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[0.90.0] Fine Print vSTOCK'D - BETA RELEASE!!! (December 15)


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I searched a bit and don't see anything here. I'm also not sure if it's this mod but it's the only mod I have that handles contracts so I think it's likely. It's a huge pain to narrow it down though so I'm hoping to score a hit before I go through all the work.

I have 2 instances of KSP. One has this mod, and one does not (there are other differences as well). In the one without this mod, contracts are worth a certain amount each, which of course varies but is in the same ballpark. In the one WITH this mod, those same contracts are worth roughly 1/10th what they are in the other save.

Here are two comparable missions:


Could this mod be causing this? Is there a way I can find out without trying with and without every mod I have (log file or whatnot)?

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Yes, the rewards are way down. Also it seems that the "rescue a kerbal" contracts are removed completely. I recently removed this mod from my install (sorry, great mod, had lots of fun with rovers and such, but it seemed that there were only lots and lots satellite contracts left) and these rescue contracts, and some of the more lukrative testing contracts were suddenly back. Call me a wussy and not hardcore enough, but 300000 funds reward for a permanent 10 kerbal base on eve is not worth it. :)

Edit: to be fair, i had the dmagic contracts also active for some time, what resulted in total overkill in repetitive contracts for less and less funds. Had to dismiss contract on a regular basis, and the vanilla contract where practically gone.

Edited by smart013
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Each contract that Fine Print adds is self contained, and nothing outside of those contracts is modified in Fine Print. I add my own systems (Waypoints, orbital waypoints) that are only used in my contracts. The Contract System is not modified, nor are any base contracts. I can tell you that there are more factors to rewards than are in the briefing, like agency personality, and good old fashioned RNG.

As far as how many of my contracts are showing up, again, there can be only two of any given type at a time, and it's not even guaranteed to be that. During testing I have had screens full of Test missions with Fine Print installed. Fine Print does not determine what contracts get chosen to fill the board, but it does limit those choices to two per type specifically to prevent the situations you are describing.

I can't speak for the rewards on Explore missions, as those are stock and I have no way of modifying that code at all. As far as the rewards for my contracts, I'm aware that they might be too hardcore in some instances, but that's because of the way the game scales the rewards based on location. Sometimes they pay way too much on the outer planets, and I have to balance the inner planets with that in mind. It's a work in progress, and I'm hoping that once I implement configuration, everybody can tweak this to their own liking and actually help me balance the mod with the values they come up with.

Edited by Arsonide
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I don't suppose either of you is also using my [thread=80220]Celestial Body Science Value Editor[/thread]? Contracts use the CelestialBodyScienceParams.RecoveryValue multiplier (the thing that determines how much science a vessel returned from planet X is worth) to calculate contract rewards. So if you start lowering that it can have a major effect on contract rewards, penalties, deadlines, etc...

I should probably put a disclaimer about that in the thread.

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I don't suppose either of you is also using my [thread=80220]Celestial Body Science Value Editor[/thread]? Contracts use the CelestialBodyScienceParams.RecoveryValue multiplier (the thing that determines how much science a vessel returned from planet X is worth) to calculate contract rewards. So if you start lowering that it can have a major effect on contract rewards, penalties, deadlines, etc...

I should probably put a disclaimer about that in the thread.

AHA. I am. Thanks for that and I'll reset that to the default value for each planet.

Sucks that KSP uses the same value for two very different things (science returned from recovering a ship vs money earned from a contract) but hey, at least I'll be able to afford stuff now. And really they should have one scalar per value so I could cut science gains but not money, or change rep gains but not science. Or whatever.

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Now that is quite the bummer ...

Alternatives being to either raise the science needed or lower the science gained per experiment then - which is not quite the same really. *pout*

Well you can still lower everything else. I personally have all Mun and Minmus cut to 1/10th to account for the fact that there are multiple biomes on them. I just set the RecoveryValue back to what it was originally (I had previously cut it to 1/10th for every planet across the board).

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Ah, so only this one value gives problems?

