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Realism Overhaul Discussion Thread


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7 minutes ago, FallenPhoenixRA said:

Hey just wondering what part of this mod makes the engines only able to fire for so long before failing?  I don't know if it is this mod specifically or another mod with it.  Please help ASAP.

That's TestFlight, a separate mod

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I built a close-ish replica of the Jupiter-120, a Shuttle-derived rocket from the DIRECT program, big difference being the modern Orion attached to it. (Side note: Are Wikipedia's stats on the Space Shuttle ET wrong? It says the LOX tank is 16.6m long but when I make it with the procedural parts it looks waaay too long. I found an 8m LOX tank looks much better...) (Also: Ignore the ugly environment shaders.)

I used Procedural Parts and SSTU










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i have a big problem with these plane contracts. i build a very basic one which can be seen here


but once i am on the rollway, the plane starts to "drift" to the left or the right when i take up speed (well in fact as soon as i pick up speed). is it related to my plane design, am i missing something here or is it the wheels? so far i wasnt much into rovers or planes at all, but i've read several times now that wheels made big problems?! i also tried tuning these traction settings on the wheels but to no avail (maybe i just didnt try hard enough though).


any help would be greatly appreciated

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It's the wheels. I suggest using the small retractable landing gear, they'll work better, and designing a fair bit more "plane" - you have a very, very minimal plane there and I'm betting it will have a very high takeoff speed. RP-0 recommends B9 Proc Wings (CrzyRndm's fork). Here's some example aircraft you might want to try replicating? They all handle fine. http://imgur.com/a/G6aOo

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On 6/27/2016 at 3:17 PM, Armarnis said:



i have a big problem with these plane contracts. i build a very basic one which can be seen here


but once i am on the rollway, the plane starts to "drift" to the left or the right when i take up speed (well in fact as soon as i pick up speed). is it related to my plane design, am i missing something here or is it the wheels? so far i wasnt much into rovers or planes at all, but i've read several times now that wheels made big problems?! i also tried tuning these traction settings on the wheels but to no avail (maybe i just didnt try hard enough though).


any help would be greatly appreciated

A Scott Manley special!  I had the same problem and will definitely try out NathanKell's suggestion to use the smaller wheels.


Love the mod, maybe now I can complete those delicious xplane contracts!

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(duplicate post in the other RO thread)

I'm working on updating another mod (QuizTechAeroPack) to 1.1.3.  turns out it needs some of the BDAnimationModujes (not the wheels or landing gear stuff).

I have a local copy of BD which is working, but was recently made aware that there is another version of the dll included with RO.  Since I don't want to create any conflicts or duplicate DLLs running around, I would like to either use yours (if it is readily available), or I'll have to change my local copy to be unique (which I don't want to do).

I sent a message to BahamutoD, but he doesn't seem to be around right now.

Can someone contact me about this?



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So I just launched my lunar flyby probe and noticed that electricity was draining even when the solar panels were generating electricity. I shut down everything I could think of except one antenna (so I could send commands to restart everything at the moon) but the resources tab still says that something is draining 0.15 units of electricity (I'm not sure if it's per second, minute or hour). Like I said, I shut down everything except that one antenna. Then I tried quick saving, shutting down the last antenna but the resources tab still said i was draining 0.15 units of electric charge. Any ideas?

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@intervenience yes there is a typo in their part.cfg for it, it has path RD0180 and it should be RD180. We will correct that on our side in the next release.


@TheEpic presumably you sent an Able avionics unit to the moon. It drains 0.15 EC/sec as its tooltip (in the part list in the VAB) says--150 watts. It is a guidance ring for upper stages, and is not suited for days-long probe missions.

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1 hour ago, NathanKell said:

@intervenience yes there is a typo in their part.cfg for it, it has path RD0180 and it should be RD180. We will correct that on our side in the next release.


@TheEpic presumably you sent an Able avionics unit to the moon. It drains 0.15 EC/sec as its tooltip (in the part list in the VAB) says--150 watts. It is a guidance ring for upper stages, and is not suited for days-long probe missions.


