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The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network (CKAN) Package Manager; v1.18.0 [19 June 2016]


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Hrm...under Ubuntu 12.04 using

$ mono --version

Mono JIT compiler version (Debian

Copyright © 2002-2011 Novell, Inc, Xamarin, Inc and Contributors. www.mono-project.com

TLS: __thread

SIGSEGV: altstack

Notifications: epoll

Architecture: amd64

Disabled: none

Misc: softdebug

LLVM: supported, not enabled.

GC: Included Boehm (with typed GC and Parallel Mark)

I get an error upon trying to launch ckan.exe

$ mono ckan.exe

System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer doesn't implement interface System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize


at CKAN.Main.InitializeComponent () <0x011b7>

at CKAN.Main..ctor (string[],CKAN.GUIUser,bool) <0x00257>

at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) CKAN.Main..ctor (string[],CKAN.GUIUser,bool) <0xffffffff>

at CKAN.GUI.Main_ (string[],bool) <0x000ff>

at CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass.Gui (CKAN.CmdLine.GuiOptions,string[]) <0x00023>

at CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass.Main (string[]) <0x00143>

at (wrapper runtime-invoke) <Module>.runtime_invoke_int_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0xffffffff>

Native stacktrace:

mono() [0x4916ba]

/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0xfcb0) [0x7fe92ece6cb0]

/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x35) [0x7fe92e94f0d5]

/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x17b) [0x7fe92e95283b]

mono() [0x5ca04f]

mono() [0x5ca0d2]

mono() [0x493300]

mono() [0x493a94]


Debug info from gdb:

Could not attach to process. If your uid matches the uid of the target

process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try

again as the root user. For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf

ptrace: Operation not permitted.

No threads.


Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates

a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries

used by your application.


Aborted (core dumped)

I did remember to install libcurl4-openssl-dev and to run mozroots --import --ask-remove

Any advice?

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Could not attach to process. If your uid matches the uid of the target

process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try

again as the root user. For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf

ptrace: Operation not permitted.

Tried setting ptrace_scope to 0. This didn't allow the program to run (although I got *different* errors). Also tried running with sudo, but no luck with that either.

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Perhaps I am doing something wrong, but all I receive for my persistence is: Connection to https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta/archive/master.tar.gz could not be established. (&) Repository successfully updated.

However, nothing is viewable: no mod nor information upon the manage mods tab. I downloaded the ckan.exe; if I require netkan.exe to link to the internet, where is the download link?

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CKAN v1.14.0 aka Mimas released!

Changes since v1.12.0:


  • [GUI] The CKAN client is less likely to believe that all mods are new when auto-updating metadata is enabled. (Postremus, #1369)
  • [GUI] The latest CKAN-available version of a mod is always shown in the 'latest' column, even if that mod is not compatible with the installed KSP version. (Postremus, #1396)
  • [GUI] Pressing a key with an empty modlist will no longer crash the client. (Postremus, #1329)
  • [GUI] The 'mark for update' button no longer highlights when the only upgrade candidates are autodetected mods we can't actually upgrade. (Postremus, #1392)
  • [Core] Installing from .ckan files (such as exported modlists) is more likely to succeed even when dependencies are complex. (#1337, Postremus)
  • [Cmdline] ckan.exe --verbose and ckan.exe --debug now start the GUI with the appropriate logging mode. (#1403, Postremus)
  • [updater] We'll no longer try to download a CKAN release that hasn't finished building its assets yet.


