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[1.4.1] Kerbal Construction Time (2018-03-24) - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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KCT recently told me that it had encountered an error that I should report to the forums. It occurred while I was trying to launch a vehicle. It requested that I include my KSP.log, so here it is.

Furthermore, restarting the game didn't fix it.

EDIT: It turned out that the KW Community Fixes patch that I installed broke anything that used KW Engines with default fairings. So removing that fixed it. False alarm!

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Thank you for reporting it anyway! Usually it's not directly KCT related when that message pops up, but I like to take a look at the logs anyhow just in case it is. I've spent the past few minutes pouring over the log and the best I could come up with was a corrupt craft file, which is sounds like it was at least tangentially related to that. Glad things are working again :)

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  max_bma said:
KSP hangs at the end of the Warp Time.
  Gryphon said:
Need more infos!

(Seriously, if you want some help, I'd suggest following the steps (and providing the information) that's listed in in this post.)

As Gryphon mentions, given the nearly infinite number of states that a particular KSP game could be in (which mods are installed, what you have done previously in the save/are doing right now, what you've done to try to get around or fix the issue) it's hard to know what's wrong without being very precise (or at least giving as much info as you can). The more info, the easier it is for me to reproduce and/or figure out the cause without having to reproduce the issue.

With that said, I've seen this reported once before (once, in the year and a half that this mod has existed) and am now gonna make some guesses, which if you can answer them will help me out tremendously.

I'm guessing you're using a mod that alters how timewarp functions, because nobody else has this issue except that one other report which I believe was using TimeControl. If you're using TimeControl then my guess is that it's related to that, and I'll just install that in my development environment and start doing some testing. If you're using TimeControl and have changed things from the default settings, I need to know exactly what you changed so I can have the same environment to test in. If you aren't using TimeControl but are using some other timewarp altering mod (RSS used to do this, and might still. Alternis Kerbol did this. I'm sure there are others) then I need to know what those are.

My guess is that the altered timewarp settings aren't being treated correctly and somehow KCT is ending up in an infinite loop when stopping warp. But I don't know why that would happen and I can't test it if I don't know how to test it. I can apply blind fixes, but those often don't fix anything and frequently cause unintended bugs (recently had a tiny change in the dev versions semi-permanently corrupt save files and even after fixing that it made it so ships weren't being removed from the build list on launch).

A workaround would be to not use KCT's timewarp button and instead either use KAC alarms (KCT can make them automatically) + manual warping, or turning on the Force Stop Warp setting and manually warping (although, that setting likely will have the same issue. The KAC alarms are a better bet). But if you can get me some more info, or at least let me know if you're using TimeControl or any other warp changing mods (and what changes you've made from the default values) then I can test this myself.

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I'm trying to play this with RO and I can't, the only cockpit it gives me at the start for some reason is Bonanza Cabin...and I don't know where the default crappy little pods disappeared to! This is very frustrating :( build time is hundreds of days for my first rocket, which means I can't hope to do any contract ever!

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  magico13 said:
As Gryphon mentions, given the nearly infinite number of states that a particular KSP game could be in (which mods are installed, what you have done previously in the save/are doing right now, what you've done to try to get around or fix the issue) it's hard to know what's wrong without being very precise (or at least giving as much info as you can). The more info, the easier it is for me to reproduce and/or figure out the cause without having to reproduce the issue.

With that said, I've seen this reported once before (once, in the year and a half that this mod has existed) and am now gonna make some guesses, which if you can answer them will help me out tremendously.

I'm guessing you're using a mod that alters how timewarp functions, because nobody else has this issue except that one other report which I believe was using TimeControl. If you're using TimeControl then my guess is that it's related to that, and I'll just install that in my development environment and start doing some testing. If you're using TimeControl and have changed things from the default settings, I need to know exactly what you changed so I can have the same environment to test in. If you aren't using TimeControl but are using some other timewarp altering mod (RSS used to do this, and might still. Alternis Kerbol did this. I'm sure there are others) then I need to know what those are.

My guess is that the altered timewarp settings aren't being treated correctly and somehow KCT is ending up in an infinite loop when stopping warp. But I don't know why that would happen and I can't test it if I don't know how to test it. I can apply blind fixes, but those often don't fix anything and frequently cause unintended bugs (recently had a tiny change in the dev versions semi-permanently corrupt save files and even after fixing that it made it so ships weren't being removed from the build list on launch).

