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[1.1.x] AGroupOnStage - Activate action groups upon staging! [May 6]


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Ever wanted to have your solar panels open when you drop your main ascent stage? Or perhaps you have them on an action group that you simply forget to manually fire? Well fear no more, because this mod can do it for you!

AGroupOnStage allows players to select one or more action groups to fire when a specific stage is staged on their vessel. From changing camera mode to setting the throttle of your vessel, right down to the regular action groups from KSP, you'll never need to press those keys manually again!

Stage control can be modified both inside the VAB/SPH and whilst in flight.

Download from GitHub
On CKAN as AGroupOnStage

Want to try out the latest dev release? Check the full release list!

Source code also available on GitHub

Reporting a bug? Follow these guidelines!

AGroupOnStage is licensed under GNU GPL v3.0.



AGOS is currently known to be incompatible with the following mods:


  • No known compatibility issues at this time


Dates are dd/mm/yy

06/05/16, v3.0.2:
	* Fixed more issues relating to NREs when AGOS has no settings file.

28/04/16, v3.0.1:
	* Fixed an issue where AGOS would spam NREs at the KSP menu screen if no settings file was present.
	* Fixed an issue where AGOS would not correctly create a settigns file on new or clean installs.

19/14/16, v3.0:
	* Updated to work with KSP 1.1

09/11/15, v2.0.12:
	* Recompiled against KSP 1.0.5.
	* Users can now pick parts to link group configurations to from within AGOS' GUI.
	* Added a new group config: SAS mode change - change the autopilot's mode when staging!
	* Time-delayed actions groups are now saved along-side the vessel so they can be resumed should the player leave flight whilst they're counting down.
	* Maximum delay for time-delayed groups has been upped to 60 seconds by default on new installs. Existing installs will need to edit their config!
	* [#27] Fixed an issue causing AGOS' Engineer's Report concerns from being registered every time the player entered an editor.
	* [#29] Fixed an issue causing configurations creating in the flight scene not being restored to their vessel correctly when undocking.
	* [#32] Fixed the button texture becoming white when overlaying the confetti texture for special occasions.

26/07/15, v2.0.11:
	* [#24] Fixed an issue where AGOS' toolbar buttons could become stuck in a disabled state if the player changed scene while controlling a Kerbal
	* [#26] Fixed AGOS using incorrect value ("System.String[]") as a part's name when saving part linked groups.

21/07/15, v2.0.10:
	* Exposed option to alter the chance of the Taco AGOS button being used.
	* Exposed option to alter the chance for how often the Fine Controls easter egg fires.
	* Added an option to disable special occasion messages.
	* Added a button to the settings GUI to allow users to reset AGOS' settings to their defaults.
	* Dialogs that are used to inform the player of something or ask for basic input no longer use OnGUI, but KSP's native PopupDialog class.
	* Tweaked the button images for the stock toolbar slightly. They should be less jaggy on smaller screen resolutions now.
	* Completely new anti-clickthrough system!
	* AGOS can now hook into the Engineer's Report to show information on its configuration.
	* The button to open the settings GUI has a sweet icon now.
	* AGOS will now remove unneeded (AGOS related) textures from memory upon startup
	* [#14] Fixed an issue that was causing InvalidOperation exceptions to be thrown when sending a Kerbal on EVA.
	* [#15] Fixed an issue where AGOS would not see groups configured for stages less than 0 as invalid.
	* [#16] Fixed an issue which made it possible to assign group configurations to Kerbals on EVA.
	* [#17] Fixed an issue causing invalid stage number inputs (such as letters) to be parsed as 0s instead of being ignored.
	* [#18] Fixed an issue where switching vessels during configuration of part linked groups would allow them to be applied to the wrong vessel.
	* [#19] Fixed an issue where AGOS would cause an editor-breaking NullReferenceException when loading vessels created with AGX after removal of AGX.
	* [#20] Fixed an issue causing part linked group configs to have the vessel's current name in their reference string if created during flight.
	* [#21] Fixed an issue that would allow group configs that had not been fully configured to be assigned to vehicles.
	* [#22] Fixed an issue where AGOS would not clear configured groups if all parts of a vessel were deleted from the editor scene.

22/06/15, v2.0.9.1:
	* Recompiled against 1.0.3 binaries; no code changes.

