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[0.25] Realism Overhaul w/ RedAV8R [Terminated]


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Am I supposed to be able to make the stock tanks as large as I please?

Career mode, haven't messed with much, trying to get everything 'working' before I even start that. Otherwise, they will scale to 10m in increments.

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I'm having the same issue as DeepOdyssey. The subassemblies load fine though, but not the full rockets. Also, I'm having problems with reentry specifically with the apollo capsule. With the default RO configs the center of mass is too high, so it flipped over during reentry and burned up. To counteract this, I added more mass to the heatshield (and reducded the CM's mass by the same amount) to bring the COM lower, and now it reenters in the correct attitude. But it doesnt seem to have enough drag to slow down, and by the time it hits the ground its still supersonic (just coming in from a 200-300 km orbit), and the heatshield is burning way more than it should (at its peak, its burning through over 100 units of ablativeshielding per second). Once it gets below around 30 km the drag picks up substantially, raising g forces high enough to kill the crew (but its still decelerating too slowly to deploy parachutes without them either burning up or it hitting the ground first)

All the other pods I have installed (including the other FASA ones) reenter and land fine, so its an issue with the Apollo CM specifically

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Hi. I installed latest FASA and realism overhaul, and i can't load the crafts that comes with FASA mod. It just load command module, instead the whole rocket.
I'm having the same issue as DeepOdyssey. The subassemblies load fine though, but not the full rockets. Also, I'm having problems with reentry specifically with the apollo capsule. With the default RO configs the center of mass is too high, so it flipped over during reentry and burned up. To counteract this, I added more mass to the heatshield (and reducded the CM's mass by the same amount) to bring the COM lower, and now it reenters in the correct attitude. But it doesnt seem to have enough drag to slow down, and by the time it hits the ground its still supersonic (just coming in from a 200-300 km orbit), and the heatshield is burning way more than it should (at its peak, its burning through over 100 units of ablativeshielding per second). Once it gets below around 30 km the drag picks up substantially, raising g forces high enough to kill the crew (but its still decelerating too slowly to deploy parachutes without them either burning up or it hitting the ground first)

All the other pods I have installed (including the other FASA ones) reenter and land fine, so its an issue with the Apollo CM specifically

Craft not loading...that's not surprising at all, you can't load default FASA craft with RSS/RO FASA and expect good results. New craft have to be built until I get a chance to build and include my own.

The Apollo CoM issue I will look into. Just to cover as many bases as possible, describe your procedure for re-entry.

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Ok, that's fine then. I have other weird issue. I built a simple rocket with one fuel tank[the equivalent of rockomax 18] and a skipper engine, but i can't launch it. My camera float away higher, and higher, or the screen is just black.

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Ok, that's fine then. I have other weird issue. I built a simple rocket with one fuel tank[the equivalent of rockomax 18] and a skipper engine, but i can't launch it. My camera float away higher, and higher, or the screen is just black.

In order to replicate I need exact parts...The Rockomax X200-16??? There is no Skipper with RO...are you using stockalike engines or RftS?

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Sorry i have not remembered the parts correctly.Yes rockomax 16, and stockalike skipper engine.

Edit: Weird, doesn't have problems with rockodyne F1 engine. hmmm

It's tweakscale, remove it and problems disappear, at least in my experiment. I'm pretty sure this is a known issue, but nothing due to RO.

Edited by RedAV8R
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So i guess i will have to stick with procedural parts.

Edit: Anyone know how to install the engine thrust controller and engine gimbal? Just copy the plugins folder into any created folder in gamedata?

And where to put module fixer?

Edited by DeepOdyssey
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The Apollo CoM issue I will look into. Just to cover as many bases as possible, describe your procedure for re-entry.

