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Best thing I've done in .24: Turn off Quicksave


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  Red Iron Crown said:
I don't get the need to turn it off in the debug menu. Want to play without saves or reverts? Don't save or revert.

^ this. When I start a game, I decide on the rules of play. If I've decided to go iron man/hardcore, I simply don't revert/reload unless the game actually bugs out or crashes. If I decide to allow 'simulations' if declared before a flight is started, I only revert/reload then. etc.

It's not like some debug menu thing or mode option is going to keep me out of the debug menu/persistence file. Only self-control does that.

And yeah, playing iron man-style can really enhance the stock experience.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
I don't get the need to turn it off in the debug menu. Want to play without saves or reverts? Don't save or revert.

I don't need to hide donuts and cookies from myself to stop from eating them, but I understand that some people do. Just adding a small layer of difficulty to keep yourself from doing something temporarily beneficial but bad in the long term is a tried and true method.

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  5thHorseman said:
I don't need to hide donuts and cookies from myself to stop from eating them, but I understand that some people do. Just adding a small layer of difficulty to keep yourself from doing something temporarily beneficial but bad in the long term is a tried and true method.

Big problem is that once you've got used to hit F5 on every maneuver, it's pretty hard to break that habit. Turning off F5 fixes that instantly.

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I loved playing KSP without autosave, as it meant that you had to make decisions on the fly and never give up on a lost cause. Yesterday I had to launch a lander into Minmus orbit using only RCS as I botched my landing and destroyed all my engines, then use my orbital station to ferry it back to Kerbin and, finally, raise the Periapsis of my orbital station above 70km to avoid crashing that into the planet. Much more interesting than just pressing F9 and nailing the landing.

I also lost close to K300,000 on a failed launch to Duna, but my improvised launch escape system saved both my Kerbals, and I was able to make the necessary improvements to make sure the 2nd launch went ok.

Later on my game crashed and I lost hours of progress because I hadn't been saving my game. I'm not really sure if I trust the game enough to keep them turned off, but it takes self control not to use quick load.

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I dont know what 'Ironman' mode is maybe someone can enlighten me - and us.

Quicksaves can be done responsibly in game and still make it hardcore; I never use a quicksave on a failed launch (I am in Contracts mode with no Kerbal respawn which to me is hardcore ironman whatever - once I lose a Kerbal they are gone; none respawn in the complex either).

Last nite the game ran pretty good for almost over an hour and a gigs worth of game memory useage; nothing was complicated tho.

Then came the 340 part rocket in openglide mode which I have also since left; I ragequitted cause I couldnt get back to space center and somewhere in that mess the game crashed; quicksave kinda was an option but I just force crashed the game and shut down the session.

Now to make life easier it makes more sense to have this option handy not to lose severlal days of work because a Kerbal decides to do a headflop onto the runway for example and go into a black hole - IE everything in the game went black; I had to redo almost 3-4 hours of contracts because I I didnt quicksave after a good run of contracts.

Last nite I failed an orbit and lost 50 some thousand in funds; maybe I am thinking cause I raised the Science specs higher I should move the bigger engines back a node; they aer moer expensive I think so there is some offset.

If a part bugs out, which they can, I can revert to a quicksave and not use the part or delete it later.

Just dont use the quicksave/load on missions fails; game fails is a different story in my opinion.

Cmdr Zeta

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  Cdr_Zeta said:

I dont know what 'Ironman' mode is maybe someone can enlighten me - and us.

"Ironman" mode was so dubbed by Scott Manley. No revert, no quickload. Most folks doing it would also be using perma-death, but given the unlimited supply of Kerbals that doesn't really add to the difficulty (although keeping Jeb alive long-term is a bit challenging unless you park him on the Mun or similar).

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  Wanderfound said:
No revert, no quickload. Most folks doing it would also be using perma-death, but given the unlimited supply of Kerbals that doesn't really add to the difficulty (although keeping Jeb alive long-term is a bit challenging unless you park him on the Mun or similar).

What makes keeping Kerbals alive more interesting for me is Final Frontier - it adds permanent achievement ribbons for individual Kerbals. So once Rodmin Kerman is the only surviving (ahem...) member of the first Mun landing, he is now a much more senior Kerbal astronaut in my game - potential leader of future missions and certainly somebody I'd hate to lose in some accident.

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  aven17 said:
Just think of random game glitches that eat your otherwise perfect ship as hardware failures, similar to Apollo 13 or the Challenger. The game could use more random events anyway.

I'm running KSP on an old and rather battered laptop. I get half a dozen "hardware failures" every mission.

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Well, I'm sticking with the stock game so it's not as hard as it can get, but I've switched off quickload (I still quick save in case I encounter a bug), and revert launch/to VAB. Unsurprisingly I haven't accrued millions overnight as I have rockets that explode and take thousands of funds with them. I also am careful not to take just any contract since I can't just keep reverting flight until I meet all the test conditions. I take only extra contracts that fit the mission. This is how KSP career needs to be played!

And even if we have limitless Kerbals, I still turn off respawn since it has always bugged me to be able to kill my crew then have them on the very next mission. I imagine it will eventually cost money to train new Kerbals (maybe we will even have to pay them annual salaries... that'd make things even harder).

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I'm planning on doing this for my next YouTube series. No quickloading or quicksaving or reverting, even for bugs. For simulations I'm using Kerbal Construction Time (and I've turned up the build times so that each rocket takes several in-game weeks in 24 hour time, months in Kerbal time). KCT's simulations still cost money, but it's far, far less than losing a whole rocket on the launch pad. Once the rocket is built and officially launched, there's no going back. I want to use perma-death, but some of the Kerbals are named after my subscribers and I don't want to have them permanently killed.

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