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[1.12.x] Community Tech Tree (July 3)


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It took me a while though, I reinstall MM and also all mods (with MM as depedency). I also check CCT depedency (it was MM 4.0.0 on CKAN). Then I rollback the MM, *poof* problem solved.

27 minutes ago, Sidereus said:

I have the same bug as Dr Gaming and gaoraound_ran. I didn't know it was due to MM updating, though; I had just updated my R&D fascility, and I thought that's what borked it. :lol:


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  • 4 weeks later...

I am curious about the tech tree node co-ordinate system. I noticed, when looking at the CTT code, that the tech tree uses a co-ordinate system which is unusual to me in two ways: firstly, that it is a three-dimensional system for a two-dimensional screen, and secondly, that writing a patch to move a node to co-ordinates (0,0,0) places it so far below the screen that it is impossible (with otherwise-stock settings) to zoom out far enough to see it. I am struggling to find any documentation that explains these co-ordinates, so I am wondering if you could direct me to some.

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5 hours ago, Kerble said:

Question: Will you be updating it to support your other mod, Mk4 Spaceplane Parts? 

It's actually done the other way around: Mods need to support the Community TechTree (CTT) and in this case, MK4 Spaceplane Parts already got a config for this, which should be applied as soon as you install CTT ;)

Edited by 4x4cheesecake
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34 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

It's actually done the other way around: Mods need to support the Community TechTree (CTT) and in this case, MK4 Spaceplane Parts already got a config for this, which should be allpied as soon as you install CTT ;)

Ah, I see! 

Thanks for the info! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 3/12/2019 at 8:01 AM, BigBGuse said:

I could use some Troubleshooting help I have CTT mod installed as well as many of your near future mods but the parts don't show up on the modded tech tree. any suggestions on how to fix this @Nertea

Uh sorry I totally missed this one. Need more information to solve it though.


CTT 3.3.7

  • Qualified for 1.7.x
  • Added French translation

Looks like CurseForge doesn't have 1.7 yet so that download isn't updated, which broke some stuff. Spacedock should be fine though. 

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7 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

@Nertea Notice that many of the links in supported mods list are broken

Thanks for letting me know, this must have gone unnoticed since the forum broke that one time and randomly deleted a bunch of threads. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

After updating a few mods, I started to notice designs I already made in career mode are no longer valid, showing an error about unavalible experimental parts.  One I have been focused on is the JX-STAT 1x4 Photovoltaic Truss, a part in Near Future Solar.  I have Electrics researched, and it shows the truss in that tree node, but when I search for the part when building its not listed unless I unlock all tech via the cheat menu.

Images of this disconnect are at  https://imgur.com/a/NcLgQlz

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В дереве технологий есть ОШИБКА !!! После изучения одной технологии "Продвинутая солнечная техника" не появится кнопка !!! Я пытался вставить скриншот но так и не понял как это сделать.

[English translation]
There is an ERROR in the technology tree !!! After studying one technology "Advanced Solar Technology" button will not appear !!! I tried to insert a screenshot but did not understand how to do it.

Edited by James Kerman
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Welcome to the forum @Vadym.

Unfortunately this forum is English only outside of the international sub forums. To add an picture you must use an image hosting service like imgur, and then link to it here.

[Russian translation]
Добро пожаловать на форум Vadym. К сожалению, этот форум только на английском за пределами международных подфорумов. Чтобы добавить изображение, вы должны использовать сервис хостинга изображений, например imgur, а затем ссылку на него здесь.

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I think the problem is that you need to upgrade the research and development building before you can unlock that technology. Once again you can use a translation service like google translate to communicate if you would like to comment in the general forum.

[Russian translation]
Я думаю, проблема в том, что вам нужно обновить здание для исследований и разработок, прежде чем вы сможете разблокировать эту технологию. Еще раз вы можете использовать службу перевода, такую как Google Translate, чтобы общаться, если вы хотите оставить комментарий на общем форуме.

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