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[1.02] Triple-Z Radio Astronomy Telescope [May-5-2015]


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Brought to you by zzz and MunSeeker Artisanal Devices - a new type of large radio telescope that can be packed into a small volume and deployed at remote locations. Contains a small SAS for stability control.

The telescope needs roughly 1 unit of electrical charge per second and does provide science reports both while landed as well as in space.



(The "Download ZIP" button is at the bottom of the right column)


Copy the MunSeeker folder into your GameData folder. If there is an existing MunSeeker folder, copy the ZZZ_RadioTelescope folder into your existing MunSeeker folder.


The built-in SAS is for operating the telescope properly and it draws large amounts of electricity. It is recommended to turn the built-in reaction wheel OFF for launch and transportation.




The model and texture are from the always excellent zzz originally as part of a microwave receiver, the part.cfg for the radio telescope is by Munseeker. zzz released his model into the public domain and graciously gave me written permission to use as part of this mod.

The great science experiment code for the telescope has been provided by Angel-125.

This project is licensed non-commercial share-alike with attribution.

Edited by munseeker
Tested against latest KSP
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Ooops. My bad...:blush:

At least theoretically it should provide science reports - I've tried to make this work without having to rewrite any of zzz's code so I made the telescope a gravioli detector in the part.cfg - so it should behave like the stock gravioli detector, which should work both landed as well as in orbit. Let me know if you run into any problems with that.

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Awesome! I tried several times to strip out all of the Interstellar modules from this part in that pack, but still leave the opening and closing animations in place, but I was never able to figure it out. Downloading now, good sir! :D

You are welcome! Yes, the open/close animation of zzz's model is amazing. I often just go to my orbital station to close/open the telescope for a bit. :-)

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This looks cool. I may have to write a science experiment for it. Things like, "Based upon the radio transmissions and TV shows, there clearly is no intelligent life here" which could come up when using the scope in low kerbin orbit. :)

Edit: And here you go. Just unzip the file to get the science defs and modified part file, and you're good to go.

Edited by Angel-125
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This looks cool. I may have to write a science experiment for it. Things like, "Based upon the radio transmissions and TV shows, there clearly is no intelligent life here" which could come up when using the scope in low kerbin orbit. :)

Edit: And here you go. Just unzip the file to get the science defs and modified part file, and you're good to go.

This is excellent! I'm blown away that you were able to do this so quickly.

Do you mind if I package this with the mod - of course with due credit?

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Love this part, it's going to be stuck on one of my space stations simply for the aesthetics :D

One thing I did notice while trying to get it up to the station, is that it seems to draw a huge amount of power for its inbuilt reaction wheels :o Took me a long time to figure out what was causing my rocket to run out of power 10 seconds after launch :P

In the reaction wheel module in the part.cfg you have:

name = ElectricCharge

rate = 500

Most reaction wheels are set to use a rate of around 0.5.

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Love this part, it's going to be stuck on one of my space stations simply for the aesthetics :D

One thing I did notice while trying to get it up to the station, is that it seems to draw a huge amount of power for its inbuilt reaction wheels :o Took me a long time to figure out what was causing my rocket to run out of power 10 seconds after launch :P

In the reaction wheel module in the part.cfg you have:

name = ElectricCharge

rate = 500

Most reaction wheels are set to use a rate of around 0.5.

Sorry - my description may not have been clear on that. I'm using the built-in reaction wheel with extra power draw as the "ON" setting for the radio telescope. As in, when you want to operate the telescope, turn on the built in reaction wheel to simulate a large telescope's power draw. That way I didn't have to write any additional plug-in code.

So during transportation or when the telescope is not in operation, it's safe to turn off the built-in reaction wheel. It does actually provide nearly no stability, it just sucks down power like there is no tomorrow. :-)

Hope you enjoy the telescope! And yes, I also use it as aesthetic ornamentation on my space stations. It's giant science bling! :-)

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Needs an attachment node on the bottom. Otherwise, good.

Hmm... that's strange. I'm using the telescope as posted on several missions right now and the attachment node at the bottom worked for me.

Generally if the node doesn't just click in immediately, I've found that looking at the parts nearly sideways in the VAB helps - all of a sudden the nodes start to click together as one would expect. Have you tried that?

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Needs an attachment node on the bottom. Otherwise, good.

It's there, but its size is set to 0 (smallest size), which means that green ball is inside. BTW, size 0 nodes is probably a bad idea for five-ton thing.

Also, about ECharge: why not make it so experiment itself requires high amount of ECharge?

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The model and texture are from the always excellent zzz originally as part of a microwave receiver, the part.cfg for the radio telescope is from Munseeker. zzz released his model into the public domain and graciously gave me written permission to use as part of this mod.

Intresting, you go any proof of this?
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Intresting, you go any proof of this?

zzz announced several times in the forums that his models are public domain. I looked him up and asked him in a personal message if it's OK for me to use the model. He said yes.

He still infrequently shows up here in the KSP forum, so go and ask him yourself if you don't believe me.

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I wonder if it wouldn't be simpler I simply added the Science Experiment to KSPI-E. That should also prevent people from confusing the 2 parts

The science code is from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/109969-Angel-125 - I'm sure he'd be OK to contribute the code to your mod, but better check with him directly.

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