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One sentence you could say to annoy an entire fan base?


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<non-cuber> "Hey, did you know Justin Bieber can solve one of those in like five minutes?"

This actually happened the other day, I freaked out at someone because they were impressed at his speed.

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"The Führer's ambitions were way too much since the start. It would never have worked." Wehraboos

"IL-2 was far too difficult. It should be more like War Thunder." The entire IL-2 series

"Confetti Fairings" Spacecraft Exchange





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here's how to annoy two fandoms by just saying one sentence: when asked "Star Trek or Star Wars?" just say "Doctor Who. Better than both."

and here's how to annoy browncoats (aka Firefly's fandom): "I liked Firefly better when it was still an anime called Outlaw Star."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Farenheit makes more sense, everybody should use it.

Black is a colour/Black is not a colour.

Can't wait till Skylon!

I paid for KSP so hurry up with the updates already or I'm going to get a refund and never buy anything from you again!!

I'm not a coder but [literally anything]


Forgot one of my favorites:

The moon landings were a hoax - not because of the usual theories but because obviously mankind does not have the technology to go to the moon at all (I've heard that in so many independent places...)

Edited by p1t1o
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