01/06/15, v2.0.9:
	* Added an option to always use the 'alternate' AGOS button textures.
	* Added an option to have AGOS' custom action groups appear at the bottom of the configuration window's list.
	* Added an option to allow AGOS to create AGOSrelated Kerbals in new (and existing) non-Career saves.
	* Duplicated actions groups are now removed before saving as well as on vessel switch and flight ready events.
	* Invalid action groups are now highlighted in red. "Invalid" means if they're configured for stages above the stages the vessel has or are linked to a part that was removed.
	* Tweaked how the main AGOS GUI works slightly.
	* Added an options button to the main AGOS GUI (the ... button).
	* All variations of AGOS' textures for the stock toolbar button are now contained in one file, meaning slightly less RAM usage. Sadly, this is not possible for Blizzy's toolbar, they are still separate textures.
	* Added messages for special occasions (dev's birthdays, Christmas, New Year, that sort of thing) to AGOS' main GUI. The (stock) toolbar image will even dress up for the occasion!
	* Added an option to allow users to enable AGOS' debug features (These might break your game, you've been warned
	* Fixed AGOS' settings GUI sometimes throwing nullrefs when opened at specific times.
	* AGOS will now only save its settings to file if they've actually changed.
	* AGOS' should now correctly handle action group configs when two ships dock.
	* Fixed nullref when opening AGOS' GUI without visiting the Editor first.

17/05/15, v2.0.8:
	* Added support for Blizzy's toolbar
	* Added a new action group that can be told to fire after so many seconds.
	* Updated AGX intergration to use new external methods for getting group names.
	* Fixed an issue that could cause AGOS' input locks to persist through scene changes
	* Vastly improved AGOS' vessel switching logic. Action group configs should now display correctly when switching vessels.
	* Improved how AGOS handles action group duplication on flight reverts. There should be *no* circumstances in which this happens now.

06/05/15, v2.0.7:
	* Art pass on toolbar button
	* Fixed a couple of things that relied on statements that would never fire.
	* Rewritten AGOS' settings code
	* Action groups are now limited by tech level in Career mode.
	* AGOS now has a settings GUI (click AGOS' toolbar button in space centre view to open)

02/05/15, v2.0.6:
	* Fixed an issue that could cause action group configs to be overridden by a previous flight's if the player transitioned to the FLIGHT scene without going through the editor first.
	* Non-Custom (SAS, RCS, Lights, etc.) action groups are now correctly listed with AGX installed.
		* Due to this change, some group IDs were changed. If you run with AGX, double check your group configs.
	* Fixed an issue where action group configs could duplicate if the player reverted to launch and then reverted to the editor.
	* Fixed action groups being fired multiple times when staging.
	* All selected action groups and part links are now cleared when the GUI is closed in the editor if they're not commited.
	* AGOS' GUI will no longer close on Part.OnDestroy() events.

01/05/15, v2.0.5:
	* Updated version files for KSP 1.0.1.

30/04/15, v2.0.4:
	* Fixed an issue causing action group configs to duplicate massively on revert to editor.
	* Previous AGOS configurations are now cleared when starting a new vessel in the editor.

30/04/15, v2.0.3:
	* Fixed an issue with part locked configurations when reverting to the editor.

30/04/15, v2.0.2:
	* Added compatibility for Action Groups Extended.
	* Fixed an issue causing part references to be lost when reloading a vessel.

30/04/15, v2.0.1:
	* Fixes an issue with AGOS saving group configs on ships created before AGOS' installation.

27/04/15, v2.0:
	* Completely re-written code base!
	* New "all-in-one" GUI - no more managing multiple GUIs while configuring groups!
	* AGOS can now change the camera modes
	* AGOS can toggle Fine Controls
	* And most importantly: 1.0 compatibility!

06/02/15, v1.2.5:
	* Fixed AGOS modules not applying to stock launch clamps if Extraplanetary Launchpads is installed. [Reported by ShimmyTheJJ]

16/12/14, v1.2.4:
	* 0.90 Compatibility
	* Action groups available are now limited depending on VAB tier (careeer only).
		* Locked action groups will be displayed in red if they are already in a vessel's configuration and will not fire upon staging.
	* Throttle level can now be changed on stage.
	* Reduced the amount of data AGOS needs to save to save files
	* "Stage" is now a valid action group (but requires save editing to use and probably doesn't work how you'd hope anyway).
	* Tweaked the GUI, no longer has a "H" button as parts are highlighted when the config GUI opens and "R" button changed to say "Remove".
	* [iPeerLib] Skins are now correctly set based on order of preference.

15/10/14, v1.2.3:
	* Fixed an issue with GUI skinning on modded 0.25 installs.

