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[1.8.x - 1.12.x] Soviet Probes & Soviet Rockets - R7/N1/Soyuz/Proton/Zenit/Dnepr/Kosmos/Tsiklon - 7-24-21


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This is because the fairings aren't real fairings (at least from the game physics), and simply act as structural parts which don't protect parts which get attached underneath the Fairing. There's no fix for that, which is very annoying and sad... :(

Stock aerodynamic model precisely calculates the fairings that they protected the contents.

When I use the stock fairing, radio module don't rip off.

But the stock fairing spoils the whole view of rocket.

Besides astro module does not rip off, unlike the radio module, if I use the native mod fairings.

Something wrong with the radio module attachment.

Edited by Wuwuk
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No you misunderstood me, stock can only handle Procedural fairings, they work fine, but fairings whuch are made of multiple parts won'r work. And almost every mod out there has multi part fairings, so the fairings won't work, the same with this mod.

OK, I understood.

So will have to use procedural fairings.

But why then does not rip off second module (Astro), only the radio module?

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Just use kerbal joint reinforcement. The problem is the wobble because of the crappy stock game physics. If it doesn't wobble stuff won't rip apart. I've never had any part of the rockets ripped off ever.

I use "kerbal joint reinfortsement", but it does not help.

Every time I launch "Luna-9" craft,

the radio module rip off after 39s of flight :) .

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I use "kerbal joint reinfortsement", but it does not help.

Every time I launch "Luna-9" craft,

the radio module rip off after 39s of flight :) .

That's bull. Literally right after you complained about this I did a test launch of this rocket and nothing ripped off of it. Either you are flying it wrong, using some other mod that is causing this, or just lying. The radio module has identical breaking forces to every other part of the luna craft. Besides all that, you saying it's broke fix it, with no information other than "it's broke" and no way to replicate it since I can't replicate it, you aren't going to get any help.

Edited by raidernick
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That's bull. Literally right after you complained about this I did a test launch of this rocket and nothing ripped off of it. Either you are flying it wrong, using some other mod that is causing this, or just lying. The radio module has identical breaking forces to every other part of the luna craft. Besides all that, you saying it's broke fix it, with no information other than "it's broke" and no way to replicate it since I can't replicate it, you aren't going to get any help.

I'm not lying :(, I posted the screenshots above. I can try to record video if you want.

Until the moment when the radio rip off, I do not touch control (it can be seen in the screenshots).

Here is a list of my installed mods:



Firespitter_7.1.1 (onli plugin and resource)






















I can not to assume which one is causing this problem.

Sorry to trouble you.

Edited by Wuwuk
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Unfortunately, since I can't replicate this I can't really help you. At the most you can try this. Open the CFG file for that part and change these values, if the value isn't there add it to the file

Change these values to equal something very high like 2000000:

breakingForce =

breakingTorque =

linearStrength =

angularStrength =

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Unfortunately, since I can't replicate this I can't really help you. At the most you can try this. Open the CFG file for that part and change these values, if the value isn't there add it to the file

Change these values to equal something very high like 2000000:

breakingForce =

breakingTorque =

linearStrength =

angularStrength =

I set these parameters to 2000000, but it did not help.

Probably I will use the stock fairings.

Thanks for the help.

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I set these parameters to 2000000, but it did not help.

Probably I will use the stock fairings.

Thanks for the help.

You are the second person now to have mentioned a problem like this. Someone on one of my other mod threads is having the same issue with parts falling off. I can guarantee you it doesn't happen in a 100% stock game, it has to be one of your mods causing it. Since you don't have a lot of them I could say try them one at a time until you find the broken one, but I'm going to take a guess and say it's probably either KIS or tweakscale causing the issue as I have all of the other mods on one of my installs and none of my parts fall off.

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Really you are going to become spelling/grammer police? Its an honest request, probably because they are 50MB+ which eats up valuable memory. When entire part packs are that size.

That's actually not entirely true. Yes the MODEL files for those parts are very large, however the model file has almost no effect on the amount of RAM used. Textures are what make the difference, and the Vostok/Voskhod both reuse the same textures that already exist for the Soyuz so in reality they add almost no extra RAM usage to the pack, just size to the download. What hey DO do however is cause 20 year old computers to stutter/lose FPS when you try and load the craft.

EDIT: I would also like to point out that posting the same question in all my threads is a good way to have it reported for spam. This isn't even the right thread to be asking this in.

Edited by raidernick
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Forgive me but I tried building sputnik I and it does not seem to have the dv to lift off?, I am using community tech tree but im pretty sure the engines and how i put it together were correct. Do you have .craft files to share?

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Neither do I, I installed using ckan on linux but I am not seeing this ships folder, ill try via Kerbalstuff. Thanks Raider for this effort you put in :)

Hello! I'm a friendly CKAN helper and raidernick poked me about your problem with .craft files not being installed properly. I'm unable to reproduce these on my Windows install I would love it if you came over to the CKAN thread so we can try and get this sorted out :)

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