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[1.1] NavUtilities, ft. HSI & Instrument Landing System


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NavUtilities for KSP

Featuring Instrument Landing System and Horizontal Situation Indicator

Standalone and for Raster Prop Monitor




NOTE: Standalone version is a popup window, but the information displayed is the same



Adds a horizontal situation indicator with integrated ILS functionality to a popup window or your RPM cockpit.

The standalone version can be accessed (along with the options page and custom runway page, for controlling the current runway and GUI scale) via the App Launcher.

ILS style localizer, glideslope indicator, distance measuring equipment, and backcourse indicator.

Outer, Middle, and Inner Markers are fully functional, with the audio cue volume controlled by your Voices volume setting (WARNING: Middle and Inner marker audio cues are high pitch and, depending on your settings, may be loud). Currently, volume settings will not update when in flight, but going to the space center should update them.

The window GUI auto hides when you enter IVA. Current runway and glideslope selection remain synced between the standalone GUI and the version for RPM.

Included selectable runways:

KSC 09

KSC 27

Island 09

Island 27

VAB Helipad East

VAB Helipad West

Administration Helipad

Included glideslopes range from default 3° to 25°

More runways and glideslopes can be added via config file or in game.

Helpful images of 0.4.0+ features :D




Please note that if you are using KSI MFD, you can also select the HSI by cycling between this and the landing screen. Thanks to Tahvohck!

DOWNLOAD the newest release 0.6.1 (update for KSP 1.1) from SpaceDock

Copy the contents of GameData folder into your main KSP/GameData/ folder. The other files are not required for the plugin to function.

Note for users upgrading to 0.4.0+: you should remove the folder RPMHSI which was used in prior versions.

Note for users upgrading to 0.5 RC3+: you should perform a fresh install. Be sure to save your custom runways file.

Raster Prop Monitor works standalone, however for RPM integration you need:

Module Manager 2.2.0 by sarbian or newer

RasterPropMonitor v0.18 by Mihara or newer

Included support for:

Kerbal Space Industries MFD 1.2 by Hyomoto

Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System by Helldiver & Nazari1382


===v0.6.1=== April 20, 2016
*Updated for 1.1
*Added variable handler support for RPM (see Wiki on Github for documentation)
*Marker Beacon audio volume was moved from Voices to UI
*To bring up the settings window, Mod+Click (Alt+Click in Windows, Option+Click in OSX) the AppBar icon, no longer right-click
*NavUtilities windows should now auto hide and restore when the player presses F2
*New Feature: HSI now works with stock waypoints (from contracts) and Waypoint Manager (special big thanks to Ser!)

===Some intermediate version...===
*Added an internal prop module for analog HSIs
*Analog internal prop model included; model and textures by nli2work 
*Window positions should be persistant
*Reorganized and renamed files to help prevent a possible KSP loading bug
*Added a shortID field for runways
*Reintroduced optional ToolBar support, to enable you need to edit the line "useBlizzy78ToolBar = " to True in settings.cfg (may still be buggy)
*FIXED: marker audio now plays at the intended volume
*FIXED: high latitude fix from Virindi is now included

===v0.5.1 RC 1 Changes=== June 3, 2015
*Updated for 1.0.2
*Added demo version of Primary Flight Display (only for RPM for now), including:
-Easy-Read Attitude Indicator
-Radar Altimeter (Automatically functions below 750m)
-Vertical Speed (meters/minute)
-Throttle setting indicator

===v0.4.3 Chang[FONT=arial]es=== Oct 12, 2014
[COLOR=#000000]*Added the Administration building helipad to the included runways. It is an example of a "custom runway".
[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]*Compiled against KSP .25
[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]*Removed requirement to use Blizzy78's ToolBar mod, now supports stock App Launcher 
[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]~Current Users of the ToolBar [/COLOR][I]may[/I][COLOR=#000000] still be able to use it if they overwrite the existing NavUtilities install (untested) 
[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]~NavUtilLibGUI.dll is also now no longer needed for upgrading users (it interfaced with the ToolBar) 
[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]~Left clicking the App icon will start the HSI, right clicking the App icon will start the settings window[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Noto Sans]

