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The Vardo class will be coming down the line next weekend to replace the Keros. It's getting its own weekend as a missile cruiser is a new endeavour for me

Nice job, those ships look amazing. While they have no armor (that many wings is a death sentence), those looks more then make up for it!

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Heads up- I might be able to churn out craft for this once my new PC stops being a total PITA and will boot to its BIOS and let my install WIN8.1 on it... Until then, I'll be a little more slow than usual with craft for KS and other things (not stopping outright, but sending stuff to HatBat and making things a bit less often).

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I would like to introduce a new faction to the series.


Bio: The Spearkan Federation is one of the oldest entities in all of Kerbin and is one of the last remaining nations, predating most corporations existent. There is an unknown quantity going into the Federation; they have been a neutral entity for many years and are extremely isolationist, instead preferring to focus on scientific research. Despite this, they have made a few political actions either for their defense, cutting ties afterwards or to act for the greater good of Kerbalkind

Allies: HKA, but the possibility of opting out of the conflict or changing sides at any time is a real possibility

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I was able to acquire a sketch from a prisoner aboard one of my prisoner transports around laythe. What I see in it is worrying to me.


I don't know what this means, but it worries me greatly. Perhaps you guys could make something from it.

Signing off for now,


Edited by Greymangames
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To try and determine the combat effectiveness of the newly commissioned Argus super-light Tank, the Federation military has run a few combat simulations.

as GMI intel is still sketchy, a Union Dynamics Tennessee MBT tank was used, price-range the MBT is 9 times more expensive than the Argus


Damage models of the Argus after a single impact from the Tennessee's main gun.




after a small reboot, the Argus' arnament is now tested against the MBT, first off is its main Howitzer gun


Damage is low, as it happens, the Argus' main gun is not intended against heavily armoured targets such as the Tennessee


Fortunately, the Argus also comes equipped with missile launchers, one Maverick missile is let off the rails.


KABLOOEY! the entire tank is sent flying before landing on its back, which I would call a write-off.


The Federation wishes to present this simulated test for the HKA to prove its military effectiveness, as specified earlier the Argus is significantly cheaper and smaller than most other competing competing vehicles and due to its unmanned capability there is no risk to Kerbal life should it be destroyed.

As another token of goodwill, the Federation would also like to introduce the Zarek-class Interceptor, a hypersonic interceptor capable of mounting quick strikes against enemy aircraft and being able to destroy most incoming missiles either from ground sites or interceptors


Argus Tank

Zarek Fighter

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The Bown enters the fleet as a replacement to the Perik which is no longer available. The Sleibh swarm fighter has entered service but with the fleet's carriers not yet accommodating, they may be waiting for use.


Which one is the latest Bown? (I'm assuming the one farther out or the one centered.)

The swarm fighter looks good, since a wing of those are probably too small for larger ships to really handle.

- - - Updated - - -

A quick recap of the new fleet the MU's prepping to launch following the orbital portion of the Siege of Kerbin... (These have all been submitted to HatBat via private channels.)


MU NX-1 Excalibur, a guided missile cruiser/heavy frigate meant as the new flagship craft for MU operations with HKA, alongside the older MU/HKA Helios.


MU NX-2 Odin Battlecruiser, armed with a whopping 12 guided 1.25m missiles.


MU NX-3 Lancelot, a cut-down version of the NX-1 that serves as the new standard frigate for the MU.


MU NX-4 Valkyrie, a light, ion-powered singleship based off of the other NX-series craft that has weapons for self-defense and an open cockpit for manual flying.

The NX-5 through NX-10 are still in works, but HKA will not be let down by their allies here at the MU.

Matter of fact, we've been in talks about the crisis unfolding down at KSC...

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Which one is the latest Bown? (I'm assuming the one farther out or the one centered.)

The swarm fighter looks good, since a wing of those are probably too small for larger ships to really handle.

- - - Updated - - -

A quick recap of the new fleet the MU's prepping to launch following the orbital portion of the Siege of Kerbin... (These have all been submitted to HatBat via private channels.)

MU NX-1 Excalibur, a guided missile cruiser/heavy frigate meant as the new flagship craft for MU operations with HKA, alongside the older MU/HKA Helios.

MU NX-2 Odin Battlecruiser, armed with a whopping 12 guided 1.25m missiles.

MU NX-3 Lancelot, a cut-down version of the NX-1 that serves as the new standard frigate for the MU.

MU NX-4 Valkyrie, a light, ion-powered singleship based off of the other NX-series craft that has weapons for self-defense and an open cockpit for manual flying.

Matter of fact, we've been in talks about the crisis unfolding down at KSC...

With your permission, the Federation would like to obtain the blueprints to these ships to test out our own spaceships in combat simulations to make them more resilient on the field

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With your permission, the Federation would like to obtain the blueprints to these ships to test out our own spaceships in combat simulations to make them more resilient on the field

Id also like to see the NX-1 and NX-2. I have some very basic wedge ships but none of them look quiet this good. Hopefully Script will upload these thinsg soon, i want to one, test their armor, and two, provided they are up to my standards of armor, uintegrate some of the ideas into my Sk-CRV-II line (which is the wedge hull line).

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Sooooo... do we have an ETA?

Sorry, the battle has turned into a real hassle. It's really hard to film everything I need in atmo and managing all the ships is quite tricky. To add to that the lag and crashes are sickening. I'll finish it soon, but I need a small break now and then, otherwise one day I may never go back to it. Hope you understand :)

Hey, Hatbat do you use the kerbal joint reinforcement mod?

Nah, that would kind've undermine armour in the series.

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Sorry, the battle has turned into a real hassle. It's really hard to film everything I need in atmo and managing all the ships is quite tricky. To add to that the lag and crashes are sickening. I'll finish it soon, but I need a small break now and then, otherwise one day I may never go back to it. Hope you understand :)

Have you been using AI from BD?

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Honestly, i think BD should be allowed to be mused in space, but only the missile that can be used in vaccum (can't remember its name) and the fixed .50 cannons. also, all passive things like radars, ECM jammers, and flares. Plus, they can only be used on fighters. maybe .50 cal turrets on other ships for defense, but that's it. also, i'm working on some ships, should be up soon.

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