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[DEV HALTED][0.90] ActiveStruts - Create & Remove Struts in Flight [v1.1.1 2014-12-31]


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Is there code for the autostrutter to not block doors with a strut? I just tried to connect 4 auto struts by making 4 of them (all connected to a part on one side of a docking port) a "1" and the other 4 (all connected opposite their pairs) a "0". 3 of these struts connected but the 4th did not. It was supposed to connect so the strut would go across the door.

When I moved (via Kerbal Attachment System) one of the problem autostrutters to a location where the strut would NOT block the door, the strut appeared between them.

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Is there code for the autostrutter to not block doors with a strut? I just tried to connect 4 auto struts by making 4 of them (all connected to a part on one side of a docking port) a "1" and the other 4 (all connected opposite their pairs) a "0". 3 of these struts connected but the 4th did not. It was supposed to connect so the strut would go across the door.

When I moved (via Kerbal Attachment System) one of the problem autostrutters to a location where the strut would NOT block the door, the strut appeared between them.

Was the part in question by any chance the lander can? It has a weird collider (look at the part in the editor it does not rotate around the proper axis).

To determine if two autostrutters can connect I raycast a direct line between them. If a collider is hit in between they can't connect. A specific exception for some door colliders would be pretty hard and non-generic if I can pull it of at all.

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Was the part in question by any chance the lander can? It has a weird collider (look at the part in the editor it does not rotate around the proper axis).

To determine if two autostrutters can connect I raycast a direct line between them. If a collider is hit in between they can't connect. A specific exception for some door colliders would be pretty hard and non-generic if I can pull it of at all.

It was. The 1-man can, though, which I don't think is the one you're talking about?

In any case I got it, and can in the future just not strut in front of doors. Makes sense anyway, the guys shouldn't have to clamber around struts to get out of the capsule :)

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I just did a stress test with this ship:


I put this in orbit once with stock struts and once with active struts (targeter and target in almost the same position as the struts on the screen) with global joint enforcment enabled.

When firing the bottom engines with stock struts there was almost no bending and wobbling as expected but with active struts the docked part bent and wobbled almost as if there weren`t any struts.

I thought the joint enforcement was there to make active struts behave like the stock struts but it doesn`t seem to work at all :/

Active struts are only slightly better than no struts which makes them pretty much useless to me. I don`t think this is the intended behaviour so what is going on?

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I just did a stress test with this ship:


I put this in orbit once with stock struts and once with active struts (targeter and target in almost the same position as the struts on the screen) with global joint enforcment enabled.

When firing the bottom engines with stock struts there was almost no bending and wobbling as expected but with active struts the docked part bent and wobbled almost as if there weren`t any struts.

I thought the joint enforcement was there to make active struts behave like the stock struts but it doesn`t seem to work at all :/

Active struts are only slightly better than no struts which makes them pretty much useless to me. I don`t think this is the intended behaviour so what is going on?

It does the same thing SQUAD's stock struts did in 0.24, maybe they improved something since then?

Sorry to hear it doesn't work for you and don't understand how that's possible either (joints should create at least a bit more stiffness compared to no joints), but since you don't have any errors in the log (otherwise you would have submitted it) there's nothing I can do.

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I`m not familiar with logging in KSP. I just checked the KSP.log for activestruts and ERR entries and all I could find is these few entries shortly after the editor was loaded (the struts were unlinked when I saved the craft):

[EXC 18:09:44.707] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

ActiveStruts.Util.Utilities.IsPossibleTarget (ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut origin, ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut possibleTarget)

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.Reconnect ()

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut._delayedStart ()

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.Update ()

[EXC 18:09:44.714] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

ActiveStruts.Util.Utilities.IsPossibleTarget (ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut origin, ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut possibleTarget)

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.Reconnect ()

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut._delayedStart ()

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.Update ()

[EXC 18:09:44.721] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

ActiveStruts.Util.Utilities.IsPossibleTarget (ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut origin, ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut possibleTarget)

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.Reconnect ()

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut._delayedStart ()

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.Update ()

[EXC 18:09:44.727] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

ActiveStruts.Util.Utilities.IsPossibleTarget (ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut origin, ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut possibleTarget)

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.Reconnect ()

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut._delayedStart ()

ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.Update ()

After that point and when I actually fly the craft I can`t see anything that might matter for ActiveStruts. If I should look for something else please tell me.

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How do I set the strength of a link or if I want a link to be stronger, how do I make it stronger, like changing it to normal vs weak? Besides going into config.

