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[0.90.0] Fine Print vSTOCK'D - BETA RELEASE!!! (December 15)


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I got a contract that told me to put a satelite in a tundra orbit around Minmus. I put the satelite in the designated orbit, but where is says "Reach the designated tundra orbit around Minmus with a deviation of less than 3%" doesn't accept my orbit as accurate enough.


As you can see my orbit is almost perfect, but it still doesn't accept it. And yes, I'm going the correct way around.ZurS7WT.png

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The inclination of that orbit is probably over 180, it's a known issue. Force the contract as complete for now by using your Alt-F12->Contracts->Active window.

I've got the Apoapsis, Periapsis, Ascending Node, and Descending node showing on the orbits now, and I've changed how the rotating icons look, they are much smaller now so it looks more like the line is pulsing in one direction. I've already fixed inclinations going to weird numbers, so the matching problems should be fixed, and today I'm adding orbital parameters into the contract text itself, and tooltips on the new icons.

If I had to give a rough ETA I'd say within the next day or two.

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The inclination of that orbit is probably over 180, it's a known issue. Force the contract as complete for now by using your Alt-F12->Contracts->Active window.

I've got the Apoapsis, Periapsis, Ascending Node, and Descending node showing on the orbits now, and I've changed how the rotating icons look, they are much smaller now so it looks more like the line is pulsing in one direction. I've already fixed inclinations going to weird numbers, so the matching problems should be fixed, and today I'm adding orbital parameters into the contract text itself, and tooltips on the new icons.

If I had to give a rough ETA I'd say within the next day or two.

YAY! I'll be able to start doing orbital contracts again.

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How is your rover's command pod located? Here's the thing: if you have your command pod parallel to the ground, the navball will only be blue, as your command pod is point upwards. Which is good if you need to land it, for instance. But it sucks at land navigation.

So you'll also need another command pod perpendicular to the ground, or a seat with a kerbal on it so the navball is half sky half ground, and then you'll be able to see the navpoints.

Ah now I understand. Makes sense. Yes my command pod is vertical not perpendicular to the ground.

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Though I have not as of yet had time to play this mod, Downloading now, I think based on what I see in this thread, this is one Mod Squad should buy off of you and put in the stock game. Thanks for the hard work and great Mod Arsonide.

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The inclination of that orbit is probably over 180, it's a known issue. Force the contract as complete for now by using your Alt-F12->Contracts->Active window.

I've got the Apoapsis, Periapsis, Ascending Node, and Descending node showing on the orbits now, and I've changed how the rotating icons look, they are much smaller now so it looks more like the line is pulsing in one direction. I've already fixed inclinations going to weird numbers, so the matching problems should be fixed, and today I'm adding orbital parameters into the contract text itself, and tooltips on the new icons.

If I had to give a rough ETA I'd say within the next day or two.

Thank God for debug! I fell victim to this on two different satellite contracts :)

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Why does the contract say place a satellite in GEOstationary orbit around Minmus? Geo refers to Earth.. It's just a stationary orbit.

First, the root geo does not necessarily mean 'Earth'. It can also mean 'ground' or 'soil'.

That said, do you have a suggestion as to what we could replace 'geo' with?

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First, the root geo does not necessarily mean 'Earth'. It can also mean 'ground' or 'soil'.

That said, do you have a suggestion as to what we could replace 'geo' with?

Doesn't necessarily mean Earth, but mostly does. And aereostationary orbit refers to a stationary orbit around Mars, so yeah, Geo- is pretyt much Earth.

As for replacements, either make it unique for all bodies (Moho-, Evo-, Gilo-, Kerbo-, Muno-, Minmo-, Duno-, Iko-, Dreo-, Joovo-, Polo-, Boppo-, Laytho-, Tylo-, Eelo- or whatever), replace it with just 'stationary orbit' (though that might cause confusion with people thinking the vessel, not the orbit, should be stationary), or keep geostationary as people know what it wants to mean, even if it's not technically correct (like calling the Space Shuttle orbiter just 'the Space Shuttle').

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First, the root geo does not necessarily mean 'Earth'. It can also mean 'ground' or 'soil'.

That reminds me of Star Control 2, where you meet those Supox plant-people and they say that they're also from Earth (as it basically means dirt/soil/etc).

Anyhow ... IS there no generic term for stationary orbits? Like how 'periapsis' applies everywhere, but 'perigee' is a periapsis near the Earth...

(I'm fine with 'geostationary' but if there's a single, better word, that would be great)

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Sorry if this has been addressed, but why is it ALL waypoints/orbits show up in map view for the available contracts as opposed to only the active contracts?

I believe that's so you can actually see what you're getting into before you commit to the contract.

I like that, although it would be nice if it were clearer which ones were new and which ones were already accepted... (Maybe color-coded?)

