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[0.23.5] Persistent Momentum 1.0 (14 July)


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Persistent Momentum 1.0

This mod allows for momentum to persist through time warp and game saves/loads. Allowing the creation of rotational stabilised satellites, centripetal space stations and an all round more realistic docking experience. It also adds difficulty via not being able to rely on freezing your momentum by quickly enabling and disabling time warp.

Please note that Persistent Momentum is not retroactive, so any previously launched crafts or debris in flight will not persist momentum. Only parts launched after the installation of Persistent Momentum will persist momentum. Also note that because of the way Persistent Momentum dynamically adds the part modules on game load, Persistent Momentum is fully compatible with modded parts and content packs.

For installation instructions and change log, please View the Online ReadMe File.

This mod is KSP-AVC Ready

KSP Add-on Version Checker is a standardised system for versioning mods. You can get more information on this forum thread.

Licensed under GNU General Public License v3

Edited by cybutek
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So, out of curiosity (maybe I'll do a test later, but maybe you know), what will happen if I dock a post-mod capsule to a pre-mod station, spin them both up and then wait a bit?

EDIT: but definitely testing after .24 :cool:

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  ModZero said:
So, out of curiosity (maybe I'll do a test later, but maybe you know), what will happen if I dock a post-mod capsule to a pre-mod station, spin them both up and then wait a bit?

EDIT: but definitely testing after .24 :cool:

Not tried it yet, but given that the pre-mod station will come out of time-warp with no momentum and the post-mod capsule will. It's not a great stretch on the imagination that there may be some disassemblement involved if you spinned the station up. As all the built up energy in the post-mod capsule will be exerted on the docking ring. Considering you asked the question, I'm guessing that this is just confirming what you already thought :D

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I have not experienced any craft disassemblements yet. My testing included a large-ish centripetal space station that was a little bit out of balance and spun up to the point it was flexing all over the place. Nearly flying apart on its own without any help. Although it was a bit nerve racking going in and out of time warp, it stuck together without any extra stress, apart from what was already present :D

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I need more testing to be sure of it, but it seems Persistent Momentum is causing some 'minor disintegration problems', especially with fuel tanks and the MechJeb part that succumbs to high G-forces when on or coming out of time warp. Will investigate further, though, just posting to see if anyone have had the same problem.

Sweet mod, though. Nice work, cybutek! :D

Edit: How well it interacts with MechJeb2? And with N-Body?

Edited by BadLeo
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Just to verify this doesn't suffer from the same issues as the other persistent momentum mod: have you solved the increase in momentum on a craft each time it comes out of warp? With the Time Warp Rotation Fix, if you let something rotate slightly, time warped, and then stopped time warp, the craft would be rotating slightly faster when coming out of warp without any control input. This would happen repeatedly until the craft was spinning wildly out of control so fast it changed its orbit.

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Hmmm tried my first mun mission in 0.24... when suddenly after timewarp ( 80000m above munar surface) my craft disassembled itself, saying "To much gforce, oh and i will also take that kerbal in that capsule with me, muhahaha!" ... well the summary said max gforce was 2.2 so...

Oh i have a few mods installed so its also possible that NEAR or something caused that, i will have an eye on that :/

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Well, I'm still on 0.23.5, but it seems that the minor disintegration problem I had seem to have stopped once I de-installed both Persistent Momentum and N-Body. Will test one at a time to see what goes on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need to put some time into this mod to fix a few things. Just not had enough of it after splitting it between KER1.0, KER0.6 and KSP-AVC development over the last few days. But it's not forgotten :)

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  cybutek said:
I need to put some time into this mod to fix a few things. Just not had enough of it after splitting it between KER1.0, KER0.6 and KSP-AVC development over the last few days. But it's not forgotten :)

Well, that's good news! I'm looking forward to trying this out, now that 0.24.* is released!

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Will try later if it works on.90

edited: seems to work fine on .90, not sure though if there are other hidden issues, will report as I play.

Issue: as one stated above, while loading the craft, warping or loading a save, it can suddenly jump up and change trajectory. That seems to be the only problem

edit2: uninstalled the mod for now

Edited by lyndonguitar
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