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[0.90.0] Fine Print vSTOCK'D - BETA RELEASE!!! (December 15)


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You are being caustic with no good reason.

As for the navball, Squad did NOT include "Enhanced Navball", they developed a similar functionality on their own. As modders are also free to create their own version of some functionality that already exists, Squad is free to do the same.

You can add further that they didn't copy the idea, they had planned to do it, and had said so back when ENB first appeared. Nor did it kill the mod, which does other things to the navball, and has been updated for 0.25. They had to develop their own version due to the license of the mod, and only got to it now because it was a relatively minor effect for the effort required, in accordance with their stated development strategy of going after the biggest deficits first.

Speaking of licenses... I'm guessing this mod's "integration" will be by way of a complete rewrite? Either way, I'm glad to see it being included, since it means any changes it needs will be rolled out with the game from now on, and hope Arsonide will have more good things to bring us in the future.

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Sorry if this has been asked before but there are 108 pages in this thread and I figured asking the question will be the quickest way.

I recently found out about this mod and this is exactly what I wanted in contracts. I'm running 0.24.2 because I spent about a week installing 45 mods before I started a new save, only a day before they released 0.25

What I want to know:

Is there a way for me to tell if I installed this correctly? How do I know I'll start seeing contracts from fine print and not just what Squad has included in the game?

Before I installed this mod, I had started a new save and completed about 30 or so contracts and researched 3-4 tech nodes.

Thank you in anticipation.

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I felt like it would be too punishing to players to take the ship that they completed missions with and delete it, or otherwise render it inoperable. I did consider this at one point, but decided against it.

I guess ultimately you cannot prevent this kind of abuse, it will be up to the player.

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Hm one suggestion; perhaps delay the aerial survey missions until aerodynamics is taken? Sure Stability has wings... but they're mostly meant for rocket stability. I tried building a plane using only tier 3 tech and I couldn't manage it x.x (I have no idea how the "wrong brothers" challenge playthrough did it...)

edit: Ah maybe it's flight control. I got it because I really like the Stayputnik for part testing missions (if you couldn't already tell)

Edited by Spheniscine
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Sorry if this has been asked before but there are 108 pages in this thread and I figured asking the question will be the quickest way.

I recently found out about this mod and this is exactly what I wanted in contracts. I'm running 0.24.2 because I spent about a week installing 45 mods before I started a new save, only a day before they released 0.25

What I want to know:

Is there a way for me to tell if I installed this correctly? How do I know I'll start seeing contracts from fine print and not just what Squad has included in the game?

Before I installed this mod, I had started a new save and completed about 30 or so contracts and researched 3-4 tech nodes.

Thank you in anticipation.

If the mod is installed correctly, you should start getting contracts to build space stations or put satellites in orbit.

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I guess ultimately you cannot prevent this kind of abuse, it will be up to the player.

I think it would require a new, ongoing contract mechanic. Like instead of "get huge amount of money for putting a station on the Mun", you'd "get a small amount of money every week for HAVING a station on the Mun". Same for comsats, etc.

As for rewriting and GPL...

If ALL the contributors agree, as the sole holders of the mod's copyright, they can grant Squad a non-GPL license. Also, as far as I know, GPL doesn't expressly prohibit having GPLed code bundled with proprietary software, though there are restrictions on linking, and the GPL component would have to be kept under GPL, available and open-source.

Edited by S1gmoid
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I think it would require a new, ongoing contract mechanic. Like instead of "get huge amount of money for putting a station on the Mun", you'd "get a small amount of money every week for HAVING a station on the Mun". Same for comsats, etc.

An interesting idea. Instead of a lump sum payout you get small payouts over time.

I'd like to see more targeted mission sequences too. Example:

Munar Exploitation Corporation Series

Munar Survey I - Place a satellite in a specific orbit. Satellite must include orbital survey module and must remain powered with no control input for 10 orbits. Mission complete when the gathered data is returned to KSP by transmission or recovery.

Munar Survey II - A potential extraction zone has been located. Land a rover with a regolith sampling kit and take samples from Sites A, B, C, D. Bonus: Perform an experiment in the target zone with the Double-C Seismic Accelerometer. Mission complete when the gathered data is returned to KSP by transmission or recovery.

Munar Survey III - The Munar Exploitation corporation has selected a landing site and wishes certain hardware delivered in order to establish a long term presence on the Mun. Land a vessel at the target site with a 'Payload Module'. Mission complete when payload module is detached from the delivery craft at the target landing site.

Munar Survey IV - The Munar Exploitation corporation has provided a crew and funds to establish a Munar base at the target landing site. Land a habitation module containing the 6 kerbal staff from MEC and an additional Payload Module. Mission complete after the worksite is set up, which will take approximately 2 months.

Munar Survey IVa - An equipment malfunction has occurred at the site. Please deliver a maintenance package to the mining site. Bonus payout if delivery is made within 3 days. Mission complete on delivery.

etc etc, and you could have a few of these serial mission sets going at one time, all ticking in the background.