Well if he has at least 3 of the early extendable but non-retractible solar panels he should be fine.(forgot the name of the panels)  So he must not have them and have some of the static panels. The static panels are near worthless for anything bigger than a small LEO sat. The ST1 being the worst offender with 12.6 watts of power generation at 100% exposure.

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On the contrary, that is 12.6x the requirements of the Early Controllable Core, and even more-x the requirements of the Ranger Block I core. If you try sending things not meant to be probes, you're gonna have a bad time--that's not because the parts are worthless. :P

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3 hours ago, NathanKell said:

On the contrary, that is 12.6x the requirements of the Early Controllable Core, and even more-x the requirements of the Ranger Block I core. If you try sending things not meant to be probes, you're gonna have a bad time--that's not because the parts are worthless. :P


Well 3 of the early extendable panels should generate ~360 watts which should be enough for the able. Unless he is using crappy solar panels like I said before :P

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5 hours ago, NathanKell said:

Yes. And you get said panels at the point you get the Ranger Block I core, so why on earth would you be using an Able guidance ring of all things for a probe? :] (At least use a Delta ring or better yet Agena).

Right so I should use an Early Controllable Probe for my moon mission? Or Agena ring? Thanks :) 

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11 hours ago, NathanKell said:

Yes. And you get said panels at the point you get the Ranger Block I core, so why on earth would you be using an Able guidance ring of all things for a probe? :] (At least use a Delta ring or better yet Agena).

Oh. I thought maybe he had a large probe. My first film return sat used the able core. and ST2 solar panels. It lasted long enough to orbit a couple times before I decoupled it and sent the film back 

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Ok so I've used the ranger probe and 2 of the early controllable probes to make a 700kg moon flyby probe. It includes ~400 m/s of delta-v for course corrections. I am now stumped on how to go about making a lifter for my probe. Any ideas?

Edit: As a general guideline, I'd like the lifter to cost less than 10,000 funds, although above that threshold just a bit is ok. Also I'm assuming a restart able engine like the AJ-10 Mid for the TLI burn? Thanks in advance :)

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@TheEpicSquared It's a little hard to give you suggestions without knowing at what tech level you are (assuming you are playing career given you are worried about price). First of all, do you have any reason to build such a heavy probe? You could easily build a probe with plenty of scientific experiments and even a dish antenna with a single early controllable core, solar panels and some delta-v for in-course corrections (and even a orbital insertion maneuver). This would allow you to build a much smaller rocket.

If you want to use this large probe anyway, you will need a bigger rocket, but it's possible. Just use an agena guidance unit attached to a stage with enough delta-v for TLI (3200 m/s is enough). Below that, just build a LV that allows you to get to a parking orbit. If you are at the Basic Orbital node, you can choose to go american or soviet. I tend o build a R-7 like LV, with 2 or 4 boosters and a core-stage depending on my payload, and an RD-0105 or RD-0109 as upper stage. If you get the numbers right, the upper stage can use the Agena guidance for avionics, which saves weight and increases the upper stage efficiency.

Btw, if you are worried about price, only this set of three probe cores should get you above 5k credits IIRC.

Edited by leudaimon
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14 hours ago, leudaimon said:

@TheEpicSquared It's a little hard to give you suggestions without knowing at what tech level you are (assuming you are playing career given you are worried about price). First of all, do you have any reason to build such a heavy probe? You could easily build a probe with plenty of scientific experiments and even a dish antenna with a single early controllable core, solar panels and some delta-v for in-course corrections (and even a orbital insertion maneuver). This would allow you to build a much smaller rocket.

Yea I tried using only the early controllable probe but then I got an insufficient avionics warning. Apparently the early controllable probe can only control 200kg. But thanks for the advice! I'll try something when I get some free time

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2 hours ago, TheEpicSquared said:

Apparently the early controllable probe can only control 200kg.

Sure, but you can still do a lot with that. Especially if you don't use a dish (that is not necessary for a moon mission), you can get plenty of dV with 200kg.

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4 minutes ago, leudaimon said:

Sure, but you can still do a lot with that. Especially if you don't use a dish (that is not necessary for a moon mission), you can get plenty of dV with 200kg.

Yes, I just managed to squeeze out 550 m/s of delta v with that core. Your advice about the lifter is also helping.  I'll test it once ksp loads up again (the game crashed:P)

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