===v0.4.1 Changes===
*GS now only works within 25° of the centerline
*Localizer now enters a fine mode when close to the runway

===v0.4.0 Changes===
*RPM keys are now softcoded to prop.cfg file definitions. This should allow much more flexible adaptation of the HSI to various RPM props.
*RPM now features same text overlay as standalone, including runway elevation.
*Included MM configs updated to reflect this
*Removed RPMHSI folder, moved RPMHSI.dll to main folder.
*Complied for 0.24

-New Features:
*Custom runways from in game. Position your vessel at the desired touch-down point and either use auto heading and elevation or use your own (auto based on current vessel's orientation and elevation). Custom runways saved to separate file. Custom runways can be deleted in game. The custom runway GUI can be accessed from the Toolbar.
*Hotspots in standalone (popup) HSI allow the user to change runway, glideslope, and close the window. Your mouse is in the correct area when
~an arrow appears (→)for runway & glideslope. Left click to go to next item, right click or MMB click to move back
~the text "Close Window" appears for closing the window

===Changelog v0.3.1 July 9, 2014===

-Added missing MM cfg for Hyomoto's RPM

-Added MM cfg for KSO + KSO Super 25
-Added MM cfg for RPM 0.17 Basic screen

KSO and RPM 0.17 not fully supported yet. RPM buttons may not change the runway or glideslope. You can use the settings window (from the App Launcher) to change them, however.


Software License: © 2014-2016. All rights reserved.

Permission is granted to any current, former, or future members of the KSP community (e.g.; non-professional modification makers and forum members) to update, maintain, use portions of the code, and/or release derivatives provided that 1) the new work is solely to be used as a modification for Kerbal Space Program (and future versions thereof) and 2) the new work is freely distributed and may not be sold or exchanged.

Artwork License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Source hosted at GitHub

Alt Download at GitHub

Development Thread

Edited by kujuman
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can you do like costum runways ? becouse i build a runway on duna and wanted to ask now if i could make this algiment work with my duna runway ( it not easy to land on an insane smal runway wich starts to show up at 2.5 km ) :/

edit: maybe you could do like 2 parts on the two end of the runway so its dedected as runway ? :v

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Need to practice some more but just made by first reasonably well executed landing, excellent work!

Is this set up for 0.16 or 0.17 of RPM? I ask because the KSI MFD hasn't been updated for 0.17 and without a serious number of changes it won't function (RPM throws a fit about initialization errors due to changed references).

It says so in the dependencies list:

RasterPropMonitor v0.16 by Mihara (0.17 may work, untested)

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Mind you, I didn't have an opportunity to look at it properly, but from the first glance, the plugin itself implements RPM API. I.e. it is not hardlinked to RPM. :)

Which means that while it might not be configured out-of-the-box to run in RPM 0.17, there is no obstacle whatsoever to make it run in RPM 0.17 or any subsequent version, a config edit is all it could possibly take.

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Yeah! it's out! no more worrying if i'm not aligned properly with the runway.

Unless you're trying to land on the Island runway...more testing makes me think it's a few degrees off. I'll fix it in the next update.

can you do like costum runways ? becouse i build a runway on duna and wanted to ask now if i could make this algiment work with my duna runway ( it not easy to land on an insane smal runway wich starts to show up at 2.5 km ) :/

I'm planning on making this able to work all in game in a few versions, but for now it can be done manually.

  1. Create a new .txt file with a name ending in _rwy.txt . Two examples would be MyRunways_rwy.txt or DunaBaseEast_rwy.txt
  2. Move a plane/rover/rocket on the ends of the runways, and use another mod to get the latitude and longitude
  3. Enter your runway's information into the file in this format:

    ident = My Runway North-East //the name which will show up on the display
    hdg = 45 //the heading at touchdown
    body = Duna //name of the body the runway is on
    altMSL = 176 //this is what your altimeter says when you're landed
    gsLatitude = -0.096779520816 //the Latitude of the touchdown point, you can get this from many other mods
    gsLongitude = 285.382598358845 //the Longitude of the touchdown point
    locLatitude = -0.09677440548751 //the Latitude of the far end of the runway
    locLongitude = 285.379943637873 //the Longitude of the far end of the runway

    outerMarkerDist = -1000 //no marker, if positive distance prior to the touchdown point in meters the marker sounds
    middleMarkerDist = -1000 //no marker
    innerMarkerDist = -1000 //no marker

  4. Move your *_rwy.txt file to GameData/KerbalScienceFoundation/NavInstruments/Runways/
  5. You're done! Switching vehicles should load the runway into the database.

