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[1.3.0] OPT Space Plane v2.0.1 - updated 29/07/2017


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@Nodragdare @stali79 That resource switcher looks like B9 Part Switch which is a dependency to several of Nertea's mods. As far as I can tell, OPT never had an Interstellar Fuel Switch patch (or it was hidden in pieces within the part configs). Whatever config provided LH2 to OPT must have phased out. And I can assume 3 reasons why:

  • No OPT parts run on LH2
  • OPT parts are too massive for it to make sense
  • Loss of popularity or demand for OPT with LH2
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38 minutes ago, stali79 said:

Which mod adds the LF2? I just checked the configs and it is something we have never patched, so if its been added to our parts int he past then its the other mod that has their own patch which is what is breaking.

How! Okay, so it was a stroke of luck that OPT was compatible with another mod using LH2 (liquid hydrogen).
Well more than to call the tow truck to go tow my poor kerbaunote in perdition

So the mods I use and which integrate the LH2:
- B9 Aerospace https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155491-131-b9-aerospace-release-640-nov-4-2017/
- The Near Future Technologies Suite https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155465-131-near-future-technologies-bugfix-updates-nov-28/
- Kerbal Atomics (by the same author as Near Futur) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130503-131-kerbal-atomics-fancy-nuclear-engines-november-28/
- Cryogenic Engines (also by the same author) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/106089-131-cryogenic-engines-high-isp-chemical-rockets-october-17/
- KSP Interstellar Extended https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/161531-131-ksp-interstellar-extended-11621-03-11-2017-continued-development-thread/

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2 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Nodragdare @stali79 That resource switcher looks like B9 Part Switch which is a dependency to several of Nertea's mods. As far as I can tell, OPT never had an Interstellar Fuel Switch patch (or it was hidden in pieces within the part configs). Whatever config provided LH2 to OPT must have phased out. And I can assume 3 reasons why:

  • No OPT parts run on LH2
  • OPT parts are too massive for it to make sense
  • Loss of popularity or demand for OPT with LH2

I am certain there was at some point an IFS patch but I can't find it in my archived versions.

2 hours ago, Nodragdare said:

How! Okay, so it was a stroke of luck that OPT was compatible with another mod using LH2 (liquid hydrogen).
Well more than to call the tow truck to go tow my poor kerbaunote in perdition

So the mods I use and which integrate the LH2:
- B9 Aerospace https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155491-131-b9-aerospace-release-640-nov-4-2017/
- The Near Future Technologies Suite https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155465-131-near-future-technologies-bugfix-updates-nov-28/
- Kerbal Atomics (by the same author as Near Futur) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130503-131-kerbal-atomics-fancy-nuclear-engines-november-28/
- Cryogenic Engines (also by the same author) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/106089-131-cryogenic-engines-high-isp-chemical-rockets-october-17/
- KSP Interstellar Extended https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/161531-131-ksp-interstellar-extended-11621-03-11-2017-continued-development-thread/

SOMETHING must have changed to stop OPT from using LH2, that being said I don't even know what mod adds it.  is it CRP?

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3 minutes ago, stali79 said:

I am certain there was at some point an IFS patch but I can't find it in my archived versions.

SOMETHING must have changed to stop OPT from using LH2, that being said I don't even know what mod adds it.  is it CRP?

Maybe someone assumed IFS and FS were the same thing. I believe I've never seen an IFS config file in OPT. CRP is the mod that (contains the definition for it) makes LH2 a valid resource, but CRP does not apply resources to parts.

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2 minutes ago, Wyzard said:

Yes, LH2 is a CRP resource.  It's actually named "LqdHydrogen".

I have a feeling, that the reason he was previously able to use LH2 in OPT parts MAY be linked to RF...  If it is, then the patches are fine on our end.


But without seeing any logs there isn't much we can do.

4 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Maybe someone assumed IFS and FS were the same thing. I believe I've never seen an IFS config file in OPT. CRP is the mod that (contains the definition for it) makes LH2 a valid resource, but CRP does not apply resources to parts.

It must have been someone saying they were making an IFS patch then.

Edited by stali79
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  • 2 weeks later...

Small issue for forthcoming versions: Right now, Community Category Kit is catching several mods' parts in OPT's editor category. This is because (apparently) CCK is looking for *any* tag with the letters O-P-T in it (upper or lower case), which captures things like "helicopter" or "optical" or "option" and so forth.

