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That Moment When...


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When you undock your lander craft and then switch back to your orbital craft to go to a higher altitude with your last remaining fuel to become your permanent comms sat only to discover half way through the burn the control module is backwards and you have just deorbited your comms sat with no fuel left. (Made worse with remotetech as now both crafts are doomed)

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...you get that all-important money-printing science-gathering satellite into space, only to realize you forgot the solar panels.

...the white noise from a long burn late at night makes you fall asleep...so you wake up in deep, deep space with no fuel.

...you shrink down the text size of your browser to an almost unreadable scale just so your co-workers don't see you're posting on KSP forums

...you launch a solar orbit probe and discover only after you circularize that you forgot antennae.

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That moment when… the three liquid-fueled strap-ons that were all built with symmetry on do not burn out a the same time, resulting in just one burning long and the entire stack pinwheeling around much faster than the reaction wheels can do anything, and you have to try to regain control via manual control, after also striking the cast-off strap-ons that staged while you were spinning at about 0.5 revolutions per second…

Yeah, it was an interesting day.

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That moment when your old manager says he flat-out believes the moon landings were faked and you sit there thinking "well, I guess you don't have to be smart to be a leader of people" whilst resisting the urge to go all Buzz Aldrin on him.

I know, I know, its not strictly KSP related but still... This is why aliens will never visit us.

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