It controls the "Recovered a vessel landed/flyby/orbited body X"?

//Body Name = Kerbin
Body_Index = 1
LandedDataValue = 0.3
SplashedDataValue = 0.4
FlyingLowDataValue = 0.7
FlyingHighDataValue = 0.9
InSpaceLowDataValue = 1
InSpaceHighDataValue = 1.5
[B]RecoveredDataValue = 1[/B]
FlyingAltitude = 18000
SpaceAltitude = 250000

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Does it have to have this capacity at launch, or can I do orbital assembly of modules? I tend to play with FAR (90% of the time) and uh, really neat looking stations are best sent up in pieces that are cylindrical rather than all pre-assembled.

I dunno, it's possible to build a suitable station that fills parameters and still looks good


That was launched with FAR, too.

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As far as how many of my contracts are showing up, again, there can be only two of any given type at a time, and it's not even guaranteed to be that.

Uh, That's not always true, I regularly get more than two of each type, and that's unaccepted contracts. At one time, I had 3 rover contracts on Kerbin, 5 sat deployment contracts, one around the sun, 2 around Kerbin one around Mun, and one for Ike, I also had 2 fly over certain point missions on kerbin, one rover contract on minmus, and a build a base around Mun and Minmus contract. All at once, all unaccepted, on the latest version, and when I updated, I deleted the old folder and put the new version in clean.

I'm not complaining about the quantity of missions, just sayin, I've seen it happen, next time I see it in game, I'll pop a screen shot, and grab a log file if you want.

- - - Updated - - -

I dunno, it's possible to build a suitable station that fills parameters and still looks good


That was launched with FAR, too.

What are those parts from?

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I hope I didn't miss this earlier, but can I edit out contract types that I don't want? I never use planes and therefore would never try to do the flyover contracts, is there a way to remove those completely?

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Thanks for the positive feedback. Always nice to hear that things are working smoothly somewhere!

The navball waypoints themselves were a convenience factor added because of requests. Showing waypoints in the world is possible but not in my immediate plans. Of course, my plans change with feedback.

I mostly have no intention of doing this as of now because the locations themselves are abstractions rather than physical things (for now). They are an excuse0 to get players out there and actually exploring, but I make no assumptions on what you may find there. In a lot of my testing for aerial missions I did this one mission over a beautiful archipelago I never even knew existed with this river delta sort of thing going on. I never would have found it if not for the contract. Placing physical waypoints hovering in mid air kind of takes away from this, in my opinion. This abstract concept of what is actually at these places. Does that make sense?

How are you setting up your command pod (be it manned or unmanned). Which way is it pointing? I hear that orients the navball. If your navball is 90 degrees off it might be advantageous to rotate your command pod 90 degrees.

Right now... As is the command probes orientation is stock. Meaning the orientation you get when you select it from the parts menu. I've tried rotating it 90 degrees, but then I find I'm driving west instead of the previous east when I need to go south.. lol. I know it makes no sense. But Thats what I'm dealing with. There doesn't necessarily need to be a physical waypoint. But something more prominent on the navball. A large arrow or a line depecting the correct heading I need to travel. Right now it's just a small market that I can only see if my rover is tilted enough in one direction. Again I tried putting a probe on the face of the rover, but that was so out of wack I didn't even bother again.

How are others building there rovers in order to perform these contracts?

Edited by Motokid600
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Right now... As is the command probes orientation is stock. Meaning the orientation you get when you select it from the parts menu. I've tried rotating it 90 degrees, but then I find I'm driving west instead of the previous east when I need to go south.. lol. I know it makes no sense. But Thats what I'm dealing with. There doesn't necessarily need to be a physical waypoint. But something more prominent on the navball. A large arrow or a line depecting the correct heading I need to travel. Right now it's just a small market that I can only see if my rover is tilted enough in one direction. Again I tried putting a probe on the face of the rover, but that was so out of wack I didn't even bother again.

How are others building there rovers in order to perform these contracts?