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Sorry if this has been addressed, but why is it ALL waypoints/orbits show up in map view for the available contracts as opposed to only the active contracts?

This was a requested feature so that people could see contracts before accepting them.

I've run into another issue with one of my icons. It's shaping up real nice, but I don't think the patch will be tonight as originally planned.

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(I'm fine with 'geostationary' but if there's a single, better word, that would be great)


Wikipedia calls a generic stationary orbit.. a stationary orbit.

Someone in this thread has suggested some players might interpret that as a lagrangian orbit (?) or one where your velocity is 0 (??) - but those interpretations make no sense.

Splitting hairs I say. Both work, stationary seems to be more correct.

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So a couple of questions. I just had a couple of planetary base missions thrown at me, and noticed that one of the parameters was "include a research lab" - which confused me no end, as I thought it was talking about Station Sciences research lab and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't tick.

After a bit of testing I realised it was talking about the mobile processing lab - (which is not a research lab by the way - confusing parameters!). Anyway, my questions are:

1) Does this parameter show up on orbital space station missions.

2) Is there anyway (maybe using MM) that I can add whatever your mod is looking for to the StationScience parts, or is it looking for that part in particular?

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Arsonide -- I currently have a mission to put a satellite with a barometer into orbit around the Mun. Next version could you include a check that scientific instruments are valid for the orbit/biome/planet required by the contract? I'm sure the boffins back at KSC are smart enough to realize that barometers don't work the best in space.

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Arsonide -- I currently have a mission to put a satellite with a barometer into orbit around the Mun. Next version could you include a check that scientific instruments are valid for the orbit/biome/planet required by the contract? I'm sure the boffins back at KSC are smart enough to realize that barometers don't work the best in space.

This was considered and is intentional. It's an agency request, so we're not sure why they asked for it to be there. Perhaps they plan on crashing it into an atmosphere in the future, or they are thinking of giving the Mun an atmosphere. Who knows. Maybe they want to prove that it doesn't work.

I have renamed geosynchronous to keosynchronous, geostationary to keostationary, and I refer to any orbits that are not on Kerbin as stationary and synchronous now. For konsistency I also threw in keliostationary, keliosynchronous, and Kolniya.

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This was considered and is intentional. It's an agency request, so we're not sure why they asked for it to be there. Perhaps they plan on crashing it into an atmosphere in the future, or they are thinking of giving the Mun an atmosphere. Who knows. Maybe they want to prove that it doesn't work.

I have renamed geosynchronous to keosynchronous, geostationary to keostationary, and I refer to any orbits that are not on Kerbin as stationary and synchronous now. For konsistency I also threw in keliostationary, keliosynchronous, and Kolniya.

I think contracts don't need to make sense, as long as they're possible to complete. Most contracts are pretty weird, in fact. Why would you want to test a 22-ton heavy booster in low munar orbit, of all places?

You wouldn't, of course.

Which means you'd skip out on the fun of building an ungodly contraption like this:


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Wikipedia calls a generic stationary orbit.. a stationary orbit.

Ah.. I see that's already been incorporated below, and I learned something new! Win-win, and thanks! :)

This was considered and is intentional. It's an agency request, so we're not sure why they asked for it to be there. Perhaps they plan on crashing it into an atmosphere in the future, or they are thinking of giving the Mun an atmosphere. Who knows. Maybe they want to prove that it doesn't work.

Eh, just because KSC doesn't gain anything useful from a result doesn't mean that other people aren't interested or that the test isn't valid in some way. If Rockomax wants to know if it's a hard vacuum in high orbit of the Mun, I'm happy to take their money and cart a barometer out there to confirm it (even if we all know what the answer is going to be already :wink:).

I think it's a neat feature.

By the way, three little things - rescue missions aren't showing up again.. would you know if they have some sort of tech prerequisite? Also I'm running with modded (nerfed) science return values, does that affect funds payouts too(they seem lower..)? And is there any way to disable--or at least massively nerf--science returns from contracts using FinePrint?

I think contracts don't need to make sense, as long as they're possible to complete. Most contracts are pretty weird, in fact. Why would you want to test a 22-ton heavy booster in low munar orbit, of all places?

My favorite is the turbojet on the mun still~

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Wikipedia calls a generic stationary orbit.. a stationary orbit.

Someone in this thread has suggested some players might interpret that as a lagrangian orbit (?) or one where your velocity is 0 (??) - but those interpretations make no sense.

Splitting hairs I say. Both work, stationary seems to be more correct.

I just want to throw it out there that for a keostationary orbit, your "Surface" velocity will be 0 m/s. And for a keosynchronous orbit, the east/west part of your surface velocity will be 0. That is how I know that I have achieved the desired orbit.

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