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WIP - Environmental Visual Enhancements Development


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that was happening to me because of realchutes and sdhi docking ports.it was resolved for me with the latest sdhi experimental download. generally speaking I was told that this happens cause of

realchute being incompatible with some mod that it is dependant on it.

Strangely enough it never happened again after I uninstalled EVE and CRS... It was probably the Phoenix CRS mod or just an "anomaly".

Also, where is the SDHI experimental download? I can't find it :(

Edited by Hoddd9000
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This is one of the least important questions of all time, but I'm going to ask anyway:

Once this amazing redux of EVE is finished, will it be released into the old thread, or will a new one be made?

From my understanding, almost everything about the mod is completely different now, so that might make some sense.

Anyway, I'd just been wondering. I've never actually seen a cat that died from curiosity.

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Hey rbray, I love your work! Go at your own pace, let yourself have fun, and never try to force yourself to do this stuff. If you left now and never looked back, you still did great things for the KSP community.

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Hey rbray, this is the EVE GUI bug I was talking about before - see the variable titles..WUNlriy.png

Also you can see in the background of this, there appears to be no way to alter the fade out altitude of the portion of the atmosphere above the horizon; only the 'ground haze'. I don't think atmosphere height makes any difference (http://imgur.com/ryfw5oz).

Thanks again though, I have been vaguely getting the hang of some variables and in stock KSP :P



Edited by pingopete
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Liking the progress of the new EVE rbray and Co.. Keep it steady man! :)

As a side note, ever thought of taking some ideas from the creator of the Scatterer mod?

I've tried the mod and although it is very wip, it shows some promising effects. This combined with the great clouds and other effects of EVE would just be...GPU/face-meltingly amazing! :)

EDIT: TBH I just got a 970 from an old 660 and moar RAM, so I could be just bias in wanting better effects now huehue :D

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Liking the progress of the new EVE rbray and Co.. Keep it steady man! :)

As a side note, ever thought of taking some ideas from the creator of the Scatterer mod?

I've tried the mod and although it is very wip, it shows some promising effects. This combined with the great clouds and other effects of EVE would just be...GPU/face-meltingly amazing! :)

EDIT: TBH I just got a 970 from an old 660 and moar RAM, so I could be just bias in wanting better effects now huehue :D

rbray is pretty active in the Scatterer thread and helps out blackrack a ton. In fact, rbray, blackrack, Proot, shay, and a bunch of others work closely together to give us an amazing visual experience in KSP, some glorious day in the future. It's actually really nice to see the main modders involved in visual stuff cooperating on that level.

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Why is my atmosphere extending up to somewhere 120-150kms? I mean visual part. Don't have a screenshot unfortunately, but staying in 100km orbit looks real weird.

ALso, the KSC has some problems with lightning:


Would be nice to have an option to disable all the lightning and fog effects in this mod. Even at this stage Scatterer deals with that better. It isn't compatible with opengl tho...

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I love this update! However, I found some bugs.

- On linux (ubuntu) 64 bit, alt-e seems to do nothing.

- At night, the ground is completely black.

- The Sun appears as a huge red blob in the sky.

I hope someone helps me with these, and thanks again for the mod! :D

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I believe it is actually mod+e, which is alt-e on Windows but Rshift-e on Linux.

I've noticed your other issues, too, remember that this is a work in progress and some bugs are to be expected while being developed. :)

Unfortunately, RightShift-E does nothing either :(

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Well in the current release of EVE the hot-key is Alt+N; in Linux being Alt+Right-Shift+N. I thought in the new dev version it was changed to E as suggested above. Maybe someone can shed further light on this.

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Well in the current release of EVE the hot-key is Alt+N; in Linux being Alt+Right-Shift+N. I thought in the new dev version it was changed to E as suggested above. Maybe someone can shed further light on this.

Does nothing :(

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