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The Elite: Dangerous thread


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Same here .... unable to get into online or solo, due to the black screen problem.

Don´t think that it makes sense to try again, till they have released their first patch later this day

Edited by Godot
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  mordin86 said:
I still have the broken 2.02 version :(

All of us have .... but for some of us (myself included) it is more broken than for others :(

Hope in a few hours they present us the Uber-Patch .... the patch to fix all problems (well, hopefully at least the Freeze-Bug and the disconnect upon hyperjump/supercruise)

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I`m really really frustrated now - the game was looking perfect (graphics) and now they messed with some settings and added this hideous blur bloom nonsense. It can't be turned off completely, my eyes are hurting from reading blurred hud, I don't know what happened. A second a go fix was deployed and it fixed ctd and disconnect issue - and that's great. But the game visuals are still totally broken for nvidia users.

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I wouldn't say it's totally broken. I've got a GTX 760 and the HUD is only a tad blurry for me while the rest of the game looks better than ever. I suppose, if anything, they could turn down the lighting levels inside the major stations to make them feel more atmospheric like they were previously, but that's only a minor thing.

However, the server disconnect problem isn't completely gone. It's certainly mostly sorted, but I still got disconnected once whilst around Maher Prime.

Also, I miss my Cobra. After not being killed for ages, I forgot how easy it was to get blown up in a Sidewinder, and it doesn't help when a low-intensity conflict zone suddenly spawns enemy Vipers and Cobras (all of which were of Dangerous status) galore :(

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I got a freeze when I hyperjumped to I Bootis in Open World, but not afterwards when I restarted and choose Solo mode.

I also have to say that Mahrr now glows in a beautiful violet .... much more beautiful than before

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  impwarhamer said:
what are the blue lasers!?

Railguns. Quite a tricky weapon to use. If you like the idea of them, try out the last training scenario. The Sidewinder you get on that scenario has a beam laser and a railgun. The railgun needs the trigger held down to charge up before it fires, and it will only fire if it doesn't overheat before being fully charged. However, it's extremely hard-hitting. An interesting weapon, indeed.

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  Exentenzed said:
Was a new patch for this recently was it not?

Trying to hold off playing this until more coop features as possible have made it into the game. :P

Since Tuesday we have Beta 2 (which has exploration, outposts, weathering effects on spaceships and much more) ....

and since the patch on Thursday it is actually playable for most, if not all, of us (there even has been another patch on Friday, which fixes additional issues)

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