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[1.12.x] Chatterer v.0.9.99 - Keep talking ! [20 Mar 2020]


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i'm not getting beep sounds, i did set to beep every seccond and nothing, is it because i have remote tech and im at a manned vessel, not connected? and about the buttons, im only seeing green and red, is it still because of the RT integration?

Yep, this is it.

No RemoteTech connection = no beep (white button), no capcom chatter (blue button)

With no connection, green button means a Kerbal is still speaking to himself/a team mate sometimes.

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Is it normal that the default beep configurations are all turned off? Am I supposed to configure it myself? If yes, how can i configure it to play random beeps now and then, like the way chatter works?

Also, great mod!!

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@ canisin, Yep and I will consider adding a random beep option as it has been asked several times.

Also little update up :


v0.9.2 [23 May 2015]

- fixed "skin index get out of range" messing up the GUI in some situations

- added an option to have ship background noises only when in IVA (under AAE tab)

- set "disable beep during chatter" to false by default (for realism sake)

- textures converted to DDS (thanks to Avera9eJoe)

(be sure to remove old .png files when upgrading)

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Thanks in advance then. Also, thinking that i could help i looked into the source code, and i thought there already might be random beeps in there, but i couldnt figure it out. it looked as if when the beep index is zero, it would play a random beep, is that so?

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Thanks in advance then. Also, thinking that i could help i looked into the source code, and i thought there already might be random beeps in there, but i couldnt figure it out. it looked as if when the beep index is zero, it would play a random beep, is that so?

Not so simple actually, but here you go :

v0.9.3 [23 May 2015]

(second update of the day)

- Added random beeps setting


Also sorry for those who downloaded the previous update already, I know it is boring ^^

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do you have a donate button? This is probably my favourite mod - even more than Kerbal Engineer (but I'm a noob so don't know what I'm doing)

Don't know about a donate button (will consider this) but here is Chatterer Valentina supported edition :

Changelog :

v0.9.4 [24 May 2015]

- Added Female audioset (Talk to me Valentina)

(Female capsule chatter will play when Kerbal in command (seat[0]) or EVA Kerbal is female)


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checkChatterGender is spewing ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptions for probe cores (or possibly MJ). It seems to be ok if there are crewed parts in the vessel (I guess the gender check bails out as soon as it finds the commander), but if there are none, then I get a flood of the following.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ProtoCrewMember].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Chatterer.chatterer.checkChatterGender () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Chatterer.chatterer.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

- - - Updated - - -

Not worth the hassle of doing a pull request:

diff --git a/Chatterer/Chatterer.cs b/Chatterer/Chatterer.cs
index 27b7298..f4dab7a 100644
--- a/Chatterer/Chatterer.cs
+++ b/Chatterer/Chatterer.cs
@@ -506,7 +506,10 @@ void OnCrewBoard(GameEvents.FromToAction<Part, Part> data)

private void checkChatterGender()
- chatter_is_female = ProtoCrewMember.Gender.Female == vessel.GetVesselCrew()[0].gender ? true : false;
+ chatter_is_female = false;
+ var crew = vessel.GetVesselCrew();
+ if (crew.Count > 0)
+ chatter_is_female = ProtoCrewMember.Gender.Female == crew[0].gender ? true : false;
if (debugging) Debug.Log("[CHATR] (vessel != prev_vessel) is female :" + chatter_is_female.ToString());

That fixes the exception (and should fix the problem I saw in the commented out code in OnVesselChange).

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checkChatterGender is spewing ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptions for probe cores (or possibly MJ). It seems to be ok if there are crewed parts in the vessel (I guess the gender check bails out as soon as it finds the commander), but if there are none, then I get a flood of the following.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ProtoCrewMember].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Chatterer.chatterer.checkChatterGender () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Chatterer.chatterer.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

- - - Updated - - -

Not worth the hassle of doing a pull request:

diff --git a/Chatterer/Chatterer.cs b/Chatterer/Chatterer.cs
index 27b7298..f4dab7a 100644
--- a/Chatterer/Chatterer.cs
+++ b/Chatterer/Chatterer.cs
@@ -506,7 +506,10 @@ void OnCrewBoard(GameEvents.FromToAction<Part, Part> data)

private void checkChatterGender()
- chatter_is_female = ProtoCrewMember.Gender.Female == vessel.GetVesselCrew()[0].gender ? true : false;
+ chatter_is_female = false;
+ var crew = vessel.GetVesselCrew();
+ if (crew.Count > 0)
+ chatter_is_female = ProtoCrewMember.Gender.Female == crew[0].gender ? true : false;
if (debugging) Debug.Log("[CHATR] (vessel != prev_vessel) is female :" + chatter_is_female.ToString());

That fixes the exception (and should fix the problem I saw in the commented out code in OnVesselChange).

And I messed this again, I knew I forgot something when packaging for release.

This is it, crew check for probe ! I should have wrote it down somewhere.

Thanks a lot taniwha, will push a hotfix asap.

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I'm a big fan of these updates. At least, I assume I'm a big fan - each time I try loading after installing the new update, I get a notification telling me that it's been updated. :P

Thanks, Athlonic, I love this mod. :)

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So here's a totally useless suggestion, is it possible to supress chatter if the vessel you are on doesn't have an antenna?


If you use Remotech it will disable beeps, SSTV and capcom chatter (capsule chatter will still trigger, simulating "talk to self/inter crew chat")

Now you talked about it, I guess vanilla KSP has a "connection to KSC" check when sending science ... maybe I can use this to simulate loss of connection without RemoteTech as well... mmh mmhh mmhhhhh

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I need to get this back in game, love this mod.

Also had a suggestion, not sure if its possible but It would be nice if you could setup a set of beeps and vessel settings and save it to a cfg file of sorts... Kind of an expansion to the per vessel setting where I can load previous beep sets so if I make a probe I can load my probes settings, or if I make a space station I can load up the set of beeps I saved for stations.... rovers, vessels etc. That way you don't need to re-enter the previous beep set you created.

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