A workaround would be to not use KCT's timewarp button and instead either use KAC alarms (KCT can make them automatically) + manual warping, or turning on the Force Stop Warp setting and manually warping (although, that setting likely will have the same issue. The KAC alarms are a better bet). But if you can get me some more info, or at least let me know if you're using TimeControl or any other warp changing mods (and what changes you've made from the default values) then I can test this myself.

I use a lot of mods, one 64K increases beyond the Time Warp.

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  max_bma said:
I use a lot of mods, one 64K increases beyond the Time Warp.

Hmm. Ok. I'll see what I can find out tonight regarding this. The code should be generic but maybe there's something up with it.

In other news:

I'll probably be releasing a new version tonight or tomorrow at the latest. RP-0 is released and I don't want the new version (which has several changes specifically for RP-0) to be too far behind. I just have one or two little things to add still (a few other things will have to wait). There are numerous changes and only like 3 people testing them, so it's likely some bugs will slip through. Please report them as you find them and I'll push bugfixes as necessary. So far it seems we've thoroughly squashed all of the big bugs (there were several game breaking ones caused by a really minor change to support Kerbal Konstructs), so hopefully anything that makes it through will just be cosmetic in nature :cool:

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Release! I've been working on this particular release since May 16th and it took around 40 commits in total to implement and fix everything. HUGE credit must be given to JeffreyCor and Rodhern who did 99% of the testing for this release. Rodhern in fact has created a Preset which I have included in the release. Credit must also be given to NathanKell, who asked for about half of the new features (some aren't mentioned directly in the changelog, but the number of options in the Formulas have doubled in some cases due to NathanKell's requests).

WARNING! This update is semi save breaking. If you were using custom settings before, you'll need to update them to the Preset system (check these pages on github). If you didn't change any settings, just use the Default Preset and everything will be fine.

The Presets system allows for a lot more freedom for players, modders, and config tinkerers. Players can download and switch between different Presets on a per-save basis without worrying about screwing up their other saves. Modders can include Presets in their releases (in their own mod folders) to give suggested settings for KCT+their mod (an example: RP-0 completely redefines how KCT works using a Preset. ExtraPlanetary Launchpads could [but doesn't at the moment] include a Preset to balance their build times with KCT's). People who just like to configure everything the way they want will be blown away by the number of options and the ability to create, switch between, and overwrite/delete their own Presets without leaving the game.

I am hoping the Presets system encourages more people to play around with changing up how KCT works. I've included some Presets to show some really basic examples of what you can do:

Default: The default KCT settings. They're selected by default.

7Days: A super simple config that forces a 7 day reconditioning time after each launch, without any other time restrictions. Changing the Overall Multiplier changes the number of days.

UpFree: Completely disables KCT's upgrade system and just uses the Stock building upgrades to define all rates.

SimOnly: Disables build times but leaves simulations enabled.

rlowtech: Created by Rodhern, this makes the beginning of the game a bit easier, but is otherwise balanced around the Default settings. (link to more info)

Also, I added Kerbal Konstructs support. Each launch pad acts as it's own individual one, with it's own rollout and reconditioning queues. You can have two rockets rolled out at once on different pads for rescue missions, or you can swap between pads to not get bogged down by reconditioning times. Currently they all have the restrictions of the main launch pad. When I implement my own launchpads (not through KK) then they'll have different restrictions.

I can't promise some bugs didn't sneak in. There were a lot of internal changes and the entire settings system got rebuilt from scratch. Plus we had like 3 people testing it as we went. If you encounter bugs, report them and I'll try to get hotfixes out as necessary.

Presets were a required precursor to the KCT API. Now that they're out, the API is my next target (and once I do that I already know Contract Configurator will be adding the ability to earn KCT upgrades for completing contracts, so we'll hopefully see some KCT contract packs which will utilize the Presets system as well).


v1.2.0.0 (7/30/15)

WARNING: This update is semi-save breaking. If you're using custom configs you MUST update them to the new Presets system.

- Presets! Easily create, share, and switch between different settings. Mod authors can include Presets in their releases (see RP-0), players can save their most commonly used configurations, and config modders can create any number of new gameplay styles and easily share them.

- Numerous new settings and formulas.

- Clear out the part inventory in exchange for upgrade points.

- Kerbal Konstructs support. Different launch sites now have their own rollout and reconditioning queues.

- Rollout times are displayed when hovering over the rollout button.

- Simulations can now be performed without recovering craft at the launch site and even if the vessel is too big for the launch site.

- You can now build vessels that are too big to launch, but can't launch them until you upgrade the facilities.

- Kinda crappy half-finished attempt to disable RemoteTech during simulations. Doesn't work properly if there's an antenna on the craft. I'll get this fixed for a hotfix later on.

