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I've got the blues.


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The 0.24 is right around the corner so I don't feel like starting any new big projects because it feels like a waste blues.

So what are you doing in KSP to fight the blues?

I've done some new SSTO designs, but the problem is we don't know what new parts are coming or even if existing parts will be in the same career trees. So I'm reluctant to do too much on that. Any other ideas?

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i havent actually played since march around when they prematurely announced expirementals, for the same reason as you. but the steam winter sale was kind to me and ive passed the time well.

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i havent actually played since march around when they prematurely announced expirementals, for the same reason as you. but the steam winter sale was kind to me and ive passed the time well.

Yeah, that's also one of the non-KSP methods I've been using, Mario Kart 8.

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I'm pretty much in the opposite situation right now; I finally have a PC capable of running the game properly (upgraded from a laptop that benefited massively from 0.23.5's performance boost, but still had issues) so every on-planet project I've wanted to do for quite some time is now possible at a far more enjoyable pace. It's just a shame the Summer Sale arrived at exactly the same time as the parts to build the machine :P

Even if 0.24 changes things considerably, it won't necessarily break everything. As far as I can tell none of the existing parts are being removed entirely so regardless of whether or not actual saves break, craft files will probably work fine. Obviously all progress on bases, infrastructure and suchlike is lost when that happens, but I often find the most time consuming and difficult part is designing rockets to do what I want them to do. With that in mind, design your SSTOs. If they break, that's a shame but at least you'll be better at making them :D

Alternatively either mess around with random stuff for a bit of time each day or wait for 0.24. I have times when I can't be bothered to do anything big but can happily spend hours doing smaller things like flying planes, crashing things into the KSC buildings, or doing some of the forum challenges (some of which actually take a while to do, both in terms of construction and execution). Waiting entirely on the basis that there is a new version coming out soon isn't something I see any sense in (I don't understand the idea of spending the entire time between updates waiting for the next, but that's just me) but if you have other games to play you could just play them for a while. Nobody's forcing you to play KSP :P

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I'm in the same situation as you. I have plenty of plans, but I don't want to start (I tend to stick to a save for 30-80 hours) if 0.24 comes out before I finish. An ETA at this point would be nice, even if the ETA is VERY spread, like say in Q3. A bit more transparency at this point would be great.

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I'm in the same situation as you. I have plenty of plans, but I don't want to start (I tend to stick to a save for 30-80 hours) if 0.24 comes out before I finish. An ETA at this point would be nice, even if the ETA is VERY spread, like say in Q3. A bit more transparency at this point would be great.

Oh I hope not later than Q3, I'm thinking 2-3 more weeks max. I mean, that's entirely unofficial speculation, but still... I think past September would kill me.

Edited by Alshain
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Designing, building and testing ships, which can moved between saves. Still trying to build that perfect rover, one which can go fairly fast (10-20mps), hold a couple of Kerbals, and pretty impact resistant, while working well with MechJeb's Rover Autopilot.

Really hoping for me Biomes, especially around Duna and Ike. If budgets, contracts and money are being implemented maybe that means a lot more biomes, to take advantage of contracts and the like?!

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This is a rare situation for me. Back when 0.23 was announced I could do nothing but sit on ksp forums in the hope that today was the day.

But this time is different. The steam summer sale has given me a bunch of games. Most will only see a few hours play but others?, such as fallout, will keep me occupied for a while.

The DOTA 2 international is in a week which will make me go all tryhatd

Then there's the excellent new divinity game which I'm taken with mainly due to the multiplayer and being able to play with my girlfriend.

Games workshop announced their new warhammer 40k rulebook so I have gone all 40k mad and started collecting that again. Along with all the books and lore.

Also just bought spintires from steam cos it keeps poking me and saying 'buy me' much like ksp did back in the day

Plus the half finished money pit sitting on my driveway.

If I'm honest, I probably won't get a chance to play ksp for a good few months

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While waiting on .23.5 i did a lot of crazy vehicle testing in ksp... things i usually dont do in "serious" missions. Try some new designs... take a look at Vaos´ Dragonfly for example... just do wild stuff or upgrade existing designs.

Link to the Dragonfly video on youtube:

Well now that i have my kerbals home safe back from the Jool mission, i will give Watchdogs some time until .24 is out. There are lots of other games out there to be played... and ksp isnt hard to get back to... its like a magnet...

Edited by Frank_G
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Ship designs and modification really, I am taking this time as a sort of research and development period on ship designs, capability, and performance. I start a fresh career and work through the tech tree at a slower pace and design ships and rockets with the parts available, this has actually help me a lot in deciding what parts I want/need to go for first for my new career. This way when .24 drops and I start a new career and take on the contracts and budget I have any idea of what to design and use.

Of course it will be interesting to see if the prices of parts stay the same or if they become adjusted with the new version and is something you can only plan for so much.

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Playing around with big ships and space stations. You know, savoring the time left where I don't have to worry about budgets and stuff. :wink:

I'm planning to download a bunch of realism mods on my 0.24 save, so the difficulty level is about to skyrocket. Hopefully I'll be up to the challenge.

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I wish they'd give us an estimate release date. Like which month they EXPECT to release in, and if they extend it like they extended 0.24, they should just explain it and give a new release month.

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I fell out of the habit of playing in March thanks to taking a week long holiday to focus on a novel I've been writing. Never got back into the groove of playing until a week ago, when I couldn't withstand the temptation of the latest brilliant FASA update. Now I'm puttering about on the Mun waiting for the .24 release before I try anything ambitious. By ambitious, I mean starting my whole space programme over again. :cool:

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Just because Experimentals are out it doesn't mean 0.24 is imminent. That being said, though, it is still good to take a break now and then. I will admit to being a bit distracted by Space Engineers right now, but it isn't KSP. I still aim to get my career mode at least to Duna before the next update, as that will just reset the challenge scale to maximum for me, trying to budget funds.

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You could land on planets you haven't been to yet, build SSTOs or rovers, try doing some challenges on the forums, try building tiny, super efficient rockets to break the records of the tiniest rockets that have been to various planets and moons, build super gigantic rockets to break the record of the heaviest payload put into space... I don't know, seems like there's a lot of things to do. Or how about attempt to do the Kerbin Cup challenges? There's an unofficial thread for people who want to just tag along with the challenges, but aren't in an official team. The current Whackjob challenge is super hard to do - and our team is having a blast (in every sense of the word) trying to figure out how to put the pieces laying around KSC together.

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I've got the blues, Kraft macaroni and cheese....

Lately, I've been trying to recreate historic missions, and using mods like Procedural Parts, try to create something that looks relatively close to the original.

I'm starting chronologically, and I've done a Sputnik type mission, and I've currently trying to do a successful Pioneer 0 mission, but I can't find any SRBs small enough for the ones attached to the actual probe. I've thought about using Sepratrons, but the way they mount, is making it hard to accomplish.

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I've been playing minecraft and warthunder with friends. I really want to do my Duna exploration program BUT as people have said with 0.24 and 64 bit support for windows right around the corner I've decided to hold off until the update actually happens.

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