Mind you, I didn't have an opportunity to look at it properly, but from the first glance, the plugin itself implements RPM API. I.e. it is not hardlinked to RPM. :)

Which means that while it might not be configured out-of-the-box to run in RPM 0.17, there is no obstacle whatsoever to make it run in RPM 0.17 or any subsequent version, a config edit is all it could possibly take.

Yes, I'm just using a background handler for the display. The buttons on the MFD are hard coded at the moment though.

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Just an FYI, 0.3.1 will probably drop later tonight. It is intended to provide preliminary support for KSO and RPM 0.17

it's up :D

Note that all of the buttons may not work for KSO and RPM 0.17 yet. Testing revealed that a 7.5° glideslope works well for both the KSO and KSO Super25 in stock aerodynamics if both shuttles are empty.

Edited by kujuman
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Unless you're trying to land on the Island runway...more testing makes me think it's a few degrees off. I'll fix it in the next update.

Yeah, I think I've noticed that too, good to know I'm not going crazy.

Besides that, another couple of minor issues I've noticed while practicing with this:

  • The heading as reported by the navball and the heading reported by the HSI can differ by up to 1º. I'm assuming this is due to rounding differences.
  • If the HSI window is open and you reload from a save, the HSI window will no longer be open but the UI button will report "Close". Clicking the Close button and then Open brings the window back.

But still, excellent work. One thing I've learned is that I've been greatly misjudging my approaches, when I think I'm lined up I'm not actually. At one point I thought the HSI was wrong, but I learned that it was not. Have to learn to trust my instruments. :)

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Now I really want 0.24 to come out! I'm reluctant to add any more mods to my current save and don't want to start a new install until then but this will definitely be in there when I do, well done :-)

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it does not work on the older RPM screens. only on the newer one. that was added in .17

...actually, if you write the right configuration, it should work all the way back to RPM 0.10 or so.

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Planning to integrate it into the KSOS proper with Kujuman's permission that is.

I have MM .cfg files in the 0.3.1 version to make the screens work in the KSOs. I don't know if the buttons work because the naming of the RPM buttons is hardcoded at the moment, but I expect to change that in the next version.

If you're looking to do more than just write your own .cfg let me know and I'll see what I can do for customization etc.

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Progress update for 0.4.0

-The RPM buttons that control G/S and runway are now configurable in the .cfg for each RPM installation (btnNextRwy = btnID basically)

-The RPM display no longer uses RPM for text display, and now looks identical to the standalone version

-Work is progressing on the "Add/Edit/Remove a Runway definition in game" feature. I have successfully saved runways created in code to a .cfg file, which would load next time KSP loads.

--next major step is implementing the GUI to work with it. I know what I want to have it look like, so it's really just sitting down and writing it. should be fun :D

The plan is to have the user enter a runway name and then move a vessel to the location they want the touchdown to be at. Heading and elevation will be automatically determined, unless the user wants to have manual values. the Loc beacon is planned to be located automatically 1km from the touchdown point.

note: I'm not redoing how runways are defined, at least not until there's a reason to do so (like other types of nav aids).

Cross-posted in the development thread.

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Having trouble integrating this with Hyomoto MFD. Just isn't there.

1) Which version of RPM do you have? Are the other features working as expected?

2) Which command pod are you using?

3) Please describe "just isn't there" more. Is the display not cycling when you press the "A" key on the MFD?

4) You need toolbar/the standalone version to make the RPM version work. Are you able to use the HSI with toolbar outside of IVA?

5) This mod is very particular about where it gets installed. Is the folder "KerbalScienceFoundation" directly inside of "GameData"?

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