I use this:


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By the way, I haven't seen many rescue contracts either.. Is there some way of increasing stock's contract capacity? Or is that kinda hardcoded?

I dunno, it's possible to build a suitable station that fills parameters and still looks good


That was launched with FAR, too.

Uhhh only the struts in that picture are stock. Unless they're KW struts.

(actually there are several stock thingies there, but I don't have SPP+ installed in my current FinePrint-enabled saves.. er, not all of them anyways. Or KW for that matter. It isn't called "SuperStock" by coincidence~)

I haven't looked too closely at the crew carrying SPP parts though, they may not align pricewise with the equivalent stock parts..and they certainly are smaller. #nerf_plox!

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Uhhh only the struts in that picture are stock. Unless they're KW struts.

(actually there are several stock thingies there, but I don't have SPP+ installed in my current FinePrint-enabled saves.. er, not all of them anyways. Or KW for that matter. It isn't called "SuperStock" by coincidence~)

I haven't looked too closely at the crew carrying SPP parts though, they may not align pricewise with the equivalent stock parts..and they certainly are smaller. #nerf_plox!

He never claimed they were stock, or were you implying that it's not possible on a stock parts only game? I'm confused.

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Okay, so this mission:


Asks you to find at coordinates, but:


There is no associated markers visible in the tracking station, if I take this mission, will a marker show up in the world, or is this a real hunt it down mission, where you'd need Kerbal engineer or mechjebs coordinate systems?

Edit: I'm assuming this comes from your mod, and I just decided to go for it, and no, no markers show up for this, so I'll have to hunt it down manually. :(

Edited by vardicd
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What are those parts from?

Stock cupola, struts, antennae, ladders, monoprop tanks, docking ports. KW fuel tanks and batteries, SurfaceLights next to the docking ports, B9 adapter, SpacePlanePlus crew cabins and stock solar panels TweakScaled up a fair bit.

Uhhh only the struts in that picture are stock. Unless they're KW struts.

So? If you're running FAR, you can't claim that 'stock only' is allowed. Would it make you feel better if I put stock adapters, fuel tanks and batteries on it instead? Or are the crew parts annoying you? Because that could easily be solved with command chairs which are small and lighter and way more cheaty.

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Edit: I'm assuming this comes from your mod, and I just decided to go for it, and no, no markers show up for this, so I'll have to hunt it down manually. :(

You assumed [thread=64972]wrong[/thread]. :kiss:

The directions are intentionally vague, as pointing out exactly where an anomaly is wouldn't be appreciated by most people.

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You assumed [thread=64972]wrong[/thread]. :kiss:

The directions are intentionally vague, as pointing out exactly where an anomaly is wouldn't be appreciated by most people.

Well, consider me appropriately chastised, :) DMagic Orbital Science was my second guess, but I thought not since most other Dmagic contracts have a nifty Dmagic logo on them: See contract above my above highlighted contract! ;)

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Please, help me

I managed to plan up a space station mission around Duna those last few days.

And when at last I come in orbit, one of the achievements required doesnt turn to green :


But my command pod is a cuppola. Please, don't tell me I need another cuppola than my command one !;.;

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Please, help me

I managed to plan up a space station mission around Duna those last few days.

And when at last I come in orbit, one of the achievements required doesnt turn to green :

<picture omitted>

But my command pod is a cuppola. Please, don't tell me I need another cuppola than my command one !;.;

What version of FinePrint are you running? Have you upgraded FinePrint since you accepted the contract?

There was an issue with detecting the cupola that was fixed a few versions ago. If the cupola objective continues failing in contracts generated by the current version, post a log and a save file.

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Between this, OKS/MKS and DangIt! I could think up some amazing missions. "Your Duna colony's air scrubbers have developed a fault which cannot be corrected with on-site resources. Off the record: Apparently the filtration paper is just DELICIOUS to space hamsters. We need you to fly in a load of spare parts along with mission specialist Gander Kerman, expert rat catcher! Mission Control has advised that pets should not be allowed on future missions."

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