- Included several "stock" Presets: default, 7 days (every launch requires 7 days of down time), Up Free (doesn't use the KCT upgrade system), and simOnly (disables build times and just uses simulations)

- Included Rodhern's Low-Tech Preset, which starts out easier than Default. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69310-Kerbal-Construction-Time-StageRecovery-Dev-Thread?p=2086346&viewfull=1#post2086346

- Removed built in update checker. With KSP-AVC, CKAN, Kerbal Stuff and others, it isn't needed anymore.

Edit: Also, my build server went down for like 2 weeks and I'm just now getting it back up and running. So KSP-AVC won't detect any updates until I get it totally fixed, which will hopefully be this weekend. CKAN should be good, as well as KerbalStuff/Curse, since those don't rely on my server.

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And are you sure you want to give me *credit* for causing more work? :P

I'll roll an RP-0 update taking better advantage of all those goodies (but probably not costed launches set, since as I mentioned that will require a rebalance) and fixing any known bugs in the next few days. :)

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Well, yesterday I installed RP-0 and KCT and everything seems almost working, even the absurdingly powerful Research was disabled.... There was some strangely looking numbers, but who cares. The happiness was so close.

But today i updated KCT via ckan and everything is broken again. Research gives ~57 science for building a small rocket, Development is 1 sci\day for 1 point, simulation cost is horribly broken (it's difficult to describe, but it's horrible).

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Congrats on the new release! Lots of good stuff in there, and I'm glad this must-have mod is still getting updates :)

I just updated to via CKAN, and got a weird bug when simulating. The "Simulation Length" field when setting up the simulation from the VAB had the unusual value "0.25" in it, and the simulation cost was about 1/10th of what I would have expected for a vehicle of that size. When the simulation started, just after I staged, I got the "simulation ended" message asking me if I want to extend the simulation. After extending it, I almost immediately (<1s) got the same message again. The cost was still about 1/10th of the expected simulation extension cost.

When I went back to the VAB and erased the "0.25" value in the simulation length field, and clicked the Advanced Options checkbox, the length field got populated with the expected "00:00:00:15:00" value, the cost reset to a more reasonable value (about 10x the previous one) and the simulation worked as usual.

Here is a folder with all the info I felt could be relevant (so far: modlist, KSP log):


Let me know if you need any more info!

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I applied it to my saved game and everything is working great (so far). One thing that does look strange is the number of build point available went from zero to -74. What should I change in the save/cfg to reset that back to zero?

EDIT: Fixed it by setting the starting points for that save higher to zero out the total.

Edited by Probus
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  magico13 said:

- Kerbal Konstructs support. Different launch sites now have their own rollout and reconditioning queues.

Would this support extend to KSCSwitcher? Thanks for a great update to the greatest mod :D

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  NathanKell said:

And are you sure you want to give me *credit* for causing more work? :P

More work, but more features. I'll give you credit for thinking up some new ideas at least, which will hopefully prove to result in some cool things from other people in the future. I am curious if anyone else will use the rollout costs for anything. I could definitely see someone outside of RP-0 altering KCT into a two step process where step 1 is just sourcing parts and the time required for that, while step 2 is the actual integration (which I think is what you want to do with RP-0) and that's totally possible to do now.

  Artfact said:
Wonderful, that's huge!:) Thanks!

I'll see if I can come up with a nice preset.

If you (or anyone else) does come up with a Preset or two, link them here and I'll make a list of them in the OP (somewhere toward the top where people can actually see them :P).

  max_bma said:
Updated and the game does not work anymore. Not an old save game, is not a new game.

I'll need more info than that. Minimally I'll need logs, but preferably logs, reproduction steps, and details of exactly what about it is messed up (loading the game and the Build List is just a tiny horizontal grey bar? An error comes up on screen? Launching a vessel doesn't remove it from the list? Launching a vessel causes Kerbin to get totally messed up? [btw, I've seen all of these things either personally or been reported :D])

Look at this post and minimally get the log files mentioned.

  ebigunso said:

As a side note, please consider updating the KCT guide included in the download for the current version :)

I meant to do that but the RP-0 release made me want to get this update out ASAP. I'll try to get it updated this weekend and the online version will reflect that. Then the next update will include the updated guide :)

  kipar said:
Well, yesterday I installed RP-0 and KCT and everything seems almost working, even the absurdingly powerful Research was disabled.... There was some strangely looking numbers, but who cares. The happiness was so close.

