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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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4 hours ago, pigwig456 said:

Amazing work!

I have a modding question, how did you make the flir targeter have that holo effect, it changes colour based on the direction you look at it from.


I made the transparent texture color one color (bluish), and the specular color another color (purple ish), then adjust the specular glossiness so it will be blue unless the light is reflecting almost directly to the camera.


8 hours ago, inigma said:

Well, here is our first modern dogfight in BDArmory. Thanks @BahamutoD for an amazing series of mods you have put out, making this totally possible!


Great battle!  I'm glad you and Jr. are enjoying it!

9 hours ago, YauS said:


This is the problem of abnromal render of radar images. Original code only consider the Red color channel. Fix it by consider green color channel.



That would probable work as a quick fix, but the pink color in the radar image indicates there's an issue with the material/shader.  Thankfully the new part tools for 1.1/U5 can create asset bundles where I can store custom shaders more reliably.  


2 hours ago, War Eagle 1 said:

hey Baha….why not consider incorporating vessel switcher into BDA sense VS pretty much needs BDA to operate?

This was kind of an excercise on making a separate mod that is dependent on BDA, and I decided to keep it separate since in the future, it could be considered a cheat tool when we start getting into contracts/careers.

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25 minutes ago, War Eagle 1 said:

Any chance in the future ground vehicles will get an AI function to just move around on their own?

I wonder if Mechjeb's rover auto pilot, coupled with BDA's guard mode would provide the desired result?

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3 hours ago, War Eagle 1 said:

Any chance in the future ground vehicles will get an AI function to just move around on their own?

Yes! Would be excellent for tank battles or combined arms assaults.

2 hours ago, War Eagle 1 said:

it might but i don't use mechjeb so i wouldn't know. 

Probably not, MJ is rudimentary at best and I haven't had the best of luck with guard on tank turret.

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11 hours ago, BahamutoD said:

Prerelease Update 2

Btw, can you look at how PilotAssistant implements auto throttling? It keeps the plane at the required speed precisely, while wing commander makes it oscillate forward and backward. 

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OK, i have little big problem with firing misseles.

HOW ???

I built plane and ship , put the ship in guard mode , launch the planer and...

The ship is firing only from guns and i am rying to fire missel but it cant hit , i dnt know how to lock target ???

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9 hours ago, Penkover said:

OK, i have little big problem with firing misseles.

HOW ???

I built plane and ship , put the ship in guard mode , launch the planer and...

The ship is firing only from guns and i am rying to fire missel but it cant hit , i dnt know how to lock target ???

Please enable Debug Label and screen capture. It may caused by shader problem.


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bug in 1.1 pre release (steam)

NODAR radar appears but nothing else


fixed it, the second download has the parts, the first just has a load of CS files, why?


fixed is generalistic

loaded up fine, went into the SPH and saw the BDA tab, game froze and i saw that there as 5 BDA tabs, then the game crashed.

again, WHY?

Ignore me, last update fixed it

Edited by ckirky
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Can we have a button in the weapon manager that lets us prioritize air or ground targets?
That way things like AA guns don't act as rapid firing tanks or so that attacker type aircraft won't go for enemy fighters first.

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12 hours ago, War Eagle 1 said:

Can we have a button in the weapon manager that lets us prioritize air or ground targets?
That way things like AA guns don't act as rapid firing tanks or so that attacker type aircraft won't go for enemy fighters first.

This is something that could be governed per weapon too. An Abrahms M1 turret, because it is long range, always gets selected over a chaingun turret, even though it will never, ever, succeed in shooting down an aircraft.

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Phys load distance possibly not working again in the latest 1.1 Prerelease? My planes are loading in at mostly random distances 5-10km while set at 40k phys load. Anyone else getting this?

Actually, I'm getting a lot of weird behaviour. AI refuse to fire - that may be me never having used the fight system before - and they make excessive use of rudder, sliding back and forth between max left sideslip and max right. I'm doing something wrong here, I'm sure.

Reproduction steps seem simple... activate guard mode, activate standby pilot, change teams, spawn at a different base, fly towards the planeplanes. Do they load in at the distance set? Do they engage? Am I an idiot?

Edited by Volt
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15 minutes ago, Volt said:

Phys load distance possibly not working again in the latest 1.1 Prerelease? My planes are loading in at mostly random distances 5-10km while set at 40k phys load. Anyone else getting this?

Are the planes landed.
If I recall correctly, anything landed doesn't load until 10 kilometres away. This is hardcoded to avoid catastrophes.

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Ah, yes, they are landed. Is it even possible to set up planes patrolling outside those 10km at the moment before launching your own interceptor? Gotta love game limitations.

A video speaks a thousand words, so here's a video of what I'm seeing for you:

As you can see neither aircraft is making an attempt to switch weapons and acquire the other. And yes, the other one is set to team A. The rudder wobble is visible near the end.

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