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[1.4.0] GCMonitor - A graphic Memory monitor (Marsh 9th 2018)


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Any chance to get this CKAN compatible?

Now, yes.

@sarbian, any chance you could add a .version file so my jenkins inflator works better?

D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program>ckan show GCMonitor
Graphic Memory Monitor: This plugin will show you the memory usage of the running KSP installation

Module info:
- version:
- authors: sarbian
- status: stable
- license: MIT

- GCMonitor

- homepage: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92907
- repository: https://github.com/sarbian/GCMonitor/

Showing 7 installed files:
- GameData/GCMonitor
- GameData/GCMonitor/getRSS_x64.so
- GameData/GCMonitor/getRSS_x86.dll
- GameData/GCMonitor/getRSS_OSX_x86.so
- GameData/GCMonitor/getRSS_src.zip
- GameData/GCMonitor/GCMonitor.dll
- GameData/GCMonitor/LICENSE.txt

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A file with just the "" ? I name it ".version" or do you prefer something else ? You want it into my other jenkins project too ?

For the other : include the native lib for OSX but I did not find anyone to test it yet.

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A file with just the "" ? I name it ".version" or do you prefer something else ?

An AVC-compliant version file, like https://github.com/entchen/CaptainsLog/blob/master/CaptainsLog.version would be nice. I generate that file at build time from https://github.com/entchen/CaptainsLog/blob/master/CaptainsLog.version.in .

You want it into my other jenkins project too ?

Would be fine if you can find time for this.

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It will require some test so I can't just change the build process from work. I have a look tomorrow, and once I have done it for one of the process I can easily duplicate it.

Edit : how do you generate the file from the .in ?

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Perl script at https://github.com/entchen/CaptainsLog/blob/master/version-gen does the magic and patches my AssemblyInfo as well. https://github.com/entchen/CaptainsLog/blob/master/versions.sh holds the current version, and the last number of the four is based on the build number.

The build is at https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/Hakan-CaptainsLog/ , you should have very easy access to it :)

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Any chance we could get a little icon (Ideally on the stock or Blizzy toolbar) that flashes or turns red when you get to a certain level of neraness to crash time? 95% or so seems reasonable, or maybe even user-settable.

I know what's using the memory, and can't do anything about it but restart when it gets full.

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Well, I have no idea what is going on for you. The lib is clearly in the right place but the game can't load it

You have the game in "Program Files (x86)" so it may be related to a Windows protection or an Antivirus. I would try with moving the game out of "Program Files (x86)". It s bad idea with KSP anyway.

5thHorseman : aye. I'll have a look at that.

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Well, I have no idea what is going on for you. The lib is clearly in the right place but the game can't load it

You have the game in "Program Files (x86)" so it may be related to a Windows protection or an Antivirus. I would try with moving the game out of "Program Files (x86)". It s bad idea with KSP anyway.

Hi, I had the same problem where getRSS_x86.dll will not load.

I do not have KSP in Program Files (anymore, it didn't matter), and turning off my antivirus did not help either. I had a look at the .dll with EXE explorer, and saw it includes (functions from? I'm not a programmer) kernel32.dll and msvcr120D.dll. I could not find this dll on my system, and a quick google tells me it's the debug version apparently bundled with Visual Studio.

Will I need the msvcr120D.dll, or can and will you make a 'release version'?

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Oh, that explain much. That's why I hate native stuff. Thanks for finding that :)

1.2.2 is out. It should fix the loader for OSX (it was trying to load the linux lib) and the Windows bug. I replaced the windows dll with one that use static linked call. It should fix it, but I m not sure if it will work on XP.

I ll now resume work on the warning and AVC file.

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- AppLauncher and Blizzy Toolbar support. Right click open the window and Left click switch the memory / FPS counter

- "Top" button to set a fixed point to compare with.

- Setting saved into a file after first use.

- Icon change with the used memory. If you want to change the warning and alter limit edit the file in "GameData\GCMonitor\PluginData\GCMonitor" and change warnPercent & alertPercent

- AVC file included but not tested

Hakan : https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/GCMonitor/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/GCMonitor/GCMonitor.version

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uh, I tested that and it worked. I ll check if I forgot to commit that part of the code tonight.

