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WIP - Environmental Visual Enhancements Development


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I'm using it in a winx64 and x86 installs and have had no issue with performance. I would like to know a way to lessen or remove the red halo of the sun through the atmo. But it certainly isn't a deal breaker.

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  Ork said:
I love these mods.

I play at high res (not max) with around 55 mods plus EVE and still smile at launch.


Standard settings.


Lots of clouds; I like clouds :)


Combined with some nice textures and OMG!


Just after launch.

Lovely textures (from RSS mod, thnx Pingopete etc), cities and yes... purple oceans. ;)


Really thickly stacked clouds give a sense of the dramatic during ascent.


Pretty at night too.


How can anyone not fall in love with the look of this game?

I run on a 5 year old PC.

Windows 7, integrated graphics, 4gig RAM.

Not far off max graphics with near on 60 mods.

For me, this is only possible because of a little program called ReShade+SweetFX.

I don't know how it does it, I think it uses magic or unicorns or something, either way it now allows me to run KSP the way I've always wanted to; and it's glorious! :D

I have a problem. When I apply the "Mod" the soil from the base stays without texture, without color, all an all black emptiness.

I would like to because he saw images of this companion, but not is very well that I should download.

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test number ....


A. I use your original texture what was came with your zip file, but i remove all DDS & let only png coz i want to be sure is working with default texture, let png & dds same fille in same time not good idea for testing

B. I use your original config file single thing done i rename planet name Kerbin > Earth

C. RSS v.10.1 + Kopernicus 0.2.2 + Your last update (rest mod are irrelevant my be DistantObject or AmbientLightAdjustment it can matter but i doubts)


1. -force-d3d11 -popupwindow %command%

- all texture are pink: ocean, cloud, terrain, you not want to see screenshot is horrible

- all is fine only in Tracking station or in space view, if u are in orbit press > m < keyboard

2. -force-opengl -popupwindow %command%"

- texture are blurry, fuzzy, or similar with screenshot what i post in previous post

- all is fine only in Tracking station or in space view, if u are in orbit press > m < keyboard

3. in all cases it require to open Eve Manager & press apply button once

4. i was try to make a test run game -popupwindow %command% = nooo way 3.8 g ram > not even succeed to load full game > crash end test

Conclusion: PQS mapping working fine but now shader fail to (or something)... BUT what i not get it way ze <beeeep insert many beeep> all is fine ONLY in Tracking station & in space view

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  rbray89 said:
RAM-wise, yes it should be MUCH better, but I've seen plenty of comments saying that frame-rate was heavily impacted.

My FPS is fine-ish, but some folks may be running at settings which their CPU/GPU can't handle I suppose.

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Hi rbray

Here is new video with your latest Overhaul version. Lots of pros for the clouds and a few bugs in the terrain manager. First scene is the main menu and the terminator looks awesome. For the main menu the _MainTex is being applied but if you closely you will see a netting look to the surface. This is due to the _midTex being applied while in scaled space.

The next set of bugs in from orbit. My initial orbit is high enough that scaled space is being rendered. If you look the _midTex is being applied here as well to the entire global. Even the oceans have this texture applied. The _MainTex is not being applied in scaled space. Now with the clouds having shadows makes it seem so real. It is just WOW.

Next test was de-orbiting. The cloud effects are just incredible. As my altitude declined you can see the clouds go from plain white to a gradual fade in of the details from the _DetailTex. I assume that _DetailDist controls when this fades in. If I reading the code right it appears to be equal to 1/(distance from surface). Only bug I see is the sharp change when going from scaled space to PQS. It turns a bright blue color. At 40K the details _DetailTex are really pronounced.

The layerVolume is based your default since when I tested it the behavior of the clouds was most like stratus type clouds. Since I'm testing a stratus configuration I made the clouds gray. Will test cumulus type clouds once I figure how to form them. The clouds during landing were just perfect.

Edited by jsimmons
place video in proper place
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So I've been testing out all these new features you've been adding and it's looking fantastic already, I was so exited to find bump maps and multiple texture levels!

