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How did you get your username?

Whirligig Girl

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Well, Since I read There and Back Again a couple years ago, I've been absolutely obsessed with everything Tolkien, so I decided to find out what my elf, hobbit, etc names would be.

My hobbit name was Orgulas Took, which I didn't like as much as my elf name: Lhathron. Lhathron, by the way, means eavesdropper. When I found out that the name Lhathron was already taken, I decided on Lhathron the Elf instead. On Twitch and Steam you can find me as Lhathron, and on most other sites and games.

I also sometimes call myself Legolas' brother and king of the Silvan elves.

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Oh gosh, this is gonna sound stupid, but...I got my username for all things internet from one of my sister's books, called Dear Dumb Diary. I was bored on a car ride home from vacation as a kid, okay!

Anyways, I remember that the main character forgot the name of a kid, and I believe she called him "That Ugly Kid Whose Name I Forgot", or abbreviated, T.U.K.W.N.I.F. I saw that abbreviation and immediately put two more letters into it, making it "TURKWINIF". I have no idea why I stuck with this username, other than I like how it sounds :P

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I don't know how I came up with "mikeman", my name isn't mike and I am not yet a legal adult so it makes no sense. I just thought it sounded cool, so I used it for almost every internet account that I have. The 7918 part has been many things at different points (mikeman333 and mikeman359) and I change the number to something more complicated whenever there is somebody else that has taken my username. At this point, I think that I am the only mikeman7918 in the world because it has been about 2 years sense I changed it.

Edited by mikeman7918
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I really like cepholopods, and the Kraken is clearly the best one. The 'Mad' part comes from an Agario clan name my friend came up with, Masters At Destruction. (MAD). The 2297 comes from a failed attempt to use Boogie2988's username and I was trying to do 2989, but I typoed it.

I came up with the full name making a Roblox account, as TheMadKraken was already taken, so I tacked on the 2297 number I made up a few years ago for a clash of clans account. It's been that ever since, but I realized there's someone else on the interwebs is named TheMadKraken, (the Roblox guy) and it was creating a lot of confusion. I'm planning to change it. I'm thinking of a programming joke... Kernel Kraken, and it comes pre- kerbalized! I might change it soon.

EDIT: Anyone know if there's a way to change your username?

Edited by TheMadKraken2297
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16 minutes ago, TheMadKraken2297 said:

EDIT: Anyone know if there's a way to change your username?

First pinned topic in Kerbal Network


I got mine from a random word generator like 14-16 years ago. (Also pretty sure Ive posted in a clone of ghis thread already...)

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1 minute ago, Just Jim said:

Quite simply, my first name is Jim, and I got tired of trying to think up usernames...

So now my real name, and my user name, are literally Just Jim.


Cool story... :)

adsii are my initials, all lower case. And 1970 is the year I was hatched from an egg. Had to be -- for many reasons.

I use my user name on whatever forum I'm on. Here, Simtropolis, and even SubSim, although my membership there is fairly new. Oh, yeah, I am also on Steam with that same user name. (I want to make it easier for the FBI and Homeland Security to follow my on-line presence!) :cool:

And I even have my own website using that, although I have not updated it in about a year. It's www.adsii1970.us.

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/9/2018 at 7:11 AM, Delay said:

Well, I had to have a name to use for forums, imgur and the like. After like 2 hours (!) I came up with this name.

You might say there was a ... 2 hour... delay?


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