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How do you think upgrades work on buildigns


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We know buildings will be upgrade-able but I'm wondering what effect each upgrade will have on each building.

My best guesses are:

VAB/SPH: You could have a part limit per build that increases

Research center: You only get the partial research tree and unlock parts of it

Hiring complex: raising the experience of the kerbals you can hire

Admin building: Unlocking strategies

Radar: Increasing distance you can detect objects

Launch pad: Size and weight it can carry

I don't know how else it would work. Any ideas?

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VAB = rocket height (and width but probably to a massively lesser extent). Essentially, you can't build a rocket that won't fit in the building.

SPH = airplane width and length (and height but probably to a massively lesser extent). Essentially, you can't build a plane that won't fit in the building.

Research Center = Unlocks whole tiers for ability to research. Maybe only through tier 2 in the barn, but tiers 3 and 4 become available on level 2. Etc.

Astronaut Complex = Changes how Kerbal Experience works. Your guys don't get better over time on the farm, but in higher tiers they start gaining XP and then whatever that does.

Admin Building = Tier 1, you get one administrator (your choice) who has one available strategy (again your choice). Tier 2, that administrator's other choice unlocks AND you get to hire a new administrator. Repeat through all tiers.

Tracking Station = Distance you can see in the all new map mode with limited knowledge that won't ever happen.

Launch Pad/Runway = Vehicle mass capable of being launched (and in those rare cases you stick it, landed)

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Best guess. Buildings will be harder to burn down.

VAB/SPH May or may not reduce costs and may nor may not have a size you can work in (part count seems silly).

Admin building might allow more stratagies.

Contract one: Should get better higher risk contracts.

Astronut complex: Possibly how many Kerbals you can have hired to how they are trained and what traits they get.

Tracking Center: What you can track and how many roids you can track/spot and how far away it can track/spot.

Pad and Runway: How much damage they can sustain to how big a craft you can put on it before it goes boom.

R&D: Possibly what tech level to maybe how much said stuff costs to reasurch.

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  Cmdr. Arn1e said:
I wonder, if you destroy a building (accidentally or on-purpose) will you have the tier 1 when you rebuild and have to upgrade it again, or will it rebuild to the level you've got it to?

This could cause some interesting gameplay all on it's own!

Id like to see a "Rebuild as Tier 1 for $100000" "Rebuild as Tier 2 for $1000000" "Rebuild as Tier 3 for $10000000" so that if you are short on funds but need the building you can rebuild smaller and work your way back up. But if you are rolling in cash then you can go right for the Tier you were at before.

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VAB: Craft height most likely.

SPH: Something similar.

Runway: Wider/longer, more sturdy.

Launchpad: Ability to support launch clamps, more sturdy. (Clou: First step indestructable, just a patch of sand?)

Admin: Availability of administrators/strategies, number thereof and active slots

Research: Ability to receive transmitted science and/or usable amount of not physically returned data, some parts/tech-nodes depending on building level

Tracking: Range for controlling probe cores and/or receiving science data, range/number of trackable asteroids, visibility of outer planets

Astronauts: Number of active astronauts (training facilities, available crew to monitor life signs, family quarters, etc.), available starting level for newly hired astronauts (casino, pool - snobby pilots ... :P ), availability of training options (depends on how crew training will work)

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All good ideas, but I think Squad will go with something simpler. Given the previous systems revealed for the administration building and kerbal experience, building upgrades will likely give "buffs":

  • VAB/SPH: Reduced part costs.
  • Launchpad/runway: Reduced launch costs.
  • Tracking station: Increased science transmission value.
  • Research center: Reduced science cost for researching nodes.
  • Astronaut complex: New kerbals have a higher experience level.
  • Mission control: Missions give higher rewards.
  • Administration building: Lower setup cost for strategies.

I really hope they don't go this route. There is far more potential for gameplay in the ideas expressed in this thread than in fiddling with the numbers we already have.

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Increasing costs to repair/rebuild/upgrade at differing levels

VAB/SPH (best VAB/SPH=sandbox)

Height/length limit

reduced thrust

reduced ISP

increased dry weight


weight limit on pad/runway

increasing time to repair pad after launch with increasing weight

Tracking Station

Ability to control craft further away from KSC

increase in number of craft possible to track


increase strength of policies

increase number of policies active at one time

astronaut complex

increase number of crew on roster at any one time


increase tech tier possible to research

decrease cost to research node with upgrade


increase contract importance/returns

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In my opinion, to add to the suggested options, considering how the Spaceplane Hangar and the Runway are absent in the pictures showcasing Farmer Space Program starring Billy Klington Kerman the Cow Herder who flings fireworks into the edge of Flat Kerbin's skies(sorry, I cannot resist) I guess they won't be able to be purchased at all in Tier 1, or at least you don't start out with them in a new career save file.

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VAB/SPH: My suspicion has been that there might be restrictions on what parts you are allowed to use. For example, you might have to upgrade in order to use the larger diameter rocket parts. This could give players an incentive to get by with smaller rockets and planes to avoid paying to upgrade until more money is available.

Pad/Runway: While the VAB and SPH may well restrict the size of vehicle that can be built, it seems likely that the pad and runway will also set limits. There might be a set limit on how much a rocket or plane is allowed to weigh.

Tracking Station: This one is open to some speculation. It seems clear from the appearance of the tier 1 tracking station that it has very limited capabilities. In principle, this should prevent you from tracking and communicating with a spacecraft beyond a certain distance from the KSC. The question is what the consequences of this might be. Causing the spacecraft to be "lost" if it flies too far away seems harsh (especially for any kerbals on board). The most likely consequence is that you can still fly the spacecraft, but you can't transmit science back to the KSC beyond a certain distance. Contracts could also be affected; how does anyone know whether you planted that flag on the Mun or not?

Admin Building: There might be a restriction on how much commitment you can choose for each policy. This creates the dilemma of whether to activate early at a low level of commitment, or wait until you can afford a higher tier admin building later on. Remember that there are no refunds, so you probably wouldn't want to pay to activate a policy more than once if you can avoid doing so.

Astronaut Complex: A better complex should be able to provide better training facilities. I expect that upgrading will raise the "level cap" for your kerbonauts.

R&D: This will most likely restrict what tech tree tiers are available, which would give an incentive to try to get by with lower tech parts until more money is available to upgrade.

Mission Control: More complex missions require a more complex control centre.

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