I had some fairly significant bugs that I noticed while testing (RSS/Linux 64)

The terrain config is different from that in game, with the original scaled space texture options. GUI changed to terrain don't make any difference in game and don't write to the configs but atmosphere changes do?

Detail shadows look absolutely stunning and your work on volumtrics is great! I did notice however that there was some lag on the shadows when moving the camera, plus a performance drop, but then it was shadowing a 4k texture :P

As mentioned by JS, the new texture system lacks control for scale and normals of those other than midTex, but I'm sure you knew that already.

All round these changed make me exited as hell for EVE development, already soo much potential! :D

BTW, what variable can I use to alter the vertical scale of the atmospheres for larger planets (RSS-Earth) I can't 'condense' the upwards horizon haze it fades out at about 300km? I recal you saying something about the scale being determined by DensityVisibilityBase, and you using the planets diameter or something but I couldn't quite remember how to get the value for it..

Thanks again for all your work on this recently!

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Remember guys that Rbray has probably seen all these issues already and they are all just the early stepping stones of an awesome WIP eve. Please correct me if I ever say anything wrong though. ^-^

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  pingopete said:

those clouds doe...

Nice work rbray, you got cloud shadows working pretty nicely!

EDIT: And also thanks pingo for tracking the progress nicely and for all your value-tweaking HD-eye-watering wizardry

Edited by samhuk
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Hi rbray

Some time I go I told you about the strange artifacts when attempting to simulate cumulus clouds. I created a video demonstrating the artifacts I'm seeing. If you need my configuration I can send it to you.

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  jsimmons said:
Hi rbray

Some time I go I told you about the strange artifacts when attempting to simulate cumulus clouds. I created a video demonstrating the artifacts I'm seeing. If you need my configuration I can send it to you.

The configuration would help. I'm really curious about what is going on there :)

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  jsimmons said:
Hi rbray

Some time I go I told you about the strange artifacts when attempting to simulate cumulus clouds. I created a video demonstrating the artifacts I'm seeing. If you need my configuration I can send it to you.

May I give my humble opinion here?

Seems like your are using the clouds sizes like before the last revision of the cloud system.

But now sizes seem to work different than before: the first cypher seems to control the global scale of the clouds, second and third cypher seems to manage a multiplier for the axes. So if you are using, as example: "4500,2,0" ... that means that "4500" is the scale, the height scale of the cloud texture is multiplied by "2" and the width remains untouched "0".

I could be wrong about the new system, it's just my figuration based on my tests (Rbray89 can correct me). But anyways I'm pretty sure that your problem comes from old configurations for the clouds.

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  Proot said:
May I give my humble opinion here?

Seems like your are using the clouds sizes like before the last revision of the cloud system.

But now sizes seem to work different than before: the first cypher seems to control the global scale of the clouds, second and third cypher seems to manage a multiplier for the axes. So if you are using, as example: "4500,2,0" ... that means that "4500" is the scale, the height scale of the cloud texture is multiplied by "2" and the width remains untouched "0".

I could be wrong about the new system, it's just my figuration based on my tests (Rbray89 can correct me). But anyways I'm pretty sure that your problem comes from old configurations for the clouds.

The _size param: {min_size, max_scale, unused} so 2,4,0 would result in the smallest particle being the size of 2 and largest 4.

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  rbray89 said:
OOps... Sorry, that should be {2,4,0} is min of 2 and max of 8.

In that way (example: 2,3000,0) I get the same issue that jsimmons and my clouds became slow rectangles.But if I use the opposite (3000,2,0) all looks pretty well... (?)

BTW, have you changed the texture system for the texture details? I mean, the edge seams works again in the old way?

  Avera9eJoe said:
I am an idiot and I forgot how to open the debug menu... k_cry.gif Look what happens when you go on vacation for a week!

Alt+E (on windows)

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  Proot said:
In that way (example: 2,3000,0) I get the same issue that jsimmons and my clouds became slow rectangles.But if I use the opposite (3000,2,0) all looks pretty well... (?)

BTW, have you changed the texture system for the texture details? I mean, the edge seams works again in the old way?

Alt+E (on windows)

You have it correct Proot.

I did unify the details texture system... However the seams shouldn't have changed...

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