock
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ InternalFlagPlate
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ InternalHatch
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SimpleProps
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SwitchWCover
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ThirdPartySupport
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RPMPodPatches
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ BasicMFD
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PatchesMod
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PatchesStock
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KAS
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ cPort1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ hook_anchor
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ hook_grapplingHook
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ hook_harpoon
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ hook_magnet
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ pylon1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ strut1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ winch1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ winch2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KerbalEngineer
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Engineer7500
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ EngineerChip
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mesh
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ textures
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Presets
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Settings
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KerbalJointReinforcement
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugin
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KerbalJointReinforcement
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KerbalScienceFoundation
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ NavInstruments
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ CommonAudio
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ CommonTextures
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ NavUtilLib
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Props
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Runways
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KIS
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ bomb1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ concreteBase1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ container1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ container2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ containerMount1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ electricScrewdriver
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ evapropellant1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ guide
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ wrench
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KSP-AVC
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KWRocketry
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Aero
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ 150mSRBTop
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KW5mNoseCone
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KWFin
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KWFinGC
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KWNoseCone
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Control
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KWRadialSAS
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Electrical
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ LargeRadialBatteries
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SmallRadialBatteries
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Engines
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ 1mMaverick1D
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ 1mVestaVR1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ 1mWildcat5
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ 2mGriffonG8D
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ 2mMaverickV
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KWFuelAdapter
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Legacy
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ AdjustableRail
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Switches
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ AbortSwitch01
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RockerSwitch01
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ToggleSwitch01
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PersistentRotation
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PreciseNode
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ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RCSBuildAid
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RealChute
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Materials
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ModuleManager
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RemoteTech
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ GigaDish1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ GigaDish2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ LongAntenna2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ LongAntenna3
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ LongDish1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ LongDish2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ShortAntenna1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ShortDish1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ShortDish2
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ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RSCapsuledyne
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Agencies
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FuelTank
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Heatshield
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Nuke
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ OreTank
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SASBatt
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ScienceBay
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StackSeparator
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TaurusHCV
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Spaces
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ LabInternal
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ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SCANsat
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MapTraq
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MULTI
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RADAR
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SAR
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ sounds
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SDHI
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Agencies
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MM_configs
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SDHI_2.5_Heatshield
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SDHI_2.5_Mk1-2AeroShroud
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SDHI_2.5_ServiceModule
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SDHI_2.5_ServiceModuleAdapter
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SDHI_2.5_ServiceModuleFairing
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SDHI_Rockomax_LV-909_NoFairing
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SensibleScreenshot
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ShipManifest
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SmartStage
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SolverEngines
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SPD
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ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Squad
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Agencies
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Contracts
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SimpleIcons
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Aero
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ aerodynamicNoseCone
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ airbrake
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ airIntakeRadialXM-G50
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ airlinerWings
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ airplaneFins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ basicFin
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ circularIntake
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ cones
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ engineNacelle
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ fairings
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ HeatShield
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ intakeRadialLong
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ protectiveRocketNoseMk7
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ shuttleWings
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ wingletAV-R8
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ wingletAV-T1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ wingletDeltaDeluxe
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ wings
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Command
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ advancedSasModuleLarge
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ avionicsNoseCone
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ externalCommandSeat
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ hitchhikerStorageContainer
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ inlineAdvancedStabilizer
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ inlineReactionWheel
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ probeCoreOcto2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ probeRoverBody
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ probeStackLarge
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ probeStackSmall
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ probeStackSphere
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ CompoundParts
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ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Size3AdvancedEngine
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Size3EngineCluster
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ solidBoosterBACC
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ solidBoosterRT-10
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ solidBoosterRT-5
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ solidBoosterSep
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ vernorEngine
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FuelTank
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ adapterTanks
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ fuelTankJumbo-64
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ fuelTankOscarB
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ fuelTankT100
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ fuelTankT200
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ fuelTankT400
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ fuelTankT800
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ fuelTankToroidal
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ fuelTankX200-16
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ fuelTankX200-32
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ fuelTankX200-8
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk2Adapters
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk2FuselageLong
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk2FuselageShort
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk3Fuselage
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RCSFuelTankR1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RCSFuelTankR10
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RCSFuelTankR25
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RCSTankRadial
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RCStankRadialLong
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Size3LargeTank
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Size3MediumTank
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Size3SmallTank
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ xenonTank
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ xenonTankLarge
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ xenonTankRadial
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Misc
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PotatoRoid
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FuelCell
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ISRU
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ LargeTank
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ OrbitalScanner
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RadialDrill
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SmallTank
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SurfaceScanner
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SurveyScanner
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Science
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ AtmosphereSensor
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ GooExperiment
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ LargeCrewedLab
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MaterialBay
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ sensorAccelerometer
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ sensorBarometer
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ sensorGravimeter
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ sensorThermometer
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Structural
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ adapterLargeSmallBi
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ adapterLargeSmallQuad
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ adapterLargeSmallTri
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ adapterSmallMiniShort
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ adapterSmallMiniTall
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk1Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Size3Decoupler
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Size3To2Adapter
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ smallHardpoint
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ stationHub
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ structuralIBeam200
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ structuralIBeam200Pocket
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ structuralIBeam650
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ structuralMicronode
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ structuralPanel1x1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ structuralPanel2x2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ structuralPylon
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ strutCubicOcto
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ strutOcto
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ trussGirderAdapter
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ trussGirderL
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ trussGirderXL
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Thermal
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FoldingRadiators
