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Eva fuel refill RCS convert to Eva fuel

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Based on what the devs said around the 0.23 or 0.23.5 update (I forget which one), the plan was to have kerbals use RCS on EVA. This was the reason they added RCS capacity to capsules.

However, they found it wasn't fun to EVA, only to find you had no RCS in the pod to fuel your EVA, and get left stranded in space. Because this was planned and scrapped by the devs, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for this to be added to stock. There's probably a way to do this via mods, since I think kerbals take Food/H20/Oxy with them from the pod in TAC-LS. That code could probably be extended to RCS/EVA fuel.

But seriously people, please try to use complete sentences, especially in the OP...

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It's funny that they consider running out of EVA propellant "unfun," yet one of the only fun career missions (early career, anyway) is to rescue a stranded astronaut. The other thing is that if you EVA, and use all the fuel the verbal carries, you are… stranded in space. There is no possible way other than moving the hatch next to him to rescue him, and that's not possible with a 1 man pod anyway. On the mk1-2 pod,another crew could rescue the "stranded" guy, so no problem.

I can't see a scenario where it's an issue, or am I missing something?

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  LethalDose said:
Based on what the devs said around the 0.23 or 0.23.5 update (I forget which one), the plan was to have kerbals use RCS on EVA. This was the reason they added RCS capacity to capsules.

However, they found it wasn't fun to EVA, only to find you had no RCS in the pod to fuel your EVA, and get left stranded in space. Because this was planned and scrapped by the devs, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for this to be added to stock. There's probably a way to do this via mods, since I think kerbals take Food/H20/Oxy with them from the pod in TAC-LS. That code could probably be extended to RCS/EVA fuel.

But seriously people, please try to use complete sentences, especially in the OP...

Main problem with kerbals uses monoprop is the start of the game, you have few parts, no rcs tanks, you also want to do eva observations from the MK1 pod where the kerball falls off all the time. Later on this stops beeing much of an problem.

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  magnemoe said:
Main problem with kerbals uses monoprop is the start of the game, you have few parts, no rcs tanks, you also want to do eva observations from the MK1 pod where the kerball falls off all the time. Later on this stops beeing much of an problem.

The pods themselves carry RCS fuel.

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  cantab said:
Evidently the devs found it annoying having to keep track of the EVA fuel and its relationship to the craft's fuel, and having EVAs limited.

Of course, that was when you had to EVA to get from one pod to another.

Excellent point, I had not considered that. Not an issue anymore though.

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  LethalDose said:

However, they found it wasn't fun to EVA, only to find you had no RCS in the pod to fuel your EVA, and get left stranded in space....

Actually there would be a way to get around this:

-Either they give you a warning before exiting without EVA fuel

-and/or you have something like a lifeline connecting your Kerbal to the capsule (and you have to disconnect if you want to move further away than a certain distance from your capsule). If the Krbal is connected to the lifeline he can use it to return to the capsules ladder.

Both things hat not only are realistic, but with regards to the lifeline it also provides a mean to quickly get back to the capsule if your Kerbal inadvertedly gets disconnected from the capsule (like it occasionally happens with the 1 man capsule in 0.25 [it would have saved the life of Bob in my game])

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  Cmdr. Arn1e said:
I believe a lifeline/umbilical line should be in the game, even the very fist man to EVA IRL had one!


On a sidenote:

Ineresting tradition the russians have/had (according to the article):

...Afterwards, they urinated on one of the wheels of the bus used to transport them to the launch pad at Baikonur. ...

I wonder how female Cosmonauts fulfill this tradition? If they don´t do it yet, a FUD would be of great help there :D

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The problem with using monoprop for EVA is, it's really easy to use all your monoprop without realising, you'd then EVA your lil Kerbal, and find him drifting helplessly to his death, which would be extremely annoying. I guess the kerbal could have his first tankful of EVA fuel for free and only use up the ship's supply of monoprop when returning to the pod to refill. There could also be some kind of mechanism whereby the monoprop stored in the pod won't get used for RCS, so you'll always have a bit saved for EVA.

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  Wallace said:
... There could also be some kind of mechanism whereby the monoprop stored in the pod won't get used for RCS, so you'll always have a bit saved for EVA.

And/Or maybe it would be good if you could flag Monoprop tanks for EVA use only

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  Cmdr. Arn1e said:
I believe a lifeline/umbilical line should be in the game, even the very fist man to EVA IRL had one!


That and/or a feature that RL NASA EVA packs have: a autostabilizing panic button, that allows the astronaut to get a stable orientation automatically if he gets into unwanted rotations. Heavens know it would be supremely useful in KSP to have that :D

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Tethers for EVAs would be a good addition, but I'm guessing a bit CPU intensive. Making Kerbals stay on ladders unless you either hit space or they're forcefully ripped away might help too, rather than just being able to climb or even passively drift off the end.

Oh, and KSP has that panic button: space. On EVA if the jetpack is active it should automatically set the Kerbal upright facing away from the camera.

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