  • [GUI] Updates to the text of some buttons, and change the check mark from blue to green. (plague006, #1352)
  • [GUI] The main display shows the download size if known. (Postremus, #1399)
  • [GUI] Suggested and recommended mods can now be (de)selected with a single click. (martinnj, #1398)
  • [GUI] Mods can be searched by their abbreviation, which we generate by taking the first letter of each word in the title. For example, KIS will match Kerbal Inventory System. (Postremus, #1394)
  • [GUI] The side metadata panel and its elements can now be resized. (martinnj, #1378)
  • [GUI] Mod filters will no longer reset to 'compatible' each time the client is opened. (Postremus, #1384)
  • [GUI] The repository list no longer has weird numbers visible that we only use internally, and may eventually remove. (Postremus, #1393)


  • [Core] Additional tests against autodetected mods in the RelationshipResolver. (Postremus and pjf, #1226 and #1355)
  • [GUI] Removed a spurious warning when building. (pjf, #1343)
  • [NetKAN] Reading of information from .version files greatly improved, especially when mixing metadata from other sources like github and kerbalstuff. (dbent, #1299)
  • [Core] Files can now be installed to saves/scenarios using the Scenarios target. (pjf, #1360)
  • [spec] Grammar corrections. (Postremus, #1400)
  • [NetKAN] Files produced by netkan.exe have more stable field ordering. (dbent, #1304)
  • [NetKAN] netkan.exe can use regexps to manipulate version strings. (dbent, #1321)
  • [GUI] Refactoring to remove duplicated code. (Postremus, #1362)


  • Windows users must have .NET 4.5 installed.
  • Linux users, please apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev or yum install libcurl-devel if you have not already done so.
  • Mac/Linux/Mono users: please mozroots --import --ask-remove if you're a new user, to update mono's certificate store.

Edited by pjf
Formatting fixes
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Forgive me for not reading all 184 pages but a search didn't come up with my question.

Is it possible to add support for individual parts? So you can go into a parts pack and see a list of them and delete parts from within CKAN? Or, lets say you want to install only the electric prop from firespitter but nothing else? I know you can do it manually but having a GUI to do it would be nice. I put a suggestion a year ago in the stock suggestions forum but it got no love.

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I have problems updating FAR (here: Goldstein version)

CKAN likes to have the files present for deletion: Could not find a part of the path "home/xxx/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/Ships/@Thumbs/VAB/FAR Shuttle 'Montauk'.png"

Ok, this file is a thumb, a temporarily file. It might not be present. Demanding its existance is unfortunate...

It would be nice, that if CKAN likes to delete old content, it simply issues a delete statement and doesn't look wether the file is present or not.

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This is an awesome tool.

I am currently having one issue. I have installed Planetshine, but even though it says 1.0.4 is the latest version supported, when I start KSP there is a message saying that Planetshine is only compatible up to 1.0.2.

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  Major SNAFU said:
This is an awesome tool.

I am currently having one issue. I have installed Planetshine, but even though it says 1.0.4 is the latest version supported, when I start KSP there is a message saying that Planetshine is only compatible up to 1.0.2.

That is because the mod isn't updated for 1.0.4, but it works fine in 1.0.4.

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Scatterer has released a new version (0.0175) a couple days ago, and it's not yet available in CKAN, so I thought I'd mention it here. I take it that Scatterer does not (yet) have native CKAN support to be picked up automatically.

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  Sput42 said:
Scatterer has released a new version (0.0175) a couple days ago, and it's not yet available in CKAN, so I thought I'd mention it here. I take it that Scatterer does not (yet) have native CKAN support to be picked up automatically.

the netkan-bot made a new file for 0.0175


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Well I'm having a problem with tryign to load a plugin list I saved earlier today, because I had not updated all my mods before Uninstalling them, but had saved the list, When I try to update, it tries to call the -spesific- version of the Kerbinside mod, when it has been updated, and refuses to download any of the mod list, because "This is a more recent version of a mod, for the same version of the game" though I don't think this should be a problem.... But it is a pain because I had a -ton- of mods working together.

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  Carraux said:
CKAN likes to have the files present for deletion: Could not find a part of the path "home/xxx/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/Ships/@Thumbs/VAB/FAR Shuttle 'Montauk'.png"

It would be nice, that if CKAN likes to delete old content, it simply issues a delete statement and doesn't look wether the file is present or not.