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RadiatorPanels
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Utility
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ commDish88-88
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ commsAntennaDTS-M1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ commsDish16
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ decouplerRadialHDM
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ decouplerRadialTT-38K
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ decouplerRadialTT-70
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ decouplerSeparatorTR-18D
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ decouplerSeparatorTR-2C
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ decouplerSeparatorTR-XL
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ decouplerStack2m
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ decouplerStackTR-18A
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ decouplerStackTR-2V
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ dockingPort
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ dockingPortInline
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ dockingPortJr
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ dockingPortShielded
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ dockingPortSr
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ GrapplingDevice
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ladderRadial
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ladderTelescopic
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ladderTelescopicBay
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ landingLegLT-1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ sounds
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ landingLegLT-2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ landingLegLT-5
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ largeAdapter
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ largeAdapterShort
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ launchClamp1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ launchEscapeSystem
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ linearRCS
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk2CargoBay
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk2CrewCabin
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk2DockingPort
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk3CargoBay
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ parachuteMk1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ parachuteMk12-R
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ parachuteMk16-XL
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ parachuteMk25
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ parachuteMk2-R
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ radialAttachmentPoint
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ rcsBlockRV-105
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ServiceBay
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ spotLightMk1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ spotLightMk2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ stackBiCoupler
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ stackQuadCoupler
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ stackTriCoupler
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Wheel
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ LandingGear
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ roverWheelM1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ roverWheelS2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ roverWheelTR-2L
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ roverWheelXL3
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SmallGearBay
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Props
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ AltimeterThreeHands
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ AtmosphereDepth
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ AxisIndicator
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ButtonSquare
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ circularButton
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Compass
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ directionalKnob
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ directionalKnob2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ IndicatorPanel
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ IVANavBall
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ledPanelSpeed
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ NavBall
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ pullSwitch
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ radarAltitude
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ squareButton
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ standingSwitch
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ switch
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ switchGuard
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ switchWithGuards
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ throttle
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ VSI
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Spaces
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ crewCabinInternals
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ cupolaInternal
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ GenericSpace1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ GenericSpace3
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ landerCabinInternals
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ landerCabinSmallInternal
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ LargeCrewedLabInternals
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk1CockpitInternal
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MK1_Inline_Int
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk1PodCockpit
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ mk2CockpitStandardInternal
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Mk2CrewCabinInternal
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MK3CockpitInternal
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MK3_CrewCab_Int
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Placeholder
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PodCockpit
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Strategies
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Icons
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StageRecovery
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StationPartsExpansion
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Accessories
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ light-area-01
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Command
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ crewpod-cupola-375
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ crewpod-habitation-25
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ crewpod-habitation-375
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ crewpod-observation-25
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Structural
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ crewhub
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ crewtube-125
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ crewtube-125-25
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ crewtube-25
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ crewtube-25-375
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Patches
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Spaces
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ cupola-375
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ habitation-25
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ habitation-25-375
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ habitation-375
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ observation-25
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StationScience
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StnSciCyclo
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StnSciExperiment1
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StnSciExperiment2
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StnSciExperiment3
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StnSciExperiment4
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StnSciExperiment5
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StnSciExperiment6
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StnSciKib
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StnSciLab
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StnSciSpectro
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StnSciZoo
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TacFuelBalancer
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TacFuelBalancer
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TarsierSpaceTech
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Agencies
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Galaxies
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Icons
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ AdvSpaceTelescope
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ChemCam
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ScienceHardDrive
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ScienceHardDriveLarge
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SpaceTelescope
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TemperatureGaugeKiller
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ThunderAerospace
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TacLifeSupport
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TacLifeSupport
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TacLifeSupportContainers
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TacLifeSupportHexCans
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ HexCanBreathingOxygen
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ HexCanDrinkingWater
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ HexCanFood
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ HexCanLifeSupport
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ HexCanWaste
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Models
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TacLifeSupportMFT
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ HexCans
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TacLifeSupportRecyclers
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Trajectories
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugin
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Trajectories
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TriggerTech
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KerbalAlarmClock
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Data
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ToolbarIcons
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KSPAlternateResourcePanel
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Icons
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Icons-Player
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ToolbarIcons
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TransferWindowPlanner
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ToolbarIcons
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TweakScale
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ patches
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ plugins
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Scale
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ UberDyneAstronautics
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Soylent
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ 1x6SoylentRed
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ 3x2SoylentRed
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ gigantorSoylentGreen
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ gigantorSoylentRed
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SCWOU
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StarterRadial
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ UmbraSpaceIndustries
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ExpPack
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ AES
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Assets
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Spaces
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ HERP
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ assets
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ spaces
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PackRat
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MiniWheel
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PackParts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Seat
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SafetyLight
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FTT
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Assets
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Kolonization
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Assets
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KolonyTools
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Kontainers
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Assets
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SrvPack
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Airbag
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Floats
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PodCapsule
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PodEngine
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ UniversalStorage
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Compatability
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags
ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1C15_Wedge_Hexacore
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1C20_Wedge_Octocore
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1M110_Wedge_ScienceBay
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1P110_Wedge_Fuelcell
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1P120_Wedge_Elektron
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1P130_Wedge_Sabatier
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1P140_Wedge_WRS
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1R110_Wedge_KISContainer
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1R210_Wedge_Liquidfuel
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1R220_Wedge_Monoprop
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1R310_Wedge_CarbonDioxide
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1R320_Wedge_Food
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1R330_Wedge_Hydrogen
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1R340_Wedge_Oxygen
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1R350_Wedge_Waste
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1R360_Wedge_Water
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_1R370_Wedge_WasteWater
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_2R320_Radial_Food
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_2R340_Radial_Oxygen
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_2R360_Radial_Water
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ US_3R310_EVA_EVAX
ââ€â€š.. ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ VesselView
ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins
ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures

What am I doing wrong?

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Sunclover: I can confirm that surface attachment is broken. I even tried to edit the cfg to make it work, but it seems to be an issue of radial decoupler vs stack decoupler, making it impossible to decouple when attached to a surface even then.

I can also confirm that buoys are floating when not deployed.

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Just not reading back a bit. Parachutes were removed for wings awhile ago due to 1.x bees. Maybe it will return in the future.

Wait, how we are supposed to land then?

Also, could RoverDude bring back TAC-LS compatibility?

Reverting to the pre-1.0 version I should have on file.

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Whenever I download this to my game everything works but the airbags and the floaties.

Plz tell me why!:P I never even get them in my ksp parts tab!

You have an install issue then, simple as that.

Wait, how we are supposed to land then?

Also, could RoverDude bring back TAC-LS compatibility?

Reverting to the pre-1.0 version I should have on file.

It has wings and glides in stock aero.

To continue my complaints, with stock aerodynamics the pod spins around into service compartment-first. Don't know if a glitch.

This makes pretty much no sense. A screenshot would help. And the pod should be disconnected, not tied to a service compartment :P

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I've been tinkering with the mod and while I wouldn't say I'm happy with the current handling, it does have both the parachute and radial attachment.

What I did:

Installed the v0.3.1 version of the mod.

Copied the v0.3.0 PodEngine folder over the v0.3.1 PodEngine folder, and deleted the redundant *.pngs. (I don't know whether this is actually necessary, but I was having issues with the RCS animation being always on. It could have been the CLS plugin that caused it.)

