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KOSMOS 3/14/2015 RD-170 Family Released!

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BTW, on the URMP resizable tanks the lower stage tanks are using the thin double oxidizer line, you guys should switch them to the fat one like in the big non-resizable tanks.

Oops. Very likely a copy/paste error when setting it up. I've updated the example version on GitHub.

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Well hopefully we will have options to change them with a right click button in the future.

It is nice that someone realized that it is an Oxi line :D

The little details are a big part of the appeal of this pack for me :)

I always make sure that the Ox line feeds the Ox inlet on the engine...

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little report:

VA capsule and nearly all URM engines don't have textures. games tends to crash on start, maybe memory overflow. after diassabling every other mod, KOSMOS runs fine, but a bit laggy.

did you guys accidently upload the OLD kosmos mod? because i can't see any improvment and the textures of teh Salyut/TKS parts look like the old ones and not like the shiny new ones in your new pictures.

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little report:

VA capsule and nearly all URM engines don't have textures. games tends to crash on start, maybe memory overflow. after diassabling every other mod, KOSMOS runs fine, but a bit laggy.

did you guys accidently upload the OLD kosmos mod? because i can't see any improvment and the textures of teh Salyut/TKS parts look like the old ones and not like the shiny new ones in your new pictures.

The mod uses .tga textures, that right now have loading bugs with the stock loader. Either:

a) use Active texture management, that should also alleviate memory problems and whose loader isn't bugged

b)grab DDS loader and convert your texture to .DDS. There is a tool in the tool and apps section of the forum. Hope it helps.

@Cbbp: You should consider to remove the deprecated folder of the old URM tanks in a separate folder with a REDAME with instructions on install for compatibility, as they kind of overshadow MoarDV plugin and still clutter the part list...

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not like the shiny new ones in your new pictures.

They're exactly the models & textures I used to make the pictures. Admittedly they were made at 2560x1440 with everything turned to max (plus KSPRC v1.9 on top) and then downsampled to 720P for making the OP images

You should consider to remove the deprecated folder of the old URM tanks in a separate folder with a REDAME with instructions on install for compatibility, as they kind of overshadow MoarDV plugin and still clutter the part list...

That's my bad, I forget to set category = -1 on those so they are still 'available' (doesn't break saves) but not visible in the VAB.

While this is fixed for the next release, you can either delete the Legacy folder out of the URM directory (if you have no flights in progress using them) or set set category = -1 in those configs in the meantime

Bug report!: Using revert to launch makes the VA pod have some form of rescaling glitch.

Also now fixed for the next release

Edited by NoMrBond
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Is there going to be an update with bug fixes soon?

All the issues that have been brought up (excluding TGA textures) seem to be fixed

If there's nothing further by tomorrow I'll roll up some new packages

Issues so far can be fixed locally via config editing, if you would like instructions for applying a specific fix to your own install please let me know

Edited by NoMrBond
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I realy love the Kosmos Balka Solar Wings Block, they reduce my part count, produce a huge amount of power and track the sun on 2 axes.

However they are so good that I'm started to wonder if the Kosmos Balka Solar Wings Block ( The huge solar panels) aren't Over Powered.

Let's compare them with existing Solar Panels. Let's say, you wanted to create 400 E/s of energy with static solar panels using either stock OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels or Near Future PX-STAT 1x4 Photovoltaic Trusssolar panels (12 E/s with mass 0.08 ), it will cost you ((400 / 12)* 0.08) = 2.6666 mass in static solar panels to generate.

Now let's compare this with Kosmos Balka Solar Wings Block which only weigts 1 ton, therefore it is 2.666 times as mass efficient with the added bosus of build in sun tracking to the sun on 2 axes!!!

Although they only start become avaialble with Eperimental Electrics, they still they seem a bit Over Powered, as 4 will generate as much power as Nuclear reactor without with the heavy weigth, radiation, waste heat and nuclear fuel requirements.

Of, cource the biggest disadvantage of solar power remains which is in the darkness they don't produce any power. But this can be compensated with enough watersplitters and fuel cells and a simple kOS scipt. This however does cost a fair amount of weight so in the end it is break even I think.

This wouldn't be nessisary for orbits around the sun as would always be able to procude maximum power. Poptentialy it can procude a lot more energie if sending it closer to the sun. In the future I hope to send to Microwave station in low orbit around the sun, producing 10x as much power and transmitting it to my spacescraft.

Edited by FreeThinker
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I never balanace anything :)

... 30k downloads on it's second day? That is insane.

O_O wow. So much for the "probably not so much people care for this..." insanity you were saying on the old thread :P

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I never balanace anything :)

... 30k downloads on it's second day? That is insane.

Those numbers aren't actually accurate, unfortunately. Kerbal Stuff apparently has problems with registering download managers as several hundred or thousand downloads.

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That's too bad, but if you consider the number of phantom downloads to be around the samefor every mod, the URM pack has still 1/7 of the download of the top one, FAR, which is still pretty crazy...

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All the issues that have been brought up (excluding TGA textures) seem to be fixed

If there's nothing further by tomorrow I'll roll up some new packages

Issues so far can be fixed locally via config editing, if you would like instructions for applying a specific fix to your own install please let me know

Will the TGA textures be addressed?

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