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[1.x+] Community Resource Pack


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I would honestly just dig through the thread, its only 65 pages and many of them have everyones discussions on how they defined all the resource densities

I ask because of the resources I was looking at, most that are different make sense, in that they are off by experimental-error values or assume a specific temperature/pressure combo. a couple of values seem very wrong - helium-3 in particular. all this is noted in this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/daluvv84ig1z0u7/resource%20density%20discrepancies.xls?dl=0

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I ask because of the resources I was looking at, most that are different make sense, in that they are off by experimental-error values or assume a specific temperature/pressure combo. a couple of values seem very wrong - helium-3 in particular. all this is noted in this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/daluvv84ig1z0u7/resource%20density%20discrepancies.xls?dl=0

CRP is a clearing house of resources. That way other mod makers can use said resources. And we dont create a conflict between two resources defined differently in the game.

CRP takes the resources as defined by the mod which is the curator of said resource. I.E. If you look at the CommonResources.cfg, and the top of each section is says something like "//* SECTION 2 NFT Curated"

So those resources are curated by Near Future's maker Nertea, as an example. It is up to each curated mod to change get with Roverdude (usually via discussion on this thread, to update resources. )

TL-DR: Thanks for posting the info :) It will be something to look at next time CRP is update.

Edited by rabidninjawombat
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I ask because of the resources I was looking at, most that are different make sense, in that they are off by experimental-error values or assume a specific temperature/pressure combo. a couple of values seem very wrong - helium-3 in particular. all this is noted in this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/daluvv84ig1z0u7/resource%20density%20discrepancies.xls?dl=0

And I was saying you can peruse the thread because there were lengthy discussions of the resouces and values so you could see how they got to the numbers they did

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Alright, because they were ignored for some time I started to think you no longer used it. Anyway, I see you did merge it now. I have commited the remaining changes in the dev now.

Let us be a bit less passive aggressive yes?

I maintain a LOT of mods.

I work on stock code.

I'm also human.

And I have PMs, forum threads, IRC, etc. - I'm not exactly a hard person to get ahold of - so a very simple 'Hey I did not see this change in the release?' would have sufficed please.

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I have a few questions about asteroid mining with the Community Ressource Pack:

- Which ressources can be contained in Asteroids? Is it only Ore and Water, or others as well?

- Is there a way to tell which ressource an Asteroid is made of before coming in Physics range?

- If I come in the asteroids physics range, how can I tell what the asteroid is made of? Do I have to actually use drills and see what comes "out", or is there a simpler way, like a scanner or something?

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I have a few questions about asteroid mining with the Community Ressource Pack:

- Which ressources can be contained in Asteroids? Is it only Ore and Water, or others as well?

- Is there a way to tell which ressource an Asteroid is made of before coming in Physics range?

- If I come in the asteroids physics range, how can I tell what the asteroid is made of? Do I have to actually use drills and see what comes "out", or is there a simpler way, like a scanner or something?

To answer my own question based on my experiments:

1) All resources, with certain probabilities. Always Water and Ore. Argon, Xenon and Minerals very rarely.

2) No.

3) Use the Klaw (Advanced grabbing Unit) to grab an Asteroid with a craft that has a Surface Scanner attached. The surface Scanner will show the mass composition of the asteroid with all present ressources.

Sorry for the Spam, but this did not seem obvious at all to me.

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Hey folk, i'm not a modder, just some random guy trying to tweak some mods to my taste, and i was wondering if anyone could tell me what this does:

Variance = 50

Dispersal = 3

I assume MinAbundance = .1 and MaxAbundance = 10 define the % of resource, which in turn means how much the drills extract.

thanks for any info

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Heads up - there will be a series of updates coming up. So now is a really good time to either plunk in stuff you're interested in, or fix things that are off :)

Also might as well consider things for deprecation - one I'd like to nominate is DepletedUranium, given I am switching over to be more in sync with NFE and use DepletedFuel and I may have had the last mod using that.

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Heads up - there will be a series of updates coming up. So now is a really good time to either plunk in stuff you're interested in, or fix things that are off :)

Also might as well consider things for deprecation - one I'd like to nominate is DepletedUranium, given I am switching over to be more in sync with NFE and use DepletedFuel and I may have had the last mod using that.

How can I plunk in the MaterialKits resource. Should I create a pull request?

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Hey, I'm poking around with Real Fuels and Real ISRU at the moment. I just finished researching through a chain of reactions to produce Hydrazine and MMH, and it looks like several resources might need to be defined soon.

The following processes illustrate what I dug up...

================================================ Sodium Hydroxide
Salt Water Electrolosis (Chloralkali Process)
2NaCl + 2H2O → Cl2 + H2 + 2NaOH


Input Water 2
Input NaCl 2 (Salt... From Ore?)