Replace the contents of PodEngine.cfg with this:

// --- general parameters ---
name = USI_PodEngine
module = Part
author = RoverDude

// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z, size
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.12, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.12, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1

// --- FX definitions ---
fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
sound_vent_large = decouple
sound_parachute_open = activate
sound_parachute_single = deploy
fx_exhaustFlame_white_tiny = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, running
sound_vent_soft = engage
//sound_jet_low = running
sound_rocket_mini = running
sound_vent_soft = disengage
sound_explosion_low = flameout

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = survivability
entryCost = 5000
cost = 422
category = Pods
subcategory = 0
title = D.E.R.P. Propulsion Module
description = Contains a tiny engine, RCS, and parachute for propelling your life boat into even more terrifying situations. Survival not guaranteed.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.15
dragModelType = default
angularDrag = 0.2
crashTolerance = 80
maxTemp = 3400
maximum_drag = 1
minimum_drag = 1
vesselType = Ship
name = ModuleDecouple
ejectionForce = 250
explosiveNodeID = bottom

name = ModuleParachute
semiDeployedAnimation = partialDeployChute
fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeployChute
invertCanopy = true
autoCutSpeed = 0.5
capName = ParaCap
canopyName = Canopy
stowedDrag = 0.22
semiDeployedDrag = 5
fullyDeployedDrag = 250
minAirPressureToOpen = 0.007
deployAltitude = 1000
deploymentSpeed = .25
semiDeploymentSpeed = 1

name = ModuleEngines
thrustVectorTransformName = ThrustTransform
ehxaustDamage = false
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 4
heatProduction = 0

name = MonoPropellant
ratio = 1.0
DrawGauge = True

key = 0 320
key = 1 100

name = ModuleRCS
thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
thrusterPower = 1
resourceName = MonoPropellant
key = 0 320
key = 1 100

name = MonoPropellant
amount = 2.5
maxAmount = 2.5

name = FStextureSwitch2
textureNames = UmbraSpaceIndustries/SrvPack/PodEngine/PodEngine;UmbraSpaceIndustries/SrvPack/PodEngine/PodEngine_GRY;UmbraSpaceIndustries/SrvPack/PodEngine/PodEngine_OR;
objectNames = PodEngine;Canopy;LowerCasing
textureDisplayNames = Default;Gray;Orange;

name = KASModulePartBay
attachNode = bottom
type = DERPConnector

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = True
storedSize = 40
stateless = false
attachOnPart = true

If you just want radial attachment, it should be as simple as installing the v0.3.1 version as normal and replacing the attachRules line in PodEngine.cfg with this:

    attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

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It has wings and glides in stock aero.

This makes pretty much no sense. A screenshot would help. And the pod should be disconnected, not tied to a service compartment :P

Well, if by the service compartment you mean DERP's thruster unit, then it makes perfect state, because I was hoping for a parachute!

I really don't understand the motivation behind ditching the parachute landing; sorry if this has been already explained.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very happy with this although haven't used it yet i have an issue that the engine doesn't seem to be radially attachable but if only radially attach the pod i can't switch control to the escape pod. right now i'm just using a radially attached strut and putting the engine and pod on that, so all good there just surious about the inability to radially attach the engine.

EDIT: Never Mind i see the discussion now. sorry for another redundant post.

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Thank goodness! I was in desperate need of floaties today. Will be downloading when I get home. Hope it works. Everytime I think KSP needs something, low and behold someone has already made it.

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So, it is possible to land these things. Not intuitive at all, but possible. Once you're down below 10km, turn towards prograde, then pitch up until your speed starts reducing. About negative 10 degree pitch worked for me (yes, aiming slightly at the ground). Trying to land like a plane (flaring up to positive 10 degrees) didn't work at all.

I hit the water at about 50-60 m/s (impact tolerance is 80 m/s), bounced, bounced again, then came to a stop, and recovered.


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So, it is possible to land these things. Not intuitive at all, but possible. Once you're down below 10km, turn towards prograde, then pitch up until your speed starts reducing. About negative 10 degree pitch worked for me (yes, aiming slightly at the ground). Trying to land like a plane (flaring up to positive 10 degrees) didn't work at all.

I hit the water at about 50-60 m/s (impact tolerance is 80 m/s), bounced, bounced again, then came to a stop, and recovered.


Yea I still miss the parachute. Even though it was visually buggy it worked. Honestly as much as I think the DERP is cool I find it's usefulness very limited. It could be cool if there were maybe alternate engine pods you could use with it to safely land on other bodies.

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