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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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BahamutoD Excuse me if its been asked, I have a QQ about how this mod might be able to work in multiplayer, Could you make each rocket or bullet an individual ship with a drone command pod weighing close to the same mass needed and when It strikes causing the same damage as if you collided with an actual vessel (of the appropriate size)?

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  redfireant3 said:
BahamutoD Excuse me if its been asked, I have a QQ about how this mod might be able to work in multiplayer, Could you make each rocket or bullet an individual ship with a drone command pod weighing close to the same mass needed and when It strikes causing the same damage as if you collided with an actual vessel (of the appropriate size)?

It's not quite that simple.

There are a few ways I can solve this, though. Just know I'm taking a look at it.

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  Lunar Fire said:
Hello. I have been trying to get this mod to work for a week now but it still wont. The weapons manager wont let me do anything when I try to get it to do an action in action selector. Ex: Fire, Next,Prev. Same with the missiles or bombs they do do anything. I need help on how to fix this.

I think you need to use action groups (1-9), at least that's how it works for me.

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  SpudmanWP said:
I use CKAN and have loaded BD Armory and several other mods.

While I can see the other mods in Science Mode, I cannot find BD Armory items in the part list.


I figured it out :)

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  badboyz31 said:
Well, my apology if my quote was rude, but I had no mean to offend you at all. I understand that everyone have their own "preferences", and I didn't know about the missile code would not allow torpedo to exist (AGM-86 is actually a kind of air torpedo for me). Anyway, sorry for the mess, and thanks for explaining. :D

Sorry, the internet hides our real emotions, so it ends up being a hugh center for bitchfighting


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If anyone is interested i'm trying to rewrite the guards in a way that they are more flexibile and configurable. Basically i want them to be able to fire with different weapons at different targets plus some other things. I'll post some code soon, but don't hold your breath because i'm doing this in my very scarce spare time.

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Update v0.8.3:

= New =

- Added max speed tweakable for AI Pilot (will cut throttle and use brakes if exceeding)

- Added stand-by mode for AI Pilot

- Reload status bar and sound effect for cannons

- Added "Detonate" action group for explosive warhead

= Changes =

- Changed default AI Pilot values to commonly better settings

- Increased range of default and minimum AI Pilot altitude

- AI Pilot now tries to steer to lead target when using turret

- AI Pilot will attempt to "extend" if turning circles too long

- AI Pilot will only use rudder for stability, not for steering

- AI Pilot will initially take off at less steep angle

- Improved AI Pilot's "extend" behavior when engaging ground

- Slightly reduced missile drag again

- Adjusted PAC-3 to new lowered missile drag (won't overspeed and fail to turn)

- Greatly reduced ABL(laser) damage

= Fixes =

- Fixed input binding for fire key not working with many keys

- Reduced AI Pilot roll oscillation

- AI will no longer attempt to engage enemy missiles with their guns

- Reset target info/database entry when switching teams (fix friendly fire)

- Improved missile steering

- Fixed incorrect gimbal limit calculation by guards

- Improved turret usage by guards/AI

- Fixed guard turrets to fire at CoM instead of root

- Fixed infinite ammo to not require any resource

- Fixed laser graphical glitches


Many fixes and changes here. Hopefully it covers most of the AI and Guard issues reported since the last update.

To use standby mode for AI Pilots:

-Set up the pilot and guard mode.

-Set pilot to stand-by mode

-Activate guard and pilot

-Pilot will stand by until hostiles are detected, then it will take off.

The new adjustable speed limiter for AI pilots will help AI planes in FAR to not overspeed and disintigrate. Equip airbrakes so they can use them.

Edited by BahamutoD
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  BahamutoD said:
Update v0.8.3:

= New =

- Added max speed tweakable for AI Pilot (will cut throttle and use brakes if exceeding)

- Added stand-by mode for AI Pilot

- Reload status bar and sound effect for cannons

- Added "Detonate" action group for explosive warhead

= Changes =

- Changed default AI Pilot values to commonly better settings

- Increased range of default and minimum AI Pilot altitude

- AI Pilot now tries to steer to lead target when using turret

- AI Pilot will attempt to "extend" if turning circles too long

- AI Pilot will only use rudder for stability, not for steering

- AI Pilot will initially take off at less steep angle

- Improved AI Pilot's "extend" behavior when engaging ground

- Slightly reduced missile drag again

- Adjusted PAC-3 to new lowered missile drag (won't overspeed and fail to turn)