Output: Cl2 1 (Chlorine)
Output: H2 1 (Hydrogen)
Output: NaOH 2 (Sodium Hydroxide)

================================================= Sodium Hypochlorite
Hooker Process
Cl2 + 2 NaOH → NaCl + NaOCl + H2O


Input: Cl2 1 (Chlorine)
Input: NaOH 2.0 (Sodium Hydroxide)

Output: NaCl 1 (Salt)
Output: NaOCl 1 (Sodium Hypochlorite)
Output: Water 1

=============================================== Methonol
Methonol Process
CO + 2 H2 → CH3OH


Input: CO 1
Input: H2 2

Output: CH3OH (Methonol)

=============================================== Methylamine*
Methylamine Process
CH3OH + NH3 → CH3NH2 + H2O


Input: CH3OH 1 (Methonol)
Input: NH3 1 (Ammonia)

Output: CH3NH2 1 (Methylamine)
Output: Water 1

=============================================== Hydrazine
Olin Raschig Process (Two Steps)
NaOCl + NH3 → NH2Cl + NaOH
NH2Cl + NaOH + NH3(anhyd.) -> N2H4 + H2O + NaCl

Combined Ratios

Input: NaOCl 1 (Sodium Hypochlorite)
Input: NH3 2 (Ammonia)

Mid Process: NH2Cl (Chloramine**)

Output: N2H4 1 (Hydrazine)
Output: Water 1
Output: Salt 1

=============================================== MMH (Monomethylhydrazine)

"Monomethylhydrazine may be produced by a modified Raschig process; methylamine* is substituted for ammonia in the reaction with chloramine**"

Modified Olin Raschig Process (Two Steps)
NaOCl + NH3 → NH2Cl + NaOH
NH2Cl + NaOH + CH3NH2 → CH6N2 + H2O + NaCL

Input: NaOCl 1 (Sodium Hypochlorite)
Input: NH3 1 (Ammonia)
Input: CH3NH2 1 (Methylamine)

Output: CH6N2 1 (MMH)
Output: Water 1
Output: Salt 1

Between these processes and what ISRU currently has in its existing processes, it looks like we'll need to get the following at some point.

[RISRU] Ammonia (Non-liquid)

[RISRU] Carbon

[RISRU] Carbon Monoxide

[MyResearch] Sodium Chloride (Salt)

[MR] Chlorine

[MR] Sodium Hydroxide

[MR] Sodium Hypochlorite

[MR] Methylamine

[MR] (Maybe) Chloramine

I'm not 100% certain. Real ISRU's development thread is kind of slow.

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[RISRU] Ammonia (Non-liquid)

[RISRU] Carbon

[RISRU] Carbon Monoxide

I'm not 100% certain. Real ISRU's development thread is kind of slow.

I'll make a PR for those three resources sometime soon. Someone else might want them as well.
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0.4.5 - 2015.10.16


Fixed density LqdDeteurium and LqdTritium

- - - Updated - - -

(Note: There were a couple of pull requests into MASTER not DEV - need those sorted, and I can roll out a patch next Friday).

Good to hear that. Will you also include the commit from several weeks ago where I added the specific heat for several KSPI resources?

Edited by FreeThinker
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If it was pushed into the DEVELOP branch, then yes. If it was pushed incorrectly into MASTER then no, since it will be stomped over. I only pull in stuff from Develop, because it saves me having to pick through a ton of merge conflicts.

If it was tossed in DEVELOP then it should already be in as I merged from that branch and it's associated changes. If it is not in the current release and you did a PR request to DEVELOP, let me know.

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LqdMethane (0.45 per unit) and Methane costs are way too high, IMHO they should be on average 20x lower.

1. RL price comparison:

According to [6], acquisition cost of methane is about three times smaller than for kerosene and long-term availability is forecasted to be considerably higher.

source: Comparative Study of Kerosene and Methane Propellant Engines for Reusable Liquid Booster Stages [pdf]

Moreover, liquid methane was estimated to cost up to 30 percent less than kerosene.

source: Russian Space Web

2. Price comparison between stock LF and CRP LqdMethane:

LF price per 1 l = 0.8 (funds) / 5 (units) = 0.16 funds per unit.

So liquid methane currently costs 2.8x as much as comparable amount of LF.

3. Price comparison between CRP Kerosene and CRP LqdMethane

CRP cost of Kerosene:

0.041 funds

CRP cost of LqdMethane = 0.45 funds

So LqdMethane currently costs almost 11x times as much as Kerosene per l.


So according to sources above liquid methane should be 30%-66% cheaper than kerosene. This would give us cost of 0.0137-0.0287 per unit. So this is roughly 16-32x cheaper than current CRP price.

Thus my suggestion of a 20x lower price that is 0.0225 for LqdMethane and 0.00038 for Methane (using density comparison as a modifier for a methane price).

Use case: new methalox engines (developed for Soyuz-5, SLS, SpaceX MCT) should get competitive edge when it comes to fuel price.

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Shocking! Fantasy cost units in a fantasy game don't match reality!

yah, from the gameplay perspective paying 200k funds for LqdMethane alone for the SLS launch (stock scale) is a bit on the high-side. One would expect LqdMethane to be one of the cheapest rocket fuels, not one of the most expensive ones.

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