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[0.25] Realism Overhaul w/ RedAV8R [Terminated]


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If x64 remains stable for you, go for it! I had to give it up, though, since it basically crashes randomly-ish and the log lies about why... (it seems to be passing 32bit pointers, since exceptions that are caught in 32bit lead to a full CTD in 64...sometimes.)

No idea what KSPLua's from. Quite possibly Part Catalog; I don't use that mod myself...

And you're most welcome! :)

KSPLua is indeed from Part Catalog

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Hey Guys,

I'm having some serious issues. I'm trying to use TweakScale and RealFuels, and the GUI is being really stupid. It doesn't show up for any of the tanks, and the RealFuel only shows up when I'm in Action groups. I have re-installed and then re-installed them both multiple times, and I only have the core set along with RemoteTech 2, TweakScale and KW Rocketry.... Anybody got any ideas what to do?

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CitizenAerospace: You REALLY need to follow the troubleshooting steps as instructed. When you do so you don't have problems. That means re-downloading everything to ensure you have the latest version. If you had done so, then you wouldn't have had the issues you did between RealFuels and Tweakscale.

There *might* be some engines out there that required a pressurized fuel tank that shouldn't. Now what you find though, we need details, a blanket 'it's not working' type of statement does absolutely nobody any good.

Edited by RedAV8R
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Sorry... Well, out of the around 20 or so engines I've tested (KW Rocketry and Stock), they don't ignite on launch. Also, none of the propellants are pressurised except Xenon Gas... There is no trouble shooting steps for that. Yeah, I've re-installed Engine Ignitor and KW Rocketry and the rest multiple times. Nothing seems to be helping. Hopefully I'm just doing something wrong... I'll keep fiddling with it. Think I might just give up on this pack though, nothing seems to want to work for me, Oh well :P

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@CitizenAerospace: Well igniting for launch is a problem, however the troubleshooting steps when followed directly, and ensuring you install each requirement as directed DOES solve that problem. Now, of stock and KW engines (using RealEngines as included with RealismOverhaul), exactly 4 are pressure fed and require pressurized tanks. Propellants are only pressurized when using a 'servicemodule' type tank as specified in RealFuels. At this time the only way to get a pressurized servicemodule type tank is with the use of ProceduralParts. All the other engines simply require their respective propellants be present, you are filling the tanks appropriately with the right kind of fuel required right?

As stated in the OP, RealismOverhaul requires a completely new way of thought, the 'old' way of doing things stock don't apply very well if at all.

I'm going to ask you follow the troubleshooting steps and provide a log as requested. Otherwise, again, 'it doesn't work' doesn't help.

Basic steps. Once you install, (if all done correctly), launch ksp, go to the vab, place the large 3m probe core, place a tank (pick the stock large orange one), now place an engine. Secure it with a pair of launch clamps. Right click tank and fill it with the correct propellants for the engine you picked. Launch. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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Hi, I've got some problem with SRBs in RO.

it looks like some SRB's thrust is lower than that in RL.

e.g. GEM-40 Air Lit

In RL, vacuum thrust on ignition is around 106,000lbf according to ATK Solid Catalog 2008 pdf, which is 471kN, peak vacuum thrust is around 150,000lbf, which is 667kN.

In RO, GEM40 has a maxThrust (I think it's also vacuum thrust) of 499.2kN, with the thrust curve having "key = 1 0.38", that means the actual thrust might be only about 189kN (I hope that the curve is fuelPercent <=> thrustPercent), which is much lower. Same with the peak thrust.

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@HoneyFox: Yep, actually working through SRBs at the moment. Nothing besides the UA1205 and UA1207 had good curves anyway, the rest were just 'tests' just to see if NK's curve implementation worked. It does:) BTW there is a 2012 catalog for ATK available on their website:)

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I'm having a crash at load

Here's the crash folder: http://www./download/1apbgsztzbu6cn2/2014-08-16_133344.zip[1]

I want to start playing RSS/RO again with the new RO, but I've ran into this crash bug. It happens during the black screen with the orbits loading icons. I looked at the crash log and saw an access violation but I don't know how to fix. It also isnt an OOM issue, I monitored my memory during loading and it only hit 70% at peak

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@coldblade: Going to ask that you follow the troubleshooting directions precisely on the OP. Only install the required from a clean install of KSP, test, and go from there. I see some old versions of RO dependencies as well in the log. Re-download all dependencies and ensure you have the latest.

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Yup, 32x worked. I'm having a problem though: First the stock 3 man capsule seems to have become bigger than it is supposed to. The bottom is about 6m and the top about 3m. The nodes are inside the capsule as well

Was SDHI in my case…

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Yup, 32x worked. I'm having a problem though: First the stock 3 man capsule seems to have become bigger than it is supposed to. The bottom is about 6m and the top about 3m. The nodes are inside the capsule as well

The three Kerbal capsule is now 3.9 meters in Realism Overhaul. It's been resized to the same diameter of the real Apollo capsule. :)

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Speaking of SRB's, will you be making ATK's advanced booster? I calculated the the scaling factors a couple posts back. :)

There really isn't a whole lot of good information on it, sure we've got size, approximate weight, burn time, don't even have a good max thrust, let alone a curve for it. Afraid it's not going to make it yet.

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blackheart612 and I co-operated to make an 5 meter to 8.4 meter adapter for Realism Overhaul. I'll release it once the Aerojet Kerbodyne update is released but I'll show you a teaser (don't mind the black sky, I was having a glitch there)


Credits: original model, config edits by me; model modifications, textures, Unity import, config by blackheart612.

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Does this mod remove the LV-N?

Remove, no. Change, yes.

@frencrs: Thank you! I'll be sure to use that when the time comes.

@Woopert: GREAT! Hey sorry the Adv ATK didn't make it, BUT with your links you provided I got better info on the Pyrios, so an update for that will be coming soon:)

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