- Greatly reduced ABL(laser) damage

= Fixes =

- Fixed input binding for fire key not working with many keys

- Reduced AI Pilot roll oscillation

- AI will no longer attempt to engage enemy missiles with their guns

- Reset target info/database entry when switching teams (fix friendly fire)

- Improved missile steering

- Fixed incorrect gimbal limit calculation by guards

- Improved turret usage by guards/AI

- Fixed guard turrets to fire at CoM instead of root

- Fixed infinite ammo to not require any resource

- Fixed laser graphical glitches


Many fixes and changes here. Hopefully it covers most of the AI and Guard issues reported since the last update.

To use standby mode for AI Pilots:

-Set up the pilot and guard mode.

-Set pilot to stand-by mode

-Activate guard and pilot

-Pilot will stand by until hostiles are detected, then it will take off.

Wow! That's a lot of good stuff in there! Thanks a lot! I'll be testing it out tonight! :D

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  Cdodders said:
max range for missiles to guide themselve to target seems to be 5km, even for cruise and LR missiles

Not true at all. I've launched cruise missiles from 20km+ and they guide fine. Run out of gas sometimes, but guide just fine. Shorter range missiles like the Maverick may not have the range to be launched outside of 5km though.

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I have a question about modding.

Can i add multiple guns or projectiles in one turret? I'm thinking of making a canister shot 18th century cannon for fun's sake. I assume you can do this with different fireTransforms, is this correct?

Also, how do you make your textures. I'm working on something and i'd like to make my textures as BDLike as possible.


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  CrayzeeMonkey said:

Can i add multiple guns or projectiles in one turret? I'm thinking of making a canister shot 18th century cannon for fun's sake. I assume you can do this with different fireTransforms, is this correct?


Multiple fireTransforms works, but they have to point in the same direction (apparently). My multi-barreled weapons work, but the shotgun, whichs fireTransforms are angled differently, doesn't.

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would anyone be able to throw together an MM each for KIS support? i have yet to learn how to use it, so it would b smutch apreciated. (unless the old KAS one works.)

EDIT: could you also move the textures away from PNGs? 1.0 introduced support for a new format that used less RAM (can't remember what it was called off of the top of my head...)

Edited by toric5
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I'm a bit late to the party because haven't had much time in the past for KSP and keeping up with all the mods since the new version came out. But I've noticed that theres now a lot of videos where you see AI dogfighting in connection to BDArmory. Does this mean it can now control the craft its on and dogfight with you ? O_O

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  VentZer0 said:
I'm a bit late to the party because haven't had much time in the past for KSP and keeping up with all the mods since the new version came out. But I've noticed that theres now a lot of videos where you see AI dogfighting in connection to BDArmory. Does this mean it can now control the craft its on and dogfight with you ? O_O

Yup, you can have dogfights. You'll need the AI module AND the Weapon Manager, otherwise you can't set opposing teams.

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  Spooglecraft said:
Multiple fireTransforms works, but they have to point in the same direction (apparently). My multi-barreled weapons work, but the shotgun, whichs fireTransforms are angled differently, doesn't.

I wonder, will the bullets have different paths and trajectories? Even with the fireTransforms facing forward? If this is true you could fix your shotgun by putting a high inaccuracy parameter for your part. That way if the different projectiles are calculated the multiple projectiles would spread immensely and creates a shotgun effect. If BDArmory does not calculate different trajectories for your part then the bullets might just fly across in one cloud of metal.

What happens when you make multiple fireTransforms facing different directions anyway?

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  CrayzeeMonkey said:
I wonder, will the bullets have different paths and trajectories? Even with the fireTransforms facing forward? If this is true you could fix your shotgun by putting a high inaccuracy parameter for your part. That way if the different projectiles are calculated the multiple projectiles would spread immensely and creates a shotgun effect. If BDArmory does not calculate different trajectories for your part then the bullets might just fly across in one cloud of metal.

Each fireTransform calculates an 'inaccuracy value' independent of one another, so doing this would work to create a shotgun.

  CrayzeeMonkey said:
What happens when you make multiple fireTransforms facing different directions anyway?

If a gun has multiple fireTransforms, it appears BDArmory will select one of those fireTransforms as the 'reference'. All bullets will then fire in whatever direction the 'reference' fireTransform is pointed at.

It selects the fireTransform based on however FindModelTransform works.

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