Start in LEO (ranging from 200-500 km circular depending on the specific test), burn retrograde to get a periapse of around 40-60 km, then just before entering the atmosphere jetison the service module. If necesary use RCS to keep the heathsheild pointed retrograde (though even without that the COM is far back enough that it will quickly flip that direction anyway).Then just wait several minutes until the reentry heat goes down enough to deploy parachutes (with Apollo this ends up being about 2-3 km, though its still going at almost 1 km/s at this point), separate the forward heatshield and deploy parachutes. If the crew is somehow still alive at this point, the gforces from the parachutes will certainly kill them and destroy the capsule.

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Start in LEO (ranging from 200-500 km circular depending on the specific test), burn retrograde to get a periapse of around 40-60 km, then just before entering the atmosphere jetison the service module. If necesary use RCS to keep the heathsheild pointed retrograde (though even without that the COM is far back enough that it will quickly flip that direction anyway).Then just wait several minutes until the reentry heat goes down enough to deploy parachutes (with Apollo this ends up being about 2-3 km, though its still going at almost 1 km/s at this point), separate the forward heatshield and deploy parachutes. If the crew is somehow still alive at this point, the gforces from the parachutes will certainly kill them and destroy the capsule.

I'll definately take a look at the CoM issue, this has been on my hit list for a while, just never got to it, heatshield shouldn't need much, but I'll look at it too. Your perogee is too low for re-entry though, I do know that, it's a balancing act between too shallow and burning up, or too steep and g-forces destroying things. Try somewhere between 80-100km.

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So I have a clean install of KSP with all the required mods for RO, but my load screen hangs when it tries to load in the stock nuclear engine. The module manager says "566 patches applied, 138 items hidden." I let it sit for a god 30 minutes a couple of times to make sure it was actually a problem. Any ideas what i'm doing wrong?

here's a screenshot of my GameData folder:


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What's your memory usage like? If it gets anywhere near 3.4GB you can easily hit problems. If this is the case, make sure you've got your texture resolution in KSP's settings turned down to "half". If you're still hitting the RAM ceiling, install Active Texture Management and some configs for it (like Green Skull's, which are always a pain to find -- otherwise I'd just link to 'em right here).

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If things are hanging, quit KSP and post log.

Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something.

Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt

Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log

Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

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What's your memory usage like? If it gets anywhere near 3.4GB you can easily hit problems. If this is the case, make sure you've got your texture resolution in KSP's settings turned down to "half". If you're still hitting the RAM ceiling, install Active Texture Management and some configs for it (like Green Skull's, which are always a pain to find -- otherwise I'd just link to 'em right here).

When it gets to the nuclear engine, it's at 1GB. Across my entire system, I'm using 53% of my maximum 8GB available

What mod is that for the plug-ins folder there? Is that Engine Thrust Controller?

Yeah, it's Engine Thrust Controller

If things are hanging, quit KSP and post log.

Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something.

Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt

Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log

Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

I just let it get all the way to the hang, then exited and found the output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/511r7mq39lcg7sp/output_log.txt

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When it gets to the nuclear engine, it's at 1GB. Across my entire system, I'm using 53% of my maximum 8GB available

Yeah, it's Engine Thrust Controller

I just let it get all the way to the hang, then exited and found the output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/511r7mq39lcg7sp/output_log.txt

Looks like you minimized the game causing the game to lose the graphics card. KSP does not like to be in the background.

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Has anyone changed the apollo lem 3,75 attachment plate? Because right now it's 260" payload/base decoupler, and it's upper node is not as high as in the original, so you can't attach LEM like in original FASA saturn v.

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I alt-tabbed to track RAM in windows task manager. I can try it again without alt-tabbing, though.

new output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k4t0j1stibpe237/output_log%20%282%29.txt

I suggest running KSP in fullscreen window (or just a normal window), but that said I doubt it has anything to do with you issue.

I'm seeing TONS of problems creating parts, and while most are probably benign, there is a lot of them. Have you tried stripping your addons down to just what is supported as part of RSS/RO and then building up one at a time? You have a lot of others that will probably work, but aren't on the official list so to speak.

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