I'd like to suggest making an additional, new tag for all OPT parts: "cck-OPT". Then, changing the CCK config to use the tag "cck-OPT" will pull only OPT mod parts (hopefully!).

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I beg to differ. OPT's CCK config is within OPT (Main) so fixing it and tagging pats is on us (and K. Yeon) "cck-opt" Is a great idea, I say.

I whipped this up real quick. Untested but should effectively override the existing one and even work well with OPT_Legacy without OPT Main.

Try it and let me know @AccidentalDisassembly 

OPT-CCK fix preview 1

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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8 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

I beg to differ. OPT's CCK config is within OPT (Main) so fixing it and tagging pats is on us (and K. Yeon) "cck-opt" Is a great idea, I say.

I whipped this up real quick. Untested but should effectively override the existing one and even work well with OPT_Legacy without OPT Main.

Try it and let me know @AccidentalDisassembly 

OPT-CCK fix preview 1

Made a couple of modifications. No need to replace "OPT" with the same thing + opt-cck, might as well just append "cck-opt" to the tags. Fixed the missing closing bracket (or whatever you call "]"). Since I'm not using the Legacy pack, I replaced the icons and Category config in the OPT folder, changed the directory pointers, and it seems to work nicely! Since I replaced the existing Category config with this, too, there was no need to specify the order of the patch.

	@tags ^= :$: cck-opt:
		name = OPT
		tag = cck-opt
		normalIcon = OPT/Category/OPT_N
		selectedIcon = OPT/Category/OPT_S
		usedByMod = OPT


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@AccidentalDisassembly Thanks for the feedback. The config was designed with intent to not intrude (have people overwriting) OPT Main files, and that it can be conveniently received through OPT Legacy updates due to the general absence of the Main dev. Also I chose to append "cck-opt" rather than delete "opt" from tags. Some use may come from leaving "opt" among the tags.

Also, I added the line "usedByMod = OPT_Legacy". I guess it's not necessary as the config has always worked well in gathering the Legacy parts too.

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Just now, JadeOfMaar said:

@AccidentalDisassembly Thanks for the feedback. The config was designed with intent to not intrude (have people overwriting) OPT Main files, and that it can be conveniently received through OPT Legacy updates due to the general absence of the Main dev. Also I chose to append "cck-opt" rather than delete "opt" from tags. Some use may come from leaving "opt" among the tags.

Also, I added the line "usedByMod = OPT_Legacy". I guess it's not necessary as the config has always worked well in gathering the Legacy parts too.

Yeah, a patch-only version would be better, just figured i'd share what I did in case it's useful. The one simplification that's (possibly, but almost certainly not) worthwhile is modifying the Regex to append cck-opt to the tags rather than searching for and replacing "OPT" with "OPT cck-opt", I guess. I think that's what your patch was doing, at any rate. It won't be different for CCK purposes in practice, but I guess in the event that there's not an "OPT" tag in one of the parts to begin with (which isn't the case, I don't think), it would still apply the tag. Not terribly important.

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7 hours ago, gilflo said:

I just realize that my last post should be in the OPT Showroom thread!! Sorry...if someone can move it there, no problem for me...

Cut and paste the contents. Easy. 

7 hours ago, gilflo said:

As a big OPT fan, I would like to know if adding additional Air intakes to a SSTO with J 61 engines will give more power at any altitude, knowing those engines have their own air intakes ?

Adding intakes only means you're less likely to flame out at high speed in thin air. It helps as th J-61's intake doesn't hold much IntakeAir. But eventually you will flameout, once you pass the engine's fixed operating ranges (air pressure or velocity). Things don't work the way you are asking for. :D 

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10 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Cut and paste the contents. Easy. 

Adding intakes only means you're less likely to flame out at high speed in thin air. It helps as th J-61's intake doesn't hold much IntakeAir. But eventually you will flameout, once you pass the engine's fixed operating ranges (air pressure or velocity). Things don't work the way you are asking for. :D 

Any chance to get more power faster as it could accelerate faster swallowing more air?

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9 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Have you tried the OPT WarpJets yet? :sticktongue: (Nuclear reactors not included)

Not yet, I tried the Dark Drive with liquid fuel and Oxygen, (don't need nuclear engines).  I feel like cheating because, with the same SSTO i got plenty of DV, once in orbit...!

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