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[1.12.x] USI Exploration Pack - Small parts, big adventure! [v 0.6.0]


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  Cocox said:
I cannot drag and drop the packrat seat in any KIS/KAS container.

Using latest versions of Umbra Exploration Pack, KAS and KIS.

That's a game bug with the shaders used for the seats that make them invisible in the VAB. You need to put the container next to the VAB inventory window and "guesstimate" when you pick it up on your mouse pointer and drag it to the container. Then hover your mouse over the container's seemingly empty spots and see if the seat is in there.

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  Caithloki said:
Is this even usable anymore with the new KAS and KIS? I have been trying to build it on the surface of the mun but all that happens is after adding the front end to the pylon nothing else will attach to the front end.

Try the method in the video 7 posts above/below your post. The decoupler is no longer strictly necessary as you can now detach parts with children in KIS.

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  • 1 month later...

Apologies, I was searching the thread for 'rover delivery system', but I see that 'RDS' is used also, and that it was deprecated in 0.3.1.

I'm still going to try to take a look at it, still not sure how I want to attach an unmanned version for a contract.

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  • 1 month later... IS UP

0.4.2 - 2015.10.16


Updated dependencies and KSP version

CTT and node fixes

Reduced heat generation of mini ducted fan engine

Various tweaks for 1.0.4

- - - Updated - - -

  Crozius said:
Any word on fixing the heating problems for the ducted fans? They are my favorite USI parts with the cute little cockpit :(

See patch note above :)

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  JedTech said:
Hey can the Pakrat rover serve as a MKS logistics rover?

That sound neat in theory. My only concern would be seating. From a gameplay/lore standpoint since the pilot has to stay in the seat, you would have a kerbal sitting in an exposed command seat indefinitely. There was also a potential issue with USI-LS and command seats. I'm not sure if it has been addressed yet but I believe if memory serves there is an issue with command seats and life support.

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  RoverDude said:
tbh I think the packrat is also due for a refresh - likely at that point I'll add a pressurized cab to help with this issue.

Hopefully it will retain its ability to be KIS assembled in the field. It is my favorite aspect of the packrat for use as a small lightweight utility rover that can be packed up. I do like the open air feel for this.

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There's a bug with the new version's Micro Ducted Fan Engine.

See the video. All I did was hit T, X and SPACE. Space (whcih activates the engines) causes the screen the go black. If you try to recover, Kerbin is gone and there's just the skybox.


Does it in a few different ships I've tested. The test in the video was with a clean install with only these installed:

CRP 4.5.0

Firespitter 7.1.4

Module Manager 2.6.8

ModuleRCSFX 4.2

USI Exploration Pack 4.2.0

USI Tools 5.2.0

Edited by MalevolentNinja
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I think I found a minor bug. I assembled the packrat and boarded it on the launchpad for some testing. Then after pressing on the leave seat button my game froze. After a bit of testing I found out that this only occurs at the launchpad. Even after driving around at the space center and having no problems with leaving the packrat, after I returned to the launchpad and tried to leave the rover my game just froze again.

I am playing on EXP 0.4.1 and the latest releases of KIS/KAS (1.2.2/0.5.4).

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  MalevolentNinja said:
There's a bug with the new version's Micro Ducted Fan Engine.

See the video. All I did was hit T, X and SPACE. Space (whcih activates the engines) causes the screen the go black. If you try to recover, Kerbin is gone and there's just the skybox.


Does it in a few different ships I've tested. The test in the video was with a clean install with only these installed:

CRP 4.5.0

Firespitter 7.1.4

Module Manager 2.6.8

ModuleRCSFX 4.2

USI Exploration Pack 4.2.0

USI Tools 5.2.0

Had just come to post exactly the same issue. Was worried it was just my own KSP installation being broken in yet another way! :blush:

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Found another minor issue when on a rescue mission. Jancee Kerman was floating around in a HERP Jumpseat without a helmet.

@Roverdude: What´s the most convenient way for you for bugs being reported? Should I report them in the forum thread or in github or both? Currently exploring your mods and I like them a lot.


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Looking at the ducted fan in the research, and I noticed that a lot of the values made no sense whatsoever. Attempting to use it for thrust produced nothing and made the fan blades disappear. I'm pretty sure it's related to the bug above, but for me, the universe didn't spontaneously switch off like a lightbulb. Any fix for this?

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Hey Roverdude, you might need to update the ModuleRCSFX since there is an older one in the Exploration Pack. THAT's why the RCS broke on the large ducted fans, I had accidentially installed an older version of that mod when I dowloaded the update to this that you pushed a while ago.

Link to the ModuleRCSFX dowload for anybody who wants to correct that in the meantime: https://github.com/NathanKell/ModuleRCSFX/releases

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I must be some kind of idiot, I see no means of putting together the nifty Rat rover with KAS. Every time I put down a part, no matter where I move things or which node I try to change to with R, nothing shows up letting me try to connect any of the parts together...

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Got a bit of a problem here.

For no apparent reason AES pod's IVA got messed up. After switching view to IVA for the first time everything is fine, but after 1-2 seconds IVA instruments blur, duplicate and start to shimmer.

Latest EXP PACK release, no texture replacement mods, no modifications to stock textures at all, so i have no idea what might cause this.


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