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If the mod is installed correctly, you should start getting contracts to build space stations or put satellites in orbit.

Alright, did about 6-8 more contracts and unlocked tier 4 tech nodes. I haven't had any contracts for satellites yet, I guess I might get station contracts when I unlock those parts.

I did however get contracts to launch science missions around Duna and Eve.

PS: haven't visited Kerbin's natural satellites yet.

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Alright, did about 6-8 more contracts and unlocked tier 4 tech nodes. I haven't had any contracts for satellites yet, I guess I might get station contracts when I unlock those parts.

I did however get contracts to launch science missions around Duna and Eve.

PS: haven't visited Kerbin's natural satellites yet.

You will get aerial contracts when you unlock mid level aeronautics parts. Rover contracts appear when you get wheels. ARM will show up when you get the klaw, station and base require you to have antennae, power, and docking ports researched. Satellites just require antennae and power. ISRU will require the tech associated with your resource mod if you have properly configured it.

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There seems to be a glitch with the Molniya/Kolynia type orbits. Even with the satellite's orbit overlaid so closely that the rounding errors are making the ascending/descending nodes flicker round and round like crazy the "reaching designated orbit" objective isn't being recognised. It's way closer than the 3% specified.

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There seems to be a glitch with the Molniya/Kolynia type orbits. Even with the satellite's orbit overlaid so closely that the rounding errors are making the ascending/descending nodes flicker round and round like crazy the "reaching designated orbit" objective isn't being recognised. It's way closer than the 3% specified.

The satellite contracts have several things that can be different even if you are overlaid right on top of them. First things first: Are you going in the same direction the spinners are? Secondly: are you in a satellite that was launched after the contract was accepted? Thirdly: Did you turn off SAS, RCS, and kill your trim, then take your hands off the keyboard and mouse for ten seconds? Lastly: If you have more than one satellite contract in your contract window, ensure that you are looking at the right one. I did this more times than I care to admit in my testing.

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An interesting idea. Instead of a lump sum payout you get small payouts over time.

As someone in another thread has pointed out, this can be abused using Time Warp. So this would have to be balanced out by other time-based game mechanics.

For example, you'd lose reputation over time, which would mean you have to launch successful missions regularly as opposed to keep staring at the game in maximum warp.

There could also be monthly stipends you have to pay your astronauts.

Once Principia gets completed, orbits will degrade over time due to the influence of other celestial bodies, so you can't just forget about a sattelite.

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As someone in another thread has pointed out, this can be abused using Time Warp. So this would have to be balanced out by other time-based game mechanics.

For example, you'd lose reputation over time, which would mean you have to launch successful missions regularly as opposed to keep staring at the game in maximum warp.

There could also be monthly stipends you have to pay your astronauts.

Once Principia gets completed, orbits will degrade over time due to the influence of other celestial bodies, so you can't just forget about a sattelite.

Anyone with a life support mod knows well that you can't really abuse timewarp, but I take your point as many do not use such mods. I like the idea of losing rep over time to force you to continue launching and doing stuff rather than abusing timewarp.

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I like the idea of losing rep over time to force you to continue launching and doing stuff rather than abusing timewarp.

Agreed. A "what have you done for us lately" mechanic would be cool even without the potential for abusing timewarp. But then, I use Kerbal Alarm Clock, so I can have other things going on while waiting for extended missions to reach important junctures. (All these "essential" mods!)

And to S1gmoid too, salaries for all hired kerbals would be good, rather than the "mercenary" model that Squad apparently considered and ditched. That could play well with continued revenue from maintaining stations and bases.

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Agreed. A "what have you done for us lately" mechanic would be cool...

I like this idea!!

Another idea I've had is a loss of rep for repeatedly landing on a body you have before. Say landing on the Mun nets you less reputation each time as a "Been there, done that" kind of mentality. Eventually public interest wanes even more until you decide to go to a new/different destination.

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First time trying this mod out, since I haven't been much of a career mode player. I like the aerial survey missions, but have a problem. Two of my survey sites won't complete. I'm flying at the appropriate altitude (which you really should specify as AGL or ASL, by the way), passing straight through the target marker on the navball... and nothing happens. I read the message that I'm approaching the survey area, so that part's working. Just not the finish.

The very first aerial survey site in the same mission was at KSC itself, and that one completed as soon as I took off. So that part is working.

Is it maybe a conflict with RSS or some other mod? The rover missions work fine in this same mod soup.

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PM me your log and perhaps some screenshots, might be able to deduce the issue for you. Also, a description of the vessel and all of the contracts you had at the time might help.

Edited by Arsonide
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BTW, the guy who does the Bombs mod (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95510-Bombs-1-0) is now making air-launched science probes as well (download currently offline, but I think he's just revising it). Might be fun to include some "drop a research probe from altitude X at location Y" missions.

Edited by Wanderfound
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