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I am wholly new to this amazing game(/sim?), and am having a blast(off)! I have deliberately avoided the sandbox, thus far (despite my 12-year old's preferences), and am playing 'through' in career mode - so I'm being exposed to the new technology capacities as a true Kerbal! <hums the Brunnen-G Fight Song> I nearly always play through new games in career/storyline fashion, and was completely unaware that this modality was a new feature, when I purchased the game a few weeks ago. Career truly rocks, thus far!

In any case, I am currently exploring the limited potentials of what I now see is a purposefully phased set of gear, while executing a desperate crew-rescue mission. My first reliable, multi-stage orbiters ultimately stranded Jebediah in distant solar orbit after a near Mun-miss; and he now cavorts in a cold,dead can with - presumably - a gross of Kerbal Bars and some magical source of O's. I check in on him, occasionally, while my research (enabling his rescue van) continues - and he seems happy enough, still. Ecstatic, actually. Maybe it's not O's he's subsisting on?

The similar tale of ]tfabris has also been very enlightening - though I've gone a somewhat different route, with my local program. I'll have many questions, I'm sure - I have thousands now! - but I've currently achieved Level III on everything, and Science to IV, because I needed the Lab(?!) to hasten the other lines of inquiry. Still can't figure out the batteries, the Comms unit, OR which way East is. Ever.

And my craft are wacky - but they're perfectly safe, I swear! That said: my current default orbital model reaches 10k atop four Rocko BACC solid boosters (+ four liquids, for steer) which throw up so much launch torque-spin I had to skew-mount 4 Sepratrons, placed at about 10:45, and firing in the initial stage, just to counter the crazy rotational forces. Weeeeee! This probably does explains why I'm always mis-placing East, tho'. And soon enough I will have gyros! And a better single-seater pod. For some reason. And if I had a build-tool wish-list req, it'd be for a stage-specific center-of-mass/thrust indicator.

But - wow - are multiple pods (for a rescue ship) even a possibility? How can I then land two? Orbit one, I'd guess - but how to stage ship #2? Is it even possible to do an EVA ship switch? Should I be using other common abbrev's? And why is Bill such a putz, anyway? Ooops...sorry...newb question flood....ack!

Anyway. Thanks for tolerating my too-ebullient greet & please do share any tips, help, support or deserved chastisements :)


***YO-WAY-YO / WAY-YO***

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Hello All.

New to Kerbal (paid) as of yesterday been playing with the demo for three days finally got paid and bought it :)

so much EPICNESS!!!

checked out sandbox and Scott Manley's youtube tutorials/ships learned some good stuff about orbital mechanics/how to meet another ship/station in orbit lots more to learn!

still cant land on the mun in career mode yet. keep running out of fuel... ill get there eventually. but enough jabbering I have Kerbals to smash into the mun!

Not to naysay or put down the hard work of the Devs but I have to say I much preferred the style of the old (white) buildings not that the new ones are bad just... I think the old ones match the feel of the game better. - just pitching my 2 useless cents into the wind :D

Launch Time! CRASH... Burn... die :(

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Hello everyone!

Being a cadet, fresh out of the Kerbal Academy with only a few crashed landers on the Mun to show off with, I decided to come here and join the ranks of the community. The only way I can master the arts of spacetravel is to learn from all the great brains on this forum. I have been screwing around in KSP for a few months now, and I'm starting to get the feel of it. I have been visiting this forum in the last few weeks and got some great inspiration from some of the members. In return I hope I can also contribute to this ever-growing community of Kerbanauts.

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I have lurked around these forums for a while now, and I decided to make an account so I could join the amazing community that is the KSP Forums. I have played the game for a while, but there are still some things I could learn. I hope that I can learn some things from these forums, and help others too.

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I wasn't sure if I should start a new thread or just post in this big one, so I'll just go with this one. Hey!

I'm starting to get better at the game after about 100 hours and I figured it would be a good time to see what goes on here. I'm looking forward to contributing (probably not much :wink:) and utilizing everything that other people post!

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Hi guys, my nick is IgnitionZer0 and my name is Fred. I'm 19 years old and I'm from Portugal.

My favorite hobbies are playing video games (duh!), listening to music (essentially Rock), watch movies, read mangas (japonese comics) and programming.

Nowadays I'm a college student and my playing time is kinda reduced.

All my life I loved physics and 2 weeks ago a friend of mine showed me this game, and I was "in love" with it. I've been playing a cracked version until today to try it out, and today I decided to buy it since this is such a good game and worth paying for it.

I'm still a noob in the game, but I'm a quick learner and I guess with time I'll be able to construct great and better rockets.

I hope I can learn with the experienced ones, and some day I can teach others too.

(I'm sorry for the double post, didn't know the posts had to be reviewed by a mod, I thought it was a bug)

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Hey all. I played Kerbal years ago when it was first released as (I think?) a pre-alpha tech demo, back when pretty much all you could do was get in orbit of Kerbin with some basic rocket parts. I've just now come back to it after buying it outright on Steam, and WOW has the game ever progressed. It's been consuming my life over the past few days.

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Hi everyone! Just wanted to say how excited I am to delve into this massive sim and all the tremendous things that can be done! As soon as I figure out what the heck I'm doing, that is...

Not even going to start into mods yet but that seems equally exciting!! Giddy giddy giddy!!! :sticktongue:

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Hello! I'm Vincent.

Absolutely love the game - Garry's Mod has nowhere near the forgiveness KSP does when it comes to center of mass and thrust, so I couldn't really do muchwth it. I heard about KSP from the Starmade community and decided to jump on board :P

I'm mostly into building cars/rovers, since I like the aesthetics, part placement challenge, and the sense of joy when I get the suspension just right.

I do wish there were sounds for the wheels spinning against different kinds of terrain though...

You'll be able to find me in the Exchange :P

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New here, Planning to actually upload a few crafts soon that I hope will be easy for new players to fly as well as just time wasting fun contraptions for maybe more experienced fliers.

- Kacey

[Edit] Small question.. Is there a post count lock on the avatar/signature features? :o

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Hello everyone, I've been playing KSP for the past three weeks and managed to unlock everything in career mode (thanks to MechJeb for interplanetary transfers). The game has been so enjoyable so far, it's really great. Now, I think I'll have a look at the challenge section in the forum and try to beat them while continuing my adventure into space. (I still have to rescue some folks I stranded on Duna :))

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So I have a question. I have downloaded the deadly reentry mod and placed the game data in the proper folders. I can find the heat shields in sandbox mode, but I can’t find them in Campaign mode. Did I do something wrong, or is it just not possible in campaign.

Any help would be great.


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