But today i updated KCT via ckan and everything is broken again. Research gives ~57 science for building a small rocket, Development is 1 sci\day for 1 point, simulation cost is horribly broken (it's difficult to describe, but it's horrible).

Did you select the RP-0 Preset when you loaded your save? If not, then you're probably using the Default Preset, which you absolutely do not want for RP-0 or RO. If you're not seeing it in there, you'll have to get it from here and save it in the GameData/KerbalConstructionTime/KCT_Presets folder (make sure the filename ends with .cfg).

It does look like NathanKell needs to make a change to the Reconditioning Formula still, as currently it doesn't account for the rollout and reconditioning separately (so your rollout and reconditioning times will likely be twice what they're intended to be)

  obi1kenobi said:
Congrats on the new release! Lots of good stuff in there, and I'm glad this must-have mod is still getting updates :)

I just updated to via CKAN, and got a weird bug when simulating. The "Simulation Length" field when setting up the simulation from the VAB had the unusual value "0.25" in it, and the simulation cost was about 1/10th of what I would have expected for a vehicle of that size. When the simulation started, just after I staged, I got the "simulation ended" message asking me if I want to extend the simulation. After extending it, I almost immediately (<1s) got the same message again. The cost was still about 1/10th of the expected simulation extension cost.

When I went back to the VAB and erased the "0.25" value in the simulation length field, and clicked the Advanced Options checkbox, the length field got populated with the expected "00:00:00:15:00" value, the cost reset to a more reasonable value (about 10x the previous one) and the simulation worked as usual.

Somewhat ironically you've provided a bunch of detail for a tiny thing that I actually knew about (but forgot to warn about since the source of the issue was something I changed like a month ago) (the ironic part is that the apparently serious issue mentioned earlier has not enough info).

Basically it comes down to two things:

1) KCT saves the last simulation time so you don't have to keep changing it every time you load your game (assuming you prefer half hour simulations as opposed to 15 minutes, or something like that)

2) Simulations were changed from being hour based, to being seconds based because you can now define the costs through a Formula and you can use any time you like [up to 1000 earth years] using a colon formatted time (like 1:42:13:12:32 for 1 year, 42 days, 13 hours, 12 minutes, and 32 seconds).

The end result: loading an old (hours based) save will set the time in seconds. So 0.25 used to be 15 minutes, but is now 250 milliseconds :D

For everyone: just set the simulation time to 15:00 if it says something like 0.25.

  Probus said:

I applied it to my saved game and everything is working great (so far). One thing that does look strange is the number of build point available went from zero to -74. What should I change in the save/cfg to reset that back to zero?

EDIT: Fixed it by setting the starting points for that save higher to zero out the total.

Could be an issue with custom tech trees, or you've got TechUpgrades set to false. Either way, it sounds like it's not counting the unlocked tech nodes. I'm assuming you're using your tree? If so, when I get a chance I'll install it and see if I get the same issue.

  Svm420 said:
Would this support extend to KSCSwitcher? Thanks for a great update to the greatest mod :D

KSCSwitcher has been supported since v1.1.7 on May 16th, 2015. Technically when KSCSwitcher was part of RSS proper it was supported since v1.1 on December 22nd, 2014. It works differently from Kerbal Konstructs.


  • One KSC (thus one build list/one storage each for the VAB and SPH)
  • Each launchpad has its own rollout/reconditioning queue


  • Individual KSCs, each with its own build lists, storages, launchpads, and even upgrade points (tech is shared, so are KSC upgrades. Now that I think of it, KSC upgrades might be a little weird and I'd only advise using a single KSC for queuing upgrades)
  • One launchpad per KSC, independent of all the other KSCs' launchpads.

The future:

  • One KSC (except when using KSCSwitcher)
  • Multiple, upgradeable launchpads per KSC, even with just Stock + KCT

The changes for KK made it easy to drop in my own code to have multiple launchpads at each KSC. They'll all technically be at the same exact point, but I think I'll be able to swap them out by storing the upgrade/damage state and setting the single stock launchpad's settings to the stored values. So when you switch from LP1 (a tier 3, broken launchpad) to LP2 (a tier 1, working launchpad) the physical launchpad will switch to a tier 1 pad that you can upgrade/repair the normal way (by right clicking on it).

It requires more work than what KK support needed, so it's being saved for a future update (maybe the next non-hotfix one)

Alright, I think I got everyone. If you have questions, please ask. If you encounter bugs, report them along with logs and other pertinent info from THIS POST. If I need to push a hotfix update today or tomorrow, then that's not a big deal :)

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  magico13 said:

Did you select the RP-0 Preset when you loaded your save?