Best guess would be to edit

linearStrength = 150 <---- here

angularStrength = 150 <---- here

maxLength = 10

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When I place the autostrut parts on the ship in the VAB I get no options for grouping them. I hover over them and get nothing, left click removes them, right and middle click bring up nothing... :( What am I missing. I also wanted some of these to hold my payload on to my lifter but I guess I can't do that? They certainly did not link in the VAB or the launch pad either...


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An actiongroup option to toggle the enforcement would also be good.

Also, I've got a few exception logs that are showing up in exception detector and a problem, I can't copy the grappler nodes or copy parts that have an activestrut part on them.

ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: obj
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Monitor:Enter (object)

at ActiveStruts.Addons.ActiveStrutsAddon.IsQueueEmpty () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ActiveStruts.Addons.ActiveStrutsAddon._processIdResets () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ActiveStruts.Addons.ActiveStrutsAddon._processUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ActiveStruts.Addons.ActiveStrutsAddon.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

This one I was getting when I was attempting to copy.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.ShowGrappler (Boolean show, Vector3 targetPos, Vector3 lookAtPoint, Boolean applyOffset, Vector3 targetNormalVector, Boolean useNormalVector, Boolean inverseOffset) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.DestroyStrut () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.ProcessUnlink (Boolean fromUserAction, Boolean secondary) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.Unlink () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ActiveStruts.Addons.ActiveStrutsAddon.HandleEditorPartDetach (HostTargetAction`2 hostTargetAction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EventData`1[GameEvents+HostTargetAction`2[Part,Part]].Fire (HostTargetAction`2 data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.setParent (.Part p) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EditorLogic.<SetupFSM>m__AE () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.RunEvent (.KFSMEvent evt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.updateFSM (KFSMUpdateMode mode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.UpdateFSM () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EditorLogic.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Also, I get this exception when toggling link enforcement (freeattach in this case)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ActiveStruts.Modules.ModuleActiveStrut.ToggleEnforcement () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at BaseEvent.Invoke () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIPartActionButton.OnClick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Edit: Remember those little pink cubes? Well, they somehow got generated as debris when I recovered a craft (actually, not sure when they got generated). Edit2: Got it, it happens when I click freeattach link, don't actually link, then click recover vessel. Or rather it happened at least once of the two attempts.

Edit3: Okay, I managed to reproduce them in orbit around minmus while trying to get some uncooperative struts to link. They show as landed, 20km above minmus.....


When I tried to go to one (I didn't know what they were at first), it fell through the world after a few seconds and caused KSP to have a massive fit, had to force close the program.


Edited by smjjames
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I've just installed the Infernal Robotics model rework, and it apparently includes active struts. But... and this is going to sound stupid... I can't find the part. I can see a "robostrut" and "robostrut pro", which have "decouple" available in the action groups, but not the... special... struts that can detach *and* reattach. I particularly want the quantum-strut-like behaviour (shoot out and attach to whatever it hits).

Edit: Don't mind me, I'm dumb. The part order keeps changing.

Edited by allmhuran
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Since the origional modder of ActiveStruts isn't working on it anymore, it's been passed over to the IR model rework and plugin rework guys. So, you'll have to post over in the model rework thread if you want a response.

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Since the origional modder of ActiveStruts isn't working on it anymore, it's been passed over to the IR model rework and plugin rework guys. So, you'll have to post over in the model rework thread if you want a response.

To elaborate on this. Yes the mod is being handed over to us by Marce, but we are not currently in a position to implement bug fixes or offer support. For now treat this mod as abandoned until such time as the Infernal Robotics team is able to focus on bringing ActiveStruts back in a way that suits the needs of the rework project.



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[quote name='renejant']Does anyone still have a working version for 1.0.5? Would be happy to have it into my mods collection again! :)[/QUOTE]

They still exist in IR model rework and while I haven't used then in 1.0.5 yet, I see no reason why they wouldn't work.
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[quote name='smjjames']They still exist in IR model rework and while I haven't used then in 1.0.5 yet, I see no reason why they wouldn't work.[/QUOTE]

Is this mod integrated into IR Model Rework then? Didnt knew that and just installed that mod, havent seen it in it yet, maybe ill have to look closer again....
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[quote name='CatastrophicFailure']How about the Kerbal tether? Is that available anywhere?[/QUOTE]

There was a kerbal tether in development mentioned some ways back in the KAS or KIS thread, but it never got released, so, I don't know what the current state of that is.
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