Does this actually stop the uninstall/upgrade from going ahead? AFAIK if a file is already gone we warn about it, but otherwise continue on. However if that's causing an actual error (and the "Could not find a part of the path" is telling here), then I'm guessing somehow part of the `Ships/@Thumbs/VAB/...` is missing. Older CKAN versions could remove directories in @Thumbs by accident, and while v1.14.0 no longer has that bug, we don't yet have a KSP health check that will replace directories we're expecting. We should fix that.

Scatterer has released a new version (0.0175) a couple days ago, and it's not yet available in CKAN, so I thought I'd mention it here. I take it that Scatterer does not (yet) have native CKAN support to be picked up automatically.

This looks like our classic gotcha where a mod author flips between having a leading`v` on their version numbers or not, which the CKAN considers to be significant. I've updated the indexer with that knowledge, so you should see the new version next time it runs. (Provided my change passes code review.)

Well I'm having a problem with tryign to load a plugin list I saved earlier today, because I had not updated all my mods before Uninstalling them, but had saved the list, When I try to update, it tries to call the -spesific- version of the Kerbinside mod, when it has been updated, and refuses to download any of the mod list, because "This is a more recent version of a mod, for the same version of the game" though I don't think this should be a problem.... But it is a pain because I had a -ton- of mods working together.

Could you clarify a little here? The export "CKAN metadata" function exports everything you have installed, along with their exact versions. It's designed so you can faithfully reproduce the exact same install on another machine. The export "CKAN favourite list" is a lot more relaxed; it doesn't export the exact versions, and it marks everything as a "recommends", meaning you can install the same mods, but you'll get the latest version, and you can unselect mods you don't like. The second is probably more user-friendly, so we may switch that to be the default.

If you want all the mods you've installed, but don't want to care about them being the exact same version, you can modify the exported .ckan file to remove the version requirements, although the CKAN can be finnicky with the file format so you'll need to be careful with trailing commas. Alternatively if you send me a PM with a link or copy to the file, I can use my coding superpowers to send you back a version-independent version that I hope will bring you happiness. :)

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  pjf said:
Does this actually stop the uninstall/upgrade from going ahead? AFAIK if a file is already gone we warn about it, but otherwise continue on. However if that's causing an actual error (and the "Could not find a part of the path" is telling here), then I'm guessing somehow part of the `Ships/@Thumbs/VAB/...` is missing. Older CKAN versions could remove directories in @Thumbs by accident, and while v1.14.0 no longer has that bug, we don't yet have a KSP health check that will replace directories we're expecting. We should fix that.

Yes, the update is cancelled. At least, on my computer. And if this happens, CKAN's window cannot either be minimzed or closed (app close), but runs fine otherwise (this under Linux, dunno about Windows).

FAR delivers a lot of sample ships. I (and a lot of others) remove them after installation because they clutter the load dialog in SPH/VAB. They are not neccessary for the mod. Upon or update or removal, It would be glad if CKAN could simply remove the old files/directory without checking them, wether they present or not. Otherwise someone has to reinstall this files manually to get them deleted by CKAN...

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  xtoro said:
Forgive me for not reading all 184 pages but a search didn't come up with my question.

Is it possible to add support for individual parts? So you can go into a parts pack and see a list of them and delete parts from within CKAN? Or, lets say you want to install only the electric prop from firespitter but nothing else? I know you can do it manually but having a GUI to do it would be nice. I put a suggestion a year ago in the stock suggestions forum but it got no love.

This isn't currently possible, there is an old plugin for CKAN which did this but it hasn't been upgraded in quite some time and does not function with newer versions. I personally use AutoPruner for partremoval but I'm afraid that doesn't come with a gui.

  zeropositivo said:
Howdy, a small question for you

When a modmaker suggests a full folder delete and reinstall for a mod update, does CKAN do that automatically, or would it be better to do it manually?

Just wondering

Thanks for everything!

It is never advisable, ever, to manual do things with mods added through CKAN. As for your question yes CKAN removes the old and installs the new one upon upgrading from version x -> x+1 :)

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