07/10/14, v1.2.2:
	* Recompiled against 0.25 libraries
05/10/14, v1.2.1:
	* The main GUI for action groups is now hidden while you are selecting new groups to be fired.
	* Fixed an issue with control lock triggers not matching dialogue positions.
	* Part highlighting is now disabled when all dialogues for that part are closed.

05/10/14, v1.2:
	* Users can now have duplicate actions groups which fire based on separate criteria:
		* "Active Vessel Only": Fires the configured action group(s) to fire only on the vessel that the player has control of after staging.
		* "Connected Stage Only": Fires the configued action group(s) on the stage which the decoupler stays connected to (this requires a probe on that stage).
		* "All Stages": Both of the above configurations combined.
	* AGroupOnStage now only saves information it needs to the save file, cutting down on their size for large vessels.
	* The module's name is now correctly defined in-game.
	* Fixed click-through on the GUIs in the editors.
	* Using a separate library for "reusable" parts of code instead of having multiple copies of it everywhere.
15/09/14, v1.1.1:
	* Fixed an issue causing the GUI to become squashed on heavily modded installs.
	* Fix action groups not always being fired when a decouple has been decoupled.

10/09/14, v1.1:
	* Now uses a GUI to (de)select which action groups are fired.
		* Should be compatible with existing vessels, though I'd give them a quick check to be sure.
	* Removed some un-needed code
	* Made some code a little bit more efficient.

08/09/14, v1.0: Initial release



Extract the zip file into your KSP install folder clicking "yes" when you are asked if you want to merge the two GameData folders.


AGroupOnStage requires Module Manager to insert its module into parts.

This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.

Edited by iPeer
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I always wanted to set action groups in flight such as, I was in a orbit around the Mun and it was spinning around like crazy and I couldn't deploy the solar panels and I forgot to add the action groups in the VAB and I don't want to revert and do everything over again.

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  CDK said:
I always wanted to set action groups in flight such as, I was in a orbit around the Mun and it was spinning around like crazy and I couldn't deploy the solar panels and I forgot to add the action groups in the VAB and I don't want to revert and do everything over again.

Actually, for future reference, if you do just want something for on-the-fly action group management, you can use Action Groups Extended. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74195-0-24-2-Action-Groups-Extended-(Aug30-14)-250-Action-Groups-in-flight-editing

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Holy huge menu options! Fortunately, decouplers don't get a ton of attention when it comes to menu options, so it shouldn't be an issue at the moment. I'd be curious if the action group is still called even if tweakable-everything's staging toggle is turned off and the decoupler is activated via some other option.

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  Gaalidas said:
Holy huge menu options! Fortunately, decouplers don't get a ton of attention when it comes to menu options, so it shouldn't be an issue at the moment. I'd be curious if the action group is still called even if tweakable-everything's staging toggle is turned off and the decoupler is activated via some other option.

Yeah, I'm not really happy with the size of the menu. I'm wondering if there's a way I could compact it all while keeping the ability to trigger multiple groups at once. During testing I found that if you right click and hit "Decouple" the group doesn't fire, so maybe that'd be the case if you disable the staging with TE, too.

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  iPeer said:
Yeah, I'm not really happy with the size of the menu. I'm wondering if there's a way I could compact it all while keeping the ability to trigger multiple groups at once. During testing I found that if you right click and hit "Decouple" the group doesn't fire, so maybe that'd be the case if you disable the staging with TE, too.

Perhaps contact dtobi that made the smart parts http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64227-0-24-1-27-July-Smart-Parts-V2-0-New-API-and-new-KM-folder-structure?highlight=smart+parts the menu function on them works very much like the tweakscale menu bar with right and left selection to each action group.


Edited by MaLuS
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  MaLuS said:
Perhaps contact dtobi that made the smart parts http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64227-0-24-1-27-July-Smart-Parts-V2-0-New-API-and-new-KM-folder-structure?highlight=smart+parts the menu function on them works very much like the tweakscale menu bar with right and left selection to each action group.


The problem with that is that you can then only trigger one group. I'd like to maintain the ability to fire multiple if possible. With that said, I have had a couple of ideas on how it could be done. It's just a matter of finding a sensible way to implement it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Updated to version 1.2.4 bringing 0.90 compatibility and some other features!