Yes, i did. I tried deleting KCT folder and even editing formulas for RP-0 plugin, but it didn't helped, it's like all typed formulas are ignored.

KSP: 1.0.4 Windows 32bit

Problem: formulas aren't read from plugin

Mods installed:

The list of installed mods is pretty long:


(and also not mentioned there RP-0 v0.34 as its not in CKAN)

Reproduction steps:

Start a new game with hard difficulty. And after that (i don't know how to make spoilers here, so link to pictures):

only one symbol differ in RP-0 from default template.




log is pretty big, but if you need it, it's here: https://yadi.sk/d/go_ula6hiCkVe (click "download" button at right)

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  Svm420 said:
What is the unit used for the mass variable in the preset formulas?

Should be tons. Might be kilograms... It's whatever KSP uses by default, which I'm 78% sure is tons. The reconditioning formula was originally set up for tons, so I'm pretty sure it's tons. (where 1 ton == 1000 kilograms)

- - - Updated - - -

  kipar said:
Yes, i did. I tried deleting KCT folder and even editing formulas for RP-0 plugin, but it didn't helped, it's like all typed formulas are ignored.

Those definitely are not the correct values... And I see why! There's an incorrect node placed in there (KCT_FormulaSettings) that shouldn't be there anymore.

Overwrite the whole RP-0 config (GameData/RP-0/KCT_Presets/RP0_KCTPresets.cfg) with these values: (I also removed the comments, just to be sure they don't get messed up, and added *abs([RE]-) to the Reconditioning formula so that the time is actually split like it should be)

name = KCT Settings for RP-0
shortName = RP0
description = The recommended config for using KCT with RP-0
author = RP-0 Devs
allowDeletion = False
career = True
science = True
sandbox = True
Enabled = True
BuildTimes = True
ReconditioningTimes = True
TechUnlockTimes = True
KSCUpgradeTimes = True
Simulations = True
SimulationCosts = True
RequireVisitsForSimulations = True
TechUpgrades = True
StartingPoints = 15,15,45
OverallMultiplier = 25
BuildEffect = 1
InventoryEffect = 100
ReconditioningEffect = 576
MaxReconditioning = 13500000
RolloutReconSplit = 0.5
UpgradeFundsFormula = 10000
NodeFormula = (5+([N]*1.5)) / 86400 / 365 // 5 science/year, + 1.5 sci per upgrade
EffectivePartFormula = min([C]/([I] + ([B]*(max([U]*0.125,1)+1))), [C])
ProceduralPartFormula = (([C]-[A]) + ([A]*10/max([I],1))) / max([B]*(max([U]*0.125,1)+1),1)
BPFormula = (20000 + (([E]^(3/4))*300))*[O]
KSCUpgradeFormula = ([C]^(3/4))*200*[O]
ReconditioningFormula = min(7200+((([M]*[O]*[E])^(1/2))*60), [X])*abs([RE]-[S])
BuildRateFormula = (1+([L]*0.25))*(([I]+1)*0.05*[N] + max(0.1-[I], 0))*sign(2*[L]-[I]+1)
SimCostFormula = max([C]/50000 * ([PM]/[KM]) * ([S]/10 + 1) * ([A]/10 + 1) * ([L]^0.5) * 100, 1000)
KerbinSimCostFormula = max([C]/50000 * ([L]^0.5) * 10, 100)
InventorySaleFormula = 0
ResearchFormula = -1
UpgradeResetFormula = -1
UpgradeScienceFormula = -1

I'll cross post this to the RP-0 thread so they see it there too.

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Now it works. Thanks for the help and thanks for the great mod!

By the way there is another small problem - if something wrong is entered in the simulation length box (like a "15m20s" or "1::0:0:15:0"), simulation cost displays maximal value instead of error.

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  kipar said:
Now it works. Thanks for the help and thanks for the great mod!

By the way there is another small problem - if something wrong is entered in the simulation length box (like a "15m20s" or "1::0:0:15:0"), simulation cost displays maximal value instead of error.

It gets interpreted as infinity, which is what the error handling is currently set to do. What would you suggest as an alternative? Disabling the button that starts the simulation? That's not nearly as simple to do, but could be done.

I should add y,d,h,m,s support as well. I'll add that to the list of things to do, but that's also more difficult than colon formatted time. I think I can come up with a way to do it, so I'll try to put it in next version.

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Maybe show a message "NaN" instead of cost. Or a red message "entered text doesn't represent correct time, default to 15mins" under a box or something like this?

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