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[1.0.5] Stryker's Aerospace and Armory (Continued by SM)


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[quote name='Svm420']Newest cockpit looks good! Maybe a 2 man inline pit?[/QUOTE]

Ofc! Any ideas on the looks? ;)
Draw something for me if you wish!

[quote name='Atatra']would a firebrand, hurricane, or Me-410 cockpit be possible? there are just so many WW2 aircraft i love and i didn't know which to ask for -,-[/QUOTE]

Hurricane sounds fun :) I'l give my hand at that tomorrow!
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[quote name='strykersm']Here's what awaits you next update. (Notice the textures, THEY'RE NOT CRAP! THEY ARE LESS-CRAP! :D)
Nice pit reminds me of the f 106 a bit. Good work
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Love your work so far, I'm excited each time this updates.

My two cents, and I'm sure everyone has theirs, but:
I would strongly consider just merging the ASET version and not ASET version together--
Then you only have one mod to manage, and people only have one mod to follow.
You can put the ASET required IVAs in a separate folder in your ZIP file (outside of the GameData folder) and provide instructions in the ReadMe.txt file for how to merge, or activate them for those who wish to do so.

Just might make your life easier, and the whole project a little cleaner.

Keep up the good work.
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:D Nailed it! I would like to echo faulk_wolf's suggestion to put it all in one mod. With something like this it will only work if the user has ASET. Then if you or anyone ever re uses your internal it will catch those parts too. Thank you for the work you have done!!
@name = migASET
name = RasterPropMonitorComputer
[/code] Edited by Svm420
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Let me leave food for hype train:
Im making an IVA that looks like this: [url]http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/awa01/201-300/awa271-F-106/images_Tracy_n_Jeni_Saulino/08-F-106A_Delta_Dart_cockpit_sim.jpg[/url]
(includes[will include] RPM) and i managed to figure out the mageeek of shrinking kerbals in my IVA's xD
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[quote name='strykersm']Let me leave food for hype train:
Im making an IVA that looks like this: [URL]http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/awa01/201-300/awa271-F-106/images_Tracy_n_Jeni_Saulino/08-F-106A_Delta_Dart_cockpit_sim.jpg[/URL]
(includes[will include] RPM) and i managed to figure out the mageeek of shrinking kerbals in my IVA's xD[/QUOTE]
Now I am really glad I got the f-106 engine added o AJE. This is too much, just too good :D.
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[quote name='strykersm']Added a little something to keep you guys entertained for a bit until the next update:
Wow that came out so good I watching you make the radar for a bit, but it looks better than I could have imagined all finished :D Very impressed! Wait is that 2 man?
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[quote name='Svm420']Wow that came out so good I watching you make the radar for a bit, but it looks better than I could have imagined all finished :D Very impressed! Wait is that 2 man?[/QUOTE]

That's classified.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Just a little heads up, next update will come out next week and It will take a while due to highschool things.But even before said update there's going to be a separate link: this one is going to be similar to the Jetfire cockpit, but a little better.
And this is going to be a Co-op project between me and the author of this little beauty: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121267-WIP-1-0-2-Mk2-SR-71-FantomWorks
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I just got my mig 21 done last night will post some pics ASAP. Also holy crap an aset blackbird?!? OMG man if you make that and help him with his mirage cockpit :confused:. It's like an early xmas 1.1 what?
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Nice project :) is it possible to do a dual ended cockpit with duplicate gauges forwards and back with a 360 degree view or clickable rotate camera function?

I love one for a battery electric yard shunter for assembling trains.. Doesnt need to be pretty just functional (finding a pic now)

[IMG]http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/pictures/27647/w76.jpg[/IMG] Edited by Overland
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On 27/11/2015, 08:07:58, Overland said:

Nice project :) is it possible to do a dual ended cockpit with duplicate gauges forwards and back with a 360 degree view or clickable rotate camera function?

I love one for a battery electric yard shunter for assembling trains.. Doesnt need to be pretty just functional (finding a pic now)


I don't know the techniques to do such camera but if i find it i'l consider it in the future ;)


21 hours ago, Svm420 said:


Those look so awesome!

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