This plugin is more or less in its final state for now. The code is quite messy but I have to maintain other mods :)

I have 2 features I want to add but I have to work on MM and MJ now (a zoom mode that focus on the min - max part, and a relative mode that use the last top as origin)

One things I'd like to know is the impact of data collection and display. The simple mem/fps display has no impact afaik, but the whole window refresh a texture and that is not exactly a fast things to do. So I would like to have some info :

- make sure you have the "Only Update When Display is visible" active in the window and then hide the window (ALT F1)

- go to the spaceport and wait ~30s for the scene to stabilize (mountains load in the distance)

- display the fps counter (ALT F if you don't have the buttons) and check your fps

- open the window and check your fps

- deactivate "Only Update When Display is visible", close the window and check your fps

I m interested on result for "smaller" machines like laptop but result for other are welcome too.

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Shameless bump because I'd really like the stats I talk about in my last post.

I also want to know when your 32bit KSP crash. Mine seems to do so in the 3600-3700 MB region, so the current warning settings is way too high.

Edited by sarbian
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Shameless bump because I'd really like the stats I talk about in my last post.

I also want to know when your 32bit KSP crash. Mine seems to do so in the 3600-3700 MB region, so the current warning settings is way too high.

for me, 32bit KSP on Windows 7 crashes when it is usually somewhere in the same range. Occasionally it's less, but I'm not sure that would be memory related. However, I can almost assume a crash if I see 3.7 gig used. 3.6 and I'm very nervous.

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I play on the Mac, and I've never seen three gigabytes. If the game's going to crash from a failed attempt at memory allocation â€â€.and it is  it happens somewhere in the mid-two-gigabytes range. I only discovered that this mod works on the Mac a couple days ago so I don't have good, precise information yet; I've been so aggressive in my RAM-miserliness that I haven't had a crash since installing this. But I'll try to push it to its limits over the weekend and get some better data.

I will offer this food for thought: My laptop (a Retina MacBook Pro which performs magnificently in every respect) has Iris Pro graphics, which as I understand it use RAM instead of having dedicated texture memory. Maybe (and I'm totally speculating) that RAM is coming out of KSP's addressable space and causing the lower RAM ceiling. It's certainly not a system-wide limitation; I've got sixteen gigs here, so I have plenty left over when KSP starves and dies.

EDIT SOMETIME LATER: I just got a crash (or actually a hang; same thing in practice) due to a malloc failure when GCMonitor read 2,462 MB. It was brought on by the usual thing: launch, revert to VAB, launch, revert to VAB multiplied several times over. I didn't count how many trips around that loop I took, but it was quite a few. It was a true malloc failure, too:

KSP(4169,0xa08361d4) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=33554432) failed (error code=3)
*** error: can't allocate region
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Receiving unhandled NULL exception

…and then a big stack trace that just said "…in mono_traverse_objects" a bunch. So at least in this one case, the answer is 2,462 MB.

Edited by jefferyharrell
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One things I'd like to know is the impact of data collection and display. The simple mem/fps display has no impact afaik, but the whole window refresh a texture and that is not exactly a fast things to do. So I would like to have some info :

- make sure you have the "Only Update When Display is visible" active in the window and then hide the window (ALT F1)

- go to the spaceport and wait ~30s for the scene to stabilize (mountains load in the distance)

- display the fps counter (ALT F if you don't have the buttons) and check your fps

- open the window and check your fps

- deactivate "Only Update When Display is visible", close the window and check your fps

I m interested on result for "smaller" machines like laptop but result for other are welcome too.

One thing is not entirely clear in the above.. by "go to the spaceport" do you mean the overview page where I can choose to go to the VAB, SPH, Science Labs, etc, or do you mean the Launchpad view?

Laptop: 8yo Asus Pro31Jr with a 1.73GHz Core2 Duo, AMD/ATI X2300 GPU and 4GB RAM (only 3GB actually available to the OS, due to hardware limitations) - So it's slightly below KSP minimum requirements, really.

Other possibly relevant info:

OS: Win7-64bit (KSP 32bit)

Terrain detail: Default

Render Quality: Good

Texture Quality: Quarter Res

I use the Texture Replacer mod, but not Active Texture Management (would like to, but my CPU apparently doesn't have one of the necessary instructions for it to work. It converts the textures fine, but freezes upon load.)

For the test as described above (when game is on the overview page), the framerate is the same whether "Only Update When Display is visible" is enabled or disabled - a steady 25.0 FPS.

Hope this helps.

Edited by JAFO
more clarity
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