16/12/14, v1.2.4:
* 0.90 Compatibility
* Action groups available are now limited depending on VAB tier (careeer only).
* Locked action groups will be displayed in red if they are already in a vessel's configuration and will not fire upon staging.
* Throttle level can now be changed on stage.
* Reduced the amount of data AGOS needs to save to save files
* "Stage" is now a valid action group (but requires save editing to use and probably doesn't work how you'd hope anyway).
* Tweaked the GUI, no longer has a "H" button as parts are highlighted when the config GUI opens and "R" button changed to say "Remove".
* [iPeerLib] Skins are now correctly set based on order of preference.

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  • 4 months later...

AGroupOnStage has been updated to version 2.0! Now with 1.0 compatibility and a complete code rewrite!

27/04/15, v2.0:
* Completely re-written code base!
* New "all-in-one" GUI - no more managing multiple GUIs while configuring groups!
* AGOS can now change the camera modes
* AGOS can toggle Fine Controls
* And most importantly: 1.0 compatibility!

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Hi Ipeer,

When i install your great mod (1.0 ) and try to activate it in the VAB, the VAB freezes and all the load/save/quit buttons get inactive and i cant do anything anymore....

Thanks for fixing :-)

Edited by ManuxKerb
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  ManuxKerb said:
Hi Ipeer,

When i install your great mod (1.0 ) and try to activate it in the VAB, the VAB freezes and all the load/save/quit buttons get inactive and i cant do anything anymore....

Thanks for fixing :-)

Are you using any other mods along side AGOS? Do you have a log file? Craft file?

Edited by iPeer
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Hi Ipeer,

When i install your great mod (1.0 ) and try to activate it in the VAB, the VAB freezes and all the load/save/quit buttons get inactive and i cant do anything anymore....

Thanks for fixing :-)

Same here. Installed Mods:


Distant Object

Kerbal Engineer

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement










Warning/Error for every Module like this in the KSP.log:

[WRN 13:12:42.717] [Part]: PartModule AGOSModule at reserveBatteryPack, index 0: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.

Looking for AGOSModule in other indices...

[ERR 13:12:42.717] ...no AGOSModule module found on part definition. Skipping...

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  Cheesecake said:
Same here. Installed Mods:


Distant Object

Kerbal Engineer

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement










Warning/Error for every Module like this in the KSP.log:

I can reproduce the error, but not to the extent you're seeing. Do you have a craft file I can test against?

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  iPeer said:
I can reproduce the error, but not to the extent you're seeing. Do you have a craft file I can test against?

My Modlist:












License StockBugFixModules.txt






ModuleManager Readme.txt





README StockBugFixModules.txt










Unfortunatelly i deleted the mod and restarted a new safe, so no craft file from me.

However some other thing i noticed, every part gets the AGOSModule part in the right click menu, not just the one you created in the part list. Is it to be like that ? Or should the AGOS only be visible at your part ?


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  ManuxKerb said:
However some other thing i noticed, every part gets the AGOSModule part in the right click menu, not just the one you created in the part list. Is it to be like that ? Or should the AGOS only be visible at your part ?


Are you using a new vessel (created in 1.0), or a vessel from a previous version? Do you have a log file?

AGOS is currently meant to be visible for every part (it's so you can "lock" groups to specific parts). I've been thinking about limiting it to only certain ones in the future, though.

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Pushed an update to AGOS, fixing an issue to do with group saving for crafts created before installing AGOS. Latest release can be found here. Users experiencing the loading issues should update and see if the issue persists and report back with their findings.

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I just tested it, it (vab freeze) also happes with a new vessel.

Steps to reproduce:

1. start new sandbox

2. Add command part

3. Add RCS tank

4. Klick on AGOS

5. VAB Freeze with new vessel in new game

Thanks for looking into this

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  ManuxKerb said:

I just tested it, it (vab freeze) also happes with a new vessel.

Steps to reproduce:

1. start new sandbox

2. Add command part

3. Add RCS tank

4. Klick on AGOS

5. VAB Freeze with new vessel in new game

Thanks for looking into this

AGOS will lock the editor while its GUI is open. This is done to prevent the click-through bug from happening while configuring action groups. Closing AGOS' GUI should re-enable all editor controls, is that not the case?

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  ManuxKerb said:
Yes it is the latest

I looked in the logfile when i clicked the AGOS button and everything froze but the log does not show any new entries. (KSP.log)


Logfile: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=60857591534795752223

Thanks for the log.

Looks like you're currently running Action Groups Extended which AGOS is (currently) not compatible with (It's being worked on!).

Edit: See post below :)

Edited by iPeer
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