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Why KSP is the worst Game Ever


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You can just come off the gas and you keep right on going. That's stupid. It's probably a hack Squad put in to get round the fuel problems: you can put a huge tank on your ship and it'll be gone in minutes.

The system's way too empty. It needs some nebulae to hide in and look cool, and a proper asteroid field where you can actually see more than one asteroid at a time. And everything's too far apart. Again Squad just hack round it with that silly timewarp thing instead of actually fixing the problem.

And there's no beam weapons, it's all just missiles. I know, I know, it's in alpha, but I'd have thought it'd be pretty obvious to have. And flying the missiles is ridiculously hard, everything's just way too fast. Squad should have kept the speeds to a few hundred mph or something, something that'd actually give you a chance of seeing your target before it's flown past you.

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KSP is the worst game ever because you can't build space fighters, not only because you don't have proper weapons, but because when you rotate THEY DON'T TURN LIKE THEY SHOULD! :confused:

Also because thrusters don't work on a vaccum, laws of physics don't apply in a vaccum, thus thrusters are useless, that's the reason why Apollo 11 couldn't go to the Moon! SO UNREALISTIC DAH! :sealed:

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