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Devnote Tuesdays: The "Hype Train's Back in the Station" Edition


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<p><strong id="docs-internal-guid-d2cfb29f-60b0-80f5-cc16-3bd752865e15"><br/><span>Hugo (The Intern): </span><span>.</span></strong>Had a lot of fun with the new release!! Still working on some pieces aesthetics. Mainly working on the MK line right now. Hopefully you guys will like the work. Had a very interesting and insightful conversation with Felipe and Dan to discuss some designs and what we would envision to add in the future.</p>

Nice :)

Are you guys planning as in the case of 0.24, where the contracts are main addition, focus on another large feature?

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KSP .50.2 is going to make the biggest impact on the website and forums XP Those damn 502s. Great work with the .24 update guys, I am so glad you guys took your time to develop KSP to what it is with this update. Take your time with .25 too (but try not to take as much time as you did with .24 :P) Great work!

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Daniel (danRosas): (...) there are some models that have been done that need to be taken into the game, and I just had an interesting chat with HarvestR about them(...)


Hugo (The Intern): .Had a lot of fun with the new release!! Still working on some pieces aesthetics. Mainly working on the MK line right now. Hopefully you guys will like the work. Had a very interesting and insightful conversation with Felipe and Dan to discuss some designs and what we would envision to add in the future.

Do I hear a new items in the game?!

And refurbished old once?!

Awesome :) Looking forward to get some more meat in a stock game! :)


It's definitely not 0.25. More likely a 0.24.1 to smooth out bugs.

Oh.... so there will be a hotfix for 0.24? Great news :) That's exactly what many of us hoped for :)

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What's the difference between a "hot fix" and a regular fix in a patch?
I think he means a .24.1 in a few weeks instead of .25 in a few months? :wink:

Yes a "hot fix" is often a faster one. KSP 0.25 could be two to six months down the road.

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SQUAD might need to start speeding up the version numbers at 6 months an update for example, it would take 38 years to get the game up to v1.0.

They don't have to hit every number between 0.25 and 1.0, that's not how software versions work. Theoretically the next version could be 1.0. It won't be, but they won't go through all the numbers up to 0.99 before 1.0 either (at least I hope).

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Theoretically the next version could be 1.0. It won't be, but they won't go through all the numbers up to 0.99 before 1.0 either (at least I hope).

Also, what's to stop them from going from .99 to .100? And then .101? They are just labels.

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Going from 32 to 64 is a good enough version jump for my taste :sticktongue:

I hope we`ll see more incremental updates for fixes, don`t care what version it`s called aslong as we go forward, 64-bit is already a huge step in that direction :D

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That's kind of why I think version numbers need to go away. A timestamp with a following note is much better, e.g: 2014.07.23_Stable.

I guess that version numbers are easier to remember and refer to

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Taking the 0.25 hype train for a test drive. All rockets working! No need for HypeCoal anymore, just some HypeMatter should do.

Thanks for developing that. My old HypeTrain was getting quite old. Attaching cars to the back might be a problem. But let's remeber that I'm the HypeTrain Driver.

Sure, you could say you're the HypeTrain Driver, but that'd be about as true as saying you are The Wackjob. (Unless you are Wackjob, in which case you are still not the HypeTrain Driver.)

EDIT: I decided instead of using a new rocket-propelled HypeLoco, I'll be refitting the original HypeTrain to use any kind of fuel. It's going to be a massive undertaking, [formercreepythomasfan]but to make sure I can use unrealistic physics of Railroading, I'll be using a TARDIS to visit the Island of Sodor and build it in the SteamWorks, where there's enough crap to build a thousand HypeTrains. To be clear, anything on Sodor since 1999 has been crap. [/formercreepythomasfan]

Edited by GregroxMun
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No devnotes from Felipe?

Editor’s Note: Portions of the staff have been in and out of meetings all day, so some have not been so easy to catch for comment. We’ll try to update this post